Click Your Trends For Social Media News Today Recipes How to make fried chicken ,Buttermilk fried chicken , korean fried chicken

How to make fried chicken ,Buttermilk fried chicken , korean fried chicken

How to make fried chicken ,Buttermilk fried chicken , korean fried chicken post thumbnail image


  • 3 pounds of craven pieces (drumsticks, thighs, or breasts)
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 2 cups advantageous flour
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon atramentous pepper
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (adjust to your aroma preference)
  • Vegetable oil for frying


1. Prep the Chicken:

  • Start by rinsing the craven pieces beneath algid baptize and pat them dry with cardboard towels. This will advice the concoction attach better.

2. Marinate the Chicken:

  • Place the craven pieces in a ample basin and cascade the buttermilk over them. Buttermilk helps abate the craven and adds flavor. Accomplish abiding the craven is able-bodied coated. Cover the basin with artificial blanket and air-condition for at atomic 2 hours, or brief for the best results. This allows the craven to blot the buttermilk and become tender.

3. Create the Acclimatized Flour:

  • In a abstracted large, bank bowl, amalgamate the advantageous flour, salt, atramentous pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and cayenne pepper. Mix the dry capacity thoroughly to analogously administer the seasonings.

4. Dredge the Chicken:

  • Take anniversary allotment of marinated craven and agitate off any balance buttermilk. Then, cycle it in the acclimatized abrade mixture, authoritative abiding it’s thoroughly coated. Gently agitate off any balance flour. Abode the coated craven on a wire arbor while you accomplishment blanket the rest.

5. Heat the Oil:

  • In a large, heavy-bottomed bucket or abysmal fryer, add abundant vegetable oil to deluge the craven pieces. Heat the oil to 350-375°F (175-190°C). Use a kitchen thermometer to adviser the temperature.

6. Fry the Chicken:

  • Carefully abode a few craven pieces in the hot oil, but do not charge the pan. Fry in batches if necessary. Cook the craven for about 12-15 minutes, axis occasionally, until the pieces are aureate amber and the centralized temperature alcove 165°F (74°C).

7. Cesspool and Rest:

  • Using a slotted beanery or tongs, alteration the absurd craven to a wire arbor or cardboard towels to cesspool any balance oil. Allow it to blow for a few account afore serving. This will advice the craven break dank and crispy.

8. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Serve the brittle bootleg absurd craven hot, alongside your admired abandon such as coleslaw, biscuits, mashed potatoes, or gravy. Enjoy your adorable bootleg absurd chicken!


  • To accomplish the absurd craven added crispy, you can bifold it in the abrade admixture afterwards the antecedent coating. Dip the craven aback into the buttermilk and again into the acclimatized abrade afore frying.
  • Maintain the oil temperature aural the recommended ambit to ensure the craven cooks analogously and doesn’t blot too abundant oil.
  • If you’re anxious about the chicken’s doneness, you can use a meat thermometer to analysis the centralized temperature; it should ability 165°F (74°C).
  • For a spicier kick, access the bulk of cayenne pepper in the condiment mixture.
  • Leftover absurd craven can be air-conditioned and reheated in the oven for a few account to absorb its crispiness.

Buttermilk fried chicken recipe


  • 3 pounds of craven pieces (drumsticks, thighs, or breasts)
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 2 cups advantageous flour
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon atramentous pepper
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (adjust to your aroma preference)
  • Vegetable oil for frying


1. Prep the Chicken:

  • Begin by rinsing the craven pieces beneath algid baptize and pat them dry with cardboard towels. This will advice the concoction attach better.

2. Marinate the Chicken:

  • Place the craven pieces in a ample basin and cascade the buttermilk over them. Buttermilk helps abate the craven and adds a appealing flavor. Accomplish abiding the craven is able-bodied coated. Cover the basin with artificial blanket and air-condition for at atomic 2 hours, or brief for the best results. This allows the craven to blot the buttermilk and become breakable and flavorful.

3. Prepare the Acclimatized Flour:

  • In a abstracted large, bank bowl, amalgamate the advantageous flour, salt, atramentous pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and cayenne pepper. Mix the dry capacity thoroughly to analogously administer the seasonings.

4. Dredge the Chicken:

  • Take anniversary allotment of marinated craven and agitate off any balance buttermilk. Then, cycle it in the acclimatized abrade mixture, authoritative abiding it’s thoroughly coated. Gently agitate off any balance flour. Abode the coated craven on a wire arbor while you accomplishment blanket the actual pieces.

5. Heat the Oil:

  • In a large, heavy-bottomed bucket or abysmal fryer, add abundant vegetable oil to deluge the craven pieces. Heat the oil to 350-375°F (175-190°C). Use a kitchen thermometer to adviser the temperature.

6. Fry the Chicken:

  • Carefully abode a few craven pieces in the hot oil, but do not charge the pan. Fry in batches if necessary. Cook the craven for about 12-15 minutes, axis occasionally, until the pieces are aureate amber and the centralized temperature alcove 165°F (74°C).

7. Cesspool and Rest:

  • Using a slotted beanery or tongs, alteration the absurd craven to a wire arbor or cardboard towels to cesspool any balance oil. Allow it to blow for a few account afore serving. This will advice the craven break dank and crispy.

8. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Serve the buttermilk absurd craven hot, alongside your admired sides, such as coleslaw, biscuits, mashed potatoes, or gravy. Enjoy your adorable bootleg absurd chicken!


  • To accomplish the absurd craven added crispy, you can bifold it in the abrade admixture afterwards the antecedent coating. Dip the craven aback into the buttermilk and again into the acclimatized abrade afore frying.
  • Maintain the oil temperature aural the recommended ambit to ensure the craven cooks analogously and doesn’t blot too abundant oil.
  • If you’re anxious about the chicken’s doneness, you can use a meat thermometer to analysis the centralized temperature; it should ability 165°F (74°C).
  • For a spicier kick, access the bulk of cayenne pepper in the condiment mixture.
  • Leftover buttermilk absurd craven can be air-conditioned and reheated in the oven for a few account to absorb its crispiness.

Southern fried chicken recipe 

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  • 3 pounds of craven pieces (drumsticks, thighs, or breasts)
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 2 cups advantageous flour
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon atramentous pepper
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (adjust to your aroma preference)
  • Vegetable oil for frying


1. Prep the Chicken:

  • Begin by rinsing the craven pieces beneath algid baptize and pat them dry with cardboard towels. This will advice the concoction attach better.

2. Marinate the Chicken:

  • Place the craven pieces in a ample basin and cascade the buttermilk over them. Buttermilk helps abate the craven and adds a appealing flavor. Accomplish abiding the craven is able-bodied coated. Cover the basin with artificial blanket and air-condition for at atomic 2 hours, or brief for the best results. This allows the craven to blot the buttermilk and become breakable and flavorful.

3. Prepare the Acclimatized Flour:

  • In a abstracted large, bank bowl, amalgamate the advantageous flour, salt, atramentous pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and cayenne pepper. Mix the dry capacity thoroughly to analogously administer the seasonings.

4. Dredge the Chicken:

  • Take anniversary allotment of marinated craven and agitate off any balance buttermilk. Then, cycle it in the acclimatized abrade mixture, authoritative abiding it’s thoroughly coated. Gently agitate off any balance flour. Abode the coated craven on a wire arbor while you accomplishment blanket the actual pieces.

5. Blow the Chicken:

  • After blanket all the craven pieces, let them blow on the wire arbor for about 15-20 minutes. This allows the abrade blanket to attach bigger to the chicken.

6. Heat the Oil:

  • In a large, heavy-bottomed bucket or abysmal fryer, add abundant vegetable oil to deluge the craven pieces. Heat the oil to 350-375°F (175-190°C). Use a kitchen thermometer to adviser the temperature.

7. Fry the Chicken:

  • Carefully abode a few craven pieces in the hot oil, but do not charge the pan. Fry in batches if necessary. Cook the craven for about 12-15 minutes, axis occasionally, until the pieces are aureate amber and the centralized temperature alcove 165°F (74°C).

8. Cesspool and Rest:

  • Using a slotted beanery or tongs, alteration the absurd craven to a wire arbor or cardboard towels to cesspool any balance oil. Allow it to blow for a few account afore serving. This will advice the craven break dank and crispy.

9. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Serve the Southern absurd craven hot, alongside your admired sides, such as mashed potatoes, collard greens, cornbread, and gravy. Enjoy your adorable bootleg Southern-style absurd chicken!


  • To accomplish the absurd craven added crispy, you can bifold it in the abrade admixture afterwards the antecedent coating. Dip the craven
  • aback into the buttermilk and again into the acclimatized abrade afore frying.
  • Maintain the oil temperature aural the recommended ambit to ensure the craven cooks analogously and doesn’t blot too abundant oil.
  • If you’re anxious about the chicken’s doneness, you can use a meat thermometer to analysis the centralized temperature; it should ability 165°F (74°C).
  • For a spicier kick, access the bulk of cayenne pepper in the condiment mixture.

korean fried chicken recipe


For the Chicken:

  • 2 pounds of craven wings or drumettes
  • 1 cup advantageous flour
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon atramentous pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • Vegetable oil for frying

For the Sauce:

  • 1/4 cup gochujang (Korean red pepper paste)
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon amber sugar
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1-inch allotment of beginning ginger, minced
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon broiled sesame seeds
  • Green onions and sesame seeds for garnish


1. Prepare the Chicken:

  • In a ample bond bowl, amalgamate the advantageous flour, cornstarch, salt, atramentous pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Mix well.

2. Dredge the Chicken:

  • Pat the craven pieces dry with cardboard towels. Dredge anniversary craven allotment in the abrade mixture, acute the admixture assimilate the craven to ensure an alike coating. Shake off any balance abrade and abode the coated craven on a wire rack.

3. Calefaction the Oil:

  • In a abysmal fryer or a large, heavy-bottomed pot, calefaction abundant vegetable oil to deluge the craven pieces to 350°F (175°C).

4. Fry the Chicken:

  • Carefully abode a few craven pieces into the hot oil, actuality alert not to charge the pot. Fry in batches if necessary. Baker the craven for about 10-12 minutes, or until they are aureate amber and accept an centralized temperature of 165°F (74°C). Transfer the absurd craven to a cardboard towel-lined basin or wire arbor to cesspool balance oil.

5. Prepare the Sauce:

  • In a saucepan, amalgamate gochujang, soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey, amber sugar, minced garlic, minced ginger, sesame oil, and broiled sesame seeds. Stir able-bodied and baker over average calefaction until the booze thickens slightly. This will booty about 5-7 minutes.

6. Coat the Chicken:

  • In a ample bond bowl, bung the absurd craven with the Korean booze until analogously coated. You can acclimatize the bulk of booze based on your alternative – some like it agilely coated, while others adopt a added sauce.

7. Adornment and Serve:

  • Transfer the Korean absurd craven to a confined plate, adornment with broken blooming onions and added sesame seeds for an added access of flavor.

8. Enjoy:

  • Serve the Korean absurd craven hot as an appetizer, snack, or alike as a capital advance with a ancillary of aflame rice and kimchi.


  • You can accomplish a milder adaptation of the booze by application beneath gochujang and honey, or access the calefaction by abacus added gochujang and a compression of red pepper flakes.
  • To accomplish added brittle chicken, you can double-fry the craven by frying it once, acceptance it to blow for a few minutes, and afresh frying it afresh until it’s aureate amber and crispy.
  • If you adopt boneless chicken, you can use craven breast or boneless craven thighs and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

Air fried chicken breast

Air-Fried Craven Breast Recipe

Air-frying is a convalescent another to acceptable deep-frying, as it requires decidedly beneath oil while still bearing brittle and adorable results. In this recipe, we’ll adviser you through the accomplish to accomplish aged and breakable air-fried craven breasts.


  • 2 boneless, skinless craven breasts
  • 1 cup buttermilk (for marinating)
  • 1 cup advantageous flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon atramentous pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • Cooking aerosol or a baby bulk of oil (for coating)


1. Prepare the Chicken:

  • Start by accent any balance fat from the craven breasts. Then, abode them in a ample basin and awning them with buttermilk. Buttermilk helps abate the craven and adds flavor. Ensure that the craven is absolutely coated. Marinate the craven in the buttermilk for at atomic 30 account to an hour. This will accomplish the craven added breakable and flavorful.

2. Division the Flour:

  • In a bank dish, amalgamate the advantageous flour, salt, atramentous pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. Mix the dry capacity thoroughly to actualize a adorable blanket for the chicken.

3. Coat the Chicken:

  • Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C). While it’s heating up, abolish the craven breasts from the buttermilk, acceptance any balance to dribble off. Dredge anniversary craven breast in the acclimatized abrade mixture, ensuring an alike and ablaze coating. Shake off any balance flour.

4. Preheat the Air Fryer:

  • Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) for a few minutes. Preheating ensures alike affable and a brittle texture.

5. Air-Fry the Chicken:

  • Lightly aerosol or besom the air fryer bassinet with oil to anticipate sticking. Abode the coated craven breasts in the air fryer bassinet in a distinct layer. Ensure they don’t blow or overlap for alike cooking. If necessary, baker them in batches.
    Air-fry the craven breasts for about 20-25 minutes, flipping them center through the affable time. The exact affable time may alter depending on your air fryer archetypal and the array of the chicken. The craven is done back it alcove an centralized temperature of 165°F (74°C) and has a golden-brown, brittle crust.

6. Blow and Serve:

  • Once the craven breasts are done, abolish them from the air fryer and acquiesce them to blow for a few minutes. This helps lock in their juices and advance their crispiness.

7. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Serve the air-fried craven breasts hot, with your admired abandon like broiled vegetables, a beginning salad, or a dipping booze of your choice.


  • If your air fryer has a affable temperature range, you can agreement with college or lower temperatures to acclimatize the crispiness and browning of your chicken.
  • If you’d like to add added flavor, you can division the abrade admixture with added spices such as cayenne pepper, thyme, or smoked paprika.
  • Don’t charge the air fryer basket, as this can advance to asperous cooking. It’s bigger to baker in batches if necessary.

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