Click Your Trends For Social Media News Today Recipes Kaju Katli Recipe: A Sweet Delight ( काजू कतली रेसिपी )

Kaju Katli Recipe: A Sweet Delight ( काजू कतली रेसिपी )

Kaju Katli Recipe: A Sweet Delight ( काजू कतली रेसिपी ) post thumbnail image

Ingredients: ( काजू कतली रेसिपी )

  • 2 cups of accomplished cashew nuts
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder
  • A few saffron strands (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter)


1. Preparing the Cashew Paste:

  • Begin by demography the cashew basics and cutting them into a accomplished powder. Make abiding the cashews are at allowance temperature for the best results.
  • Use a aliment processor or a accelerated blender for this step.
  • Be alert not to over-grind the cashews, as they can absolution their accustomed oils and become a adhesive mass.

2. Making the Amoroso Syrup:

  • In a thick-bottomed pan, add the amoroso and water. Calefaction the admixture over low-medium heat.
  • Stir continuously until the amoroso dissolves completely.
  • Once the amoroso has dissolved, access the calefaction to average and accompany the abstract to a boil.
  • Continue baking the abstract until it alcove one-string consistency. To analysis this, booty a baby bulk of abstract amid your deride and
  • forefinger. It should anatomy a distinct cilia back pulled apart. This usually takes about 5-6 minutes.

3. Combining Cashew Paste with Amoroso Syrup:

  • Once the amoroso abstract is at the appropriate consistency, add the cashew crumb to it.
  • Stir continuously to abstain lumps, and baker on low heat. It will alpha thickening.
  • Add the cardamom crumb and saffron strands (if using).
  • Keep active until the admixture starts to leave the abandon of the pan and forms a dough-like consistency. This should booty about 7-8 minutes.

4. Shaping and Cooling:

  • Turn off the calefaction and let the admixture air-conditioned for a few minutes.
  • Grease a bowl or tray with a little ghee to anticipate sticking.
  • Transfer the balmy cashew admixture to the anointed bowl and advance it out evenly.

5. Cutting the Kaju Katli:

  • While the admixture is still warm, abode a allotment of block cardboard on top and use a rolling pin to abrade it to your adapted thickness. It’s about about 1/4 inch thick.
  • Using a aciculate knife, cut the bedfast admixture into design or aboveboard shapes.
  • Allow it to air-conditioned completely. The Kaju Katli will close up as it cools.

6. Serving:

  • Once the Kaju Katli has cooled and solidified, acclaim abstracted the pieces.
  • You can adornment the katlis with argent blade (varak) or chopped pistachios for a adorning touch.

7. Storing:

  • Kaju Katli can be stored in an closed alembic for several weeks. Make abiding to abode block cardboard amid layers to anticipate sticking.

Kaju Katli Calories: A Nutty Delight with Nutritional Insights 

1.Cashew Nuts: Cashews are affluent in advantageous fats and accommodate a cogent allocation of the calories in Kaju Katli. They action capital nutrients like monounsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals, authoritative them a alimental ingredient.

2.Sugar: The amoroso acclimated to sweeten Kaju Katli is addition above antecedent of calories. Amoroso is a simple carbohydrate that provides a quick antecedent of energy, but it additionally contributes to the all-embracing calorie content.

3.Ghee (Clarified Butter): Ghee is generally acclimated to enhance the acidity and arrangement of Kaju Katli. It adds affluence but additionally contributes to the calorie calculation due to its fat content.

4.Cardamom: While cardamom is acclimated in almost baby quantities, it provides a characteristic acidity to Kaju Katli after decidedly affecting its calorie content.

  • It’s important to agenda that Kaju Katli is a high-calorie dessert, primarily due to its amoroso and fat content. If you are watching your calorie intake, it’s capital to absorb it in moderation.
  • While Kaju Katli is not a low-calorie treat, it does action some comestible benefits. Cashews are a acceptable antecedent of advantageous fats, protein, and capital minerals like magnesium and copper. However, these allowances can be overshadowed by the aerial amoroso content. Therefore, it’s astute to adore Kaju Katli as an casual allowance rather than a circadian snack.
  • To administer your calorie intake, you can opt for abate portions or accede authoritative a lighter adaptation of Kaju Katli with bargain amoroso and ghee. Keep in apperception that the comestible agreeable can alter depending on the compound and the affection of capacity used.

kaju katli cake recipe

( काजू कतली रेसिपी )


For the Cake:

1 cup advantageous flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon boilerplate extract
A compression of salt

For the Kaju Katli Topping:

1 cup cashew nuts
1/2 cup delicate sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
1 tablespoon ghee (clarified butter)
Saffron strands for adornment (optional)


1. Preparing the Cake:

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease and band a annular block pan with block paper.
  • In a bond bowl, barrel calm the amoroso and yogurt until the amoroso dissolves.
  • Add the vegetable oil and boilerplate abstract to the sugar-yogurt admixture and mix well.
  • In a abstracted bowl, analyze the advantageous flour, baking powder, baking soda, and a compression of salt.
  • Gradually add the dry capacity to the wet ingredients, bond until you accept a bland batter. Be accurate not to overmix.
  • Pour the block concoction into the able block pan and bland the top.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 account or until a toothpick amid into the centermost of the block comes out clean.
  • Remove the block from the oven and let it air-conditioned in the pan for 10 account afore appointment it to a wire arbor to air-conditioned completely.

2. Preparing the Kaju Katli Topping:

  • In a dry pan, buzz the cashew basics on low calefaction until they about-face agilely golden. Be alert not to over-roast, as it can affect the flavor.
  • Allow the broiled cashews to cool, and again bullwork them into a accomplished crumb in a aliment processor or blender.
  • In a abstracted pan, cook the ghee and add the delicate cashew nuts, delicate sugar, and cardamom powder. Mix well.
  • Cook this admixture over low heat, active continuously. It will become a blubbery paste. This should booty about 5-7 minutes.
  • Gradually add milk to the admixture and accumulate active until it forms a smooth, bendable dough-like consistency.

3. Assembling the Kaju Katli Cake:

  • Once the block has absolutely cooled, advance the Kaju Katli admixture analogously on top of it.
  • You can use a spatula to bland the Kaju Katli band for an alike finish.
  • If desired, adornment the block with saffron strands or chopped pistachios for a adorning touch.

4. Serving the Kaju Katli Cake:

  • Allow the Kaju Katli block to set for a brace of hours in the refrigerator.
  • Once set, cut it into slices and serve. This admixture ambrosia beautifully combines the flavors of acceptable Kaju Katli with the benevolence of cake, creating a different and adorable treat.

5. Storing the Kaju Katli Cake:

  • Store any extra block in an closed alembic in the refrigerator. It can be enjoyed for several days.

pista kaju katli recipe( काजू कतली रेसिपी )


For Pista Kaju Katli:

  • 1 cup of cashew nuts
  • 1/2 cup of pistachios
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder
  • A few saffron strands (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter)


1. Preparing the Nut Paste:

  • Begin by demography the cashew basics and pistachios and cutting them into a accomplished powder. It’s important to ensure that the basics are at allowance temperature to abstain any damp that can affect the texture.
  • Use a aliment processor or a accelerated blender to bullwork the nuts. Be alert not to over-grind them, as this can absolution their accustomed oils and accomplish them sticky.

2. Making the Amoroso Syrup:

  • In a thick-bottomed pan, add the amoroso and water. Calefaction the admixture over low-medium heat.
  • Stir continuously until the amoroso dissolves completely.
  • Once the amoroso has dissolved, access the calefaction to average and accompany the abstract to a boil.
  • Continue baking the abstract until it alcove one-string consistency. To analysis this, booty a baby bulk of abstract amid your deride and forefinger. It should anatomy a distinct cilia back pulled apart. This usually takes about 5-6 minutes.

3. Combining Nut Paste with Amoroso Syrup:

  • Once the amoroso abstract alcove the adapted consistency, add the arena cashew-pistachio admixture to it.
  • Stir continuously to anticipate lumps, and baker over low calefaction until it thickens. It should alpha abrogation the abandon of the pan and anatomy a dough-like consistency. This about takes about 7-8 minutes.
  • Add the cardamom crumb and saffron strands (if using), and mix well.

4. Shaping and Cooling:

  • Turn off the calefaction and acquiesce the admixture to air-conditioned for a few minutes.
  • Grease a bowl or tray with a little ghee to anticipate sticking.
  • Transfer the balmy nut admixture to the anointed bowl and advance it out evenly.

5. Cutting the Pista Kaju Katli:

  • While the admixture is still warm, abode a allotment of block cardboard on top and use a rolling pin to abrade it to your adapted thickness. It’s about about 1/4 inch thick.
  • Use a aciculate knife to cut the bedfast admixture into design or aboveboard shapes.
  • Let it air-conditioned completely, and the Pista Kaju Katli will close up as it cools.

6. Serving:

  • Once the Pista Kaju Katli has cooled and solidified, acclaim abstracted the pieces.
  • You can adornment the katlis with chopped pistachios for a adorable adverse and a blow of blooming color.

7. Storing:

  • Store your bootleg Pista Kaju Katli in an closed alembic with block cardboard amid layers to anticipate sticking.

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