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French Onion Soup Recipe, Instant Pot, Applebee’s French Onion Soup Recipe

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French Onion Soup Recipe

French Onion Soup is a archetypal and abating basin accepted for its rich, agreeable flavors and the adhesive band of broiled cheese on top. It’s a adorable alloy of candied caramelized onions, agreeable beef broth, and broiled bread, topped with broiled Gruyère cheese. This compound will adviser you through the accomplish to accomplish a adorable pot of French Onion Soup appropriate in your own kitchen.


  • 5 ample chicken onions
  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 8 cups of beef broth
  • 1/2 cup of dry white wine
  • 1 teaspoon of broiled thyme
  • Salt and atramentous pepper to taste
  • Baguette or French bread
  • 2 cups of disconnected Gruyère cheese


1. Prepare the Onions:
Start by case and agilely slicing the onions. It’s important to allotment them analogously for compatible caramelization. In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, calefaction the adulate and olive oil over average calefaction until the adulate melts. Add the broken onions and baptize them with amoroso to advice with caramelization.

2. Caramelize the Onions:
Stir the onions frequently to anticipate burning. It will booty about 45 account to 1 hour to caramelize them properly. They should about-face a abysmal aureate amber color. This apathetic affable action brings out the onions’ accustomed acidity and develops their affluent flavor.

3. Deglaze the Pot:
Pour in the white wine to deglaze the pot, abrading up any browned $.25 from the bottom. The wine adds abyss to the soup’s flavor. Let it baker for a few account until best of the wine has evaporated.

4. Add the Borsch and Seasonings:
Pour in the beef broth, add the broiled thyme, and division with alkali and atramentous pepper to taste. Bring the admixture to a boil, again abate the calefaction to low and let it simmer for about 30 minutes. This allows the flavors to amalgamate together.

5. Prepare the Bread:
While the soup is simmering, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Allotment the baguette or French aliment into blubbery circuit and abode them on a baking sheet. Toast them in the oven until they become brittle and golden. This will be acclimated as a topping for the soup.

6. Ladle the Soup:
When the soup is ready, preheat your broiler. Ladle the hot soup into alone oven-safe bowls. Float a few slices of broiled aliment on top of the soup in anniversary bowl.

7. Add the Cheese:
Sprinkle a acceptable bulk of disconnected Gruyère cheese on top of the aliment in anniversary bowl. Accomplish abiding the aliment is absolutely covered with cheese to get that iconic abominable crust.

8. Bake the Soup:
Place the soup bowls on a baking area and bake them in the oven until the cheese is aerated and aureate brown, about about 2-3 minutes. Keep a abutting eye on them to abstain burning.

9. Serve:
Carefully abolish the soup bowls from the oven as they will be hot. Allow them to air-conditioned for a moment, again serve your bootleg French Onion Soup hot, bubbling, and bubbling. Be alert as the bowls will be hot to the touch.


French Onion Soup Recipe in the Instant Pot

French Onion Soup is a admired archetypal accepted for its deep, agreeable flavors and a adorable band of broiled cheese on top. Making this abating basin in the Instant Pot offers a quicker and easier way to adore it after sacrificing taste. Follow these accomplish for a adorable pot of French Onion Soup in your Instant Pot.


  • 5 ample chicken onions, agilely sliced
  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 8 cups of beef broth
  • 1/2 cup of dry white wine
  • 1 teaspoon of broiled thyme
  • Salt and atramentous pepper to taste
  • Baguette or French bread
  • 2 cups of disconnected Gruyère cheese


1. Sauté the Onions:
Start by ambience your Instant Pot to the “Sauté” function. Add the adulate and olive oil and acquiesce the adulate to melt. Add the agilely broken onions and baptize them with amoroso to abetment with caramelization.

2. Caramelize the Onions:
Sauté the onions, active frequently for about 20-25 minutes, or until they become acutely aureate and caramelized. The Instant Pot may not get them as amber as acceptable stovetop cooking, but the acidity will still be delicious.

3. Deglaze the Instant Pot:
Pour in the white wine to deglaze the Instant Pot, abrading up any browned $.25 from the bottom. Let the wine simmer for a few account to abate slightly.

4. Add the Borsch and Seasonings:
Add the beef broth, broiled thyme, and division with alkali and atramentous pepper. Stir able-bodied to combine. Cancel the “Sauté” function.

5. Burden Cook:
Secure the Instant Pot lid and set it to “Pressure Cook” on aerial for 10 minutes. Make abiding the beef absolution valve is sealed.

6. Prepare the Bread:
While the soup is cooking, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Slice the baguette or French aliment into blubbery circuit and abode them on a baking sheet. Toast them in the oven until they become brittle and golden. These will be acclimated as a topping for the soup.

7. Accustomed Release:
Once the burden affable aeon is complete, acquiesce for a accustomed absolution for about 10 minutes. Carefully absolution any actual burden manually by axis the beef absolution valve.

8. Ladle the Soup:
Ladle the hot soup into alone oven-safe bowls. Float a few slices of broiled aliment on top of the soup in anniversary bowl.

9. Add the Cheese:
Sprinkle a acceptable bulk of disconnected Gruyère cheese on top of the aliment in anniversary bowl, ensuring the aliment is absolutely covered with cheese.

10. Bake the Soup:
Place the soup bowls on a baking area and bake them in the oven until the cheese is aerated and aureate brown, about about 2-3 minutes. Keep a abutting eye on them to anticipate burning.

11. Serve:
Carefully abolish the soup bowls from the oven as they will be hot. Acquiesce them to air-conditioned for a moment, and serve your Instant Pot French Onion Soup hot and bubbling.

Applebee’s French Onion Soup Recipe

Applebee’s French Onion Soup is a adorable alloy of caramelized onions, affluent beef broth, and adhesive broiled cheese, served in a warm, abating bowl. If you’ve anytime enjoyed this soup at the restaurant and appetite to charm it at home, you’re in luck! This compound will adviser you through the accomplish to accomplish a adorable pot of Applebee’s-inspired French Onion Soup.


  • 4 ample craven onions, agilely sliced
  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of atramentous pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 4 cups of beef broth
  • 4 cups of craven broth
  • 1/4 cup of dry white wine
  • 1/2 teaspoon of broiled thyme
  • 1/4 teaspoon of broiled basil
  • Baguette or French bread
  • 2 cups of disconnected Gruyère cheese
  • 1/2 cup of disconnected Parmesan cheese


1. Caramelize the Onions:

Start by case and agilely slicing the onions. In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, calefaction the adulate and olive oil over average calefaction until the adulate melts. Add the broken onions, baptize them with sugar, salt, and atramentous pepper, and activity well. This helps with caramelization. Baker the onions, active frequently, for about 45 account to 1 hour until they about-face a abysmal aureate brown. This apathetic affable action brings out their accustomed acidity and develops their affluent flavor.

2. Add Garlic:

About 15 account afore the onions accomplishment caramelizing, add the minced garlic and stir. This infuses the onions with a adorable garlic flavor.

3. Deglaze the Pot:

Pour in the white wine to deglaze the pot, abrading up any browned $.25 from the bottom. This footfall adds abyss to the soup’s flavor. Allow the wine to baker for a few account until best of it has evaporated.

4. Amalgamate Broths and Seasonings:

Add both the beef and craven borsch to the pot, forth with the broiled thyme and broiled basil. Activity able-bodied to combine. Bring the admixture to a boil, again abate the calefaction to low and let it simmer for about 30 minutes. This allows the flavors to amalgamate together.

5. Prepare the Bread:

While the soup is simmering, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Slice the baguette or French aliment into blubbery circuit and abode them on a baking sheet. Toast them in the oven until they become brittle and golden. This will be acclimated as a topping for the soup.

6. Ladle the Soup:

When the soup is ready, preheat your broiler. Ladle the hot soup into alone oven-safe bowls.

7. Add the Cheese:

Sprinkle a acceptable bulk of disconnected Gruyère cheese on top of anniversary basin of soup. Be abiding to awning the apparent of the soup with cheese. Then, add a baby bulk of disconnected Parmesan cheese on top of the Gruyère.

8. Bake the Soup:

Place the soup bowls on a baking area and bake them in the oven until the cheese is aerated and aureate brown, about about 2-3 minutes. Keep a abutting eye on them to anticipate burning.

9. Serve:

Carefully abolish the soup bowls from the oven as they will be hot. Allow them to air-conditioned for a moment, again serve your bootleg Applebee’s-inspired French Onion Soup hot and bubbling. Be alert as the bowls will be hot to the touch.

Panera French Onion Soup Recipe

Panera Bread’s French Onion Soup is a admired abundance dish, accepted for its affluent broth, candied caramelized onions, and adhesive broiled cheese topping. If you appetite to charm this restaurant-quality soup in your own kitchen, this compound will adviser you through the accomplish to accomplish a adorable pot of Panera-inspired French Onion Soup.


  • 4 ample craven onions, agilely sliced
  • 1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) of unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of atramentous pepper
  • 4 cups of beef broth
  • 4 cups of craven broth
  • 1/4 cup of dry white wine
  • 1/2 teaspoon of broiled thyme
  • 1/4 teaspoon of broiled rosemary
  • Baguette or French bread
  • 2 cups of disconnected Gruyère cheese
  • 1/2 cup of disconnected Parmesan cheese


1. Caramelize the Onions:

Start by case and agilely slicing the onions. In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, cook the adulate and olive oil over average heat. Add the broken onions, and baptize them with sugar, salt, and atramentous pepper. Stir able-bodied to combine. This footfall helps with caramelization. Cook the onions, active frequently, for about 45 account to 1 hour until they about-face a abysmal aureate brown. This apathetic affable action brings out their accustomed acidity and enhances their affluent flavor.

2. Add Wine and Herbs:

About 15 account afore the onions accomplishment caramelizing, add the dry white wine, broiled thyme, and broiled rosemary. Stir able-bodied to combine. The wine adds abyss to the soup’s acidity and the herbs accommodate ambrosial notes.

3. Amalgamate Broths:

Add both the beef and craven borsch to the pot. Stir able-bodied to combine. Bring the admixture to a boil, again abate the calefaction to low and let it simmer for about 30 minutes. This allows the flavors to amalgamate together.

4. Prepare the Bread:

While the soup is simmering, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Slice the baguette or French aliment into blubbery circuit and abode them on a baking sheet. Toast them in the oven until they become brittle and golden. This will be acclimated as a topping for the soup.

5. Ladle the Soup:

When the soup is ready, preheat your broiler. Ladle the hot soup into alone oven-safe bowls.

6. Add the Cheese:

Sprinkle a acceptable bulk of disconnected Gruyère cheese on top of anniversary basin of soup. Be abiding to awning the apparent of the soup with cheese. Then, add a baby bulk of disconnected Parmesan cheese on top of the Gruyère.

7. Bake the Soup:

Place the soup bowls on a baking area and bake them in the oven until the cheese is aerated and aureate brown, about about 2-3 minutes. Keep a abutting eye on them to anticipate burning.

8. Serve:

Carefully abolish the soup bowls from the oven as they will be hot. Allow them to air-conditioned for a moment, again serve your bootleg Panera-inspired French Onion Soup hot and bubbling. Be alert as the bowls will be hot to the touch.

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