Click Your Trends For Social Media News Today Recipes Ker Sangri: A Culinary Gem of Rajasthan

Ker Sangri: A Culinary Gem of Rajasthan

Ker Sangri: A Culinary Gem of Rajasthan post thumbnail image


  • 1 cup Kar (dried beans and berries of the Khejri tree)
  • 1/2 cup Sangri (dried beans and berries of the Sangri tree)
  • 2-3 tablespoons alacrity oil
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon asafoetida (hing)
  • 1 teaspoon red chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon coriander powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon garam masala
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnish
  • Instructions:

1.Preparing Kar and Sangri: Alpha by assimilation the Kar and Sangri alone in two bowls of baptize overnight. This rehydrates the broiled beans and berries, authoritative them acceptable for cooking.

2.Boiling Kar and Sangri: The abutting day, cesspool the blood-soaked Kar and Sangri separately. In abstracted pots, abscess them until they become tender. This can booty a cogent bulk of time (approximately 45 account to 1 hour). You’ll charge to accumulate blockage the beans and berries for tenderness. Add baptize as bare to ensure they are abysmal while boiling. Once they’re cooked, cesspool them and set them aside.

3.Tempering: In a ample bucket or kadai, calefaction alacrity oil until it starts to smoke. Alacrity oil is the acceptable best for this bowl and imparts a different flavor. Be abiding to use a aerial kitchen as it can be absolutely acid back heated. Then, abate the calefaction to low and add cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, and asafoetida. Sauté them until the seeds alpha to bark and absolution their audible aroma.

4.Adding Spices: Now, add the red chili powder, turmeric powder, and coriander powder. Be accurate not to bake the spices; bound activity for a few abnormal to absolution their flavors. This footfall infuses the oil with the spices, which will be captivated by the Kar and Sangri.

5.Adding Kar and Sangri: Add the above Kar and Sangri to the skillet. Mix them thoroughly with the choleric spices. Stir-fry for about 10-15 account until the Kar and Sangri blot the spices and become hardly crispy. The apathetic affable action enhances the flavor.

6.Seasoning: Season with alkali to aftertaste and baptize garam masala over the Kar Sangri. Continue to baker for addition 5-7 minutes, acceptance the Kar and Sangri to blot the spices and accomplish the adapted texture. The final aftereffect should be hardly brittle and abounding of flavor.

7.Garnish: To add a access of bloom to the dish, adornment your Kar Sangri with afresh chopped coriander leaves.

8.Serve: Kar Sangri is commonly served with Bajra roti or apparent rice. It pairs able-bodied with assorted Rajasthani curries and pickles, authoritative it a able accessory that enhances the all-embracing dining experience.

Pro tips for Kar Sangri

1. Selecting the Ingredients:

  • Quality Matters: Choose high-quality Kar and Sangri. They should be well-dried, after any signs of accident or mold.
  • Fresh Spices: Use beginning spices to enhance the acidity of the dish. Make abiding your spices are not stale, abnormally the garam masala, as this can abundantly affect the final taste.

2. Preparing Kar and Sangri:

  • Thorough Soaking: Soak the Kar and Sangri overnight, or for at atomic 8-10 hours. This helps rehydrate the broiled beans and berries, authoritative them breakable back cooked.
  • Boiling Technique: Back baking Kar and Sangri, use abundant baptize to deluge them entirely. This ensures alike cooking. Add a compression of alkali to the baptize to enhance the accustomed flavors.

3. The Art of Tempering:

  • Mustard Oil: Authentic Kar Sangri is fabricated with alacrity oil. Calefaction the oil until it smokes, again abate the calefaction to anticipate it from axis bitter. The begrimed balm of alacrity oil is a appropriate acidity in this dish.
  • Spice Blooming: Be alert not to bake the spices during the about-face process. Stir bound for a few abnormal to acquiesce the spices to absolution their balm after scorching.

4. Balancing Flavors:

  • Taste as You Go: Periodically aftertaste the bowl while affable to acclimatize the aroma levels, salt, and added seasonings. Remember that it’s easier to add added aroma than to actual an ever ambrosial dish.
  • Garam Masala Timing: Add garam masala appear the end of cooking. This preserves its ambrosial flavors and prevents it from acceptable too overpowering.

5. Accomplishing the Right Texture:

  • Stir-Fry to Crispness: Back sautéing Kar and Sangri, stir-fry them until they become hardly crispy. This footfall is acute for accomplishing the acclimatized arrangement and flavor.
  • Uniform Cooking: Ensure alike affable by distributing the spices and oil analogously amid the Kar and Sangri. This ensures that every chaw is abounding of flavor.

6. Adornment and Presentation:

  • Freshness Matters: Use beginning coriander leaves for adornment aloof afore serving. This adds a access of bloom to the dish.
  • Color Contrast: The active blooming coriander leaves adjoin the dark, bawdy colors of the Kar and Sangri actualize a visually ambrosial presentation.

7. Pairing Suggestions:

  • Traditional Accompaniments: Kar Sangri is commonly served with Bajra roti or apparent rice. It additionally pairs able-bodied with assorted Rajasthani curries and pickles, so accede the all-embracing meal back planning your menu.

8. Adjusting for Aroma Tolerance:

  • Personal Taste: Acclimatize the akin of red chili crumb to bout your aroma tolerance. If you adopt milder flavors, abate the amount, and if you adulation it spicy, access the quantity.

9. Be Patient:

  • Low and Slow: Affable Kar Sangri requires patience. The apathetic affable action allows the beans and berries to blot the flavors absolutely and advance their different taste.

10. Agreement and Enjoy:

  • Make It Your Own: Feel chargeless to agreement with the capacity and aroma levels to clothing your taste. Kar Sangri is a able bowl that can be acclimatized to your preferences.

Kar Sangri recipe card

Kar Sangri Recipe


  • 1 cup Kar (dried beans and berries of the Khejri tree)
  • 1/2 cup Sangri (dried beans and berries of the Sangri tree)
  • 2-3 tablespoons alacrity oil
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon asafoetida (hing)
  • 1 teaspoon red chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon coriander powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon garam masala
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnish


Prepare Kar and Sangri:

  • Soak 1 cup of Kar and 1/2 cup of Sangri alone in baptize brief (8-10 hours). This rehydrates the broiled beans and berries, authoritative them acceptable for cooking.

Boil Kar and Sangri:

  • The abutting day, cesspool the blood-soaked Kar and Sangri separately. In abstracted pots, abscess them until they become tender. This can booty about 45 account to 1 hour. Ensure they are abysmal in baptize while boiling, and add added baptize as needed. Once cooked, cesspool and set them aside.


  • In a ample bucket or kadai, calefaction 2-3 tablespoons of alacrity oil until it starts to smoke. Then, abate the calefaction to low.

Add Spices:

  • Add 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, and 1/2 teaspoon of asafoetida (hing). Sauté them until the seeds activate to bark and absolution their aroma.

Incorporate Spices:

  • Quickly add 1 teaspoon of red chili powder, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and 1 teaspoon of coriander powder. Stir for a few seconds, actuality accurate not to bake the spices.

Combine with Kar and Sangri:

  • Add the above Kar and Sangri to the skillet. Mix them thoroughly with the choleric spices. Stir-fry for about 10-15 minutes, acceptance the Kar and Sangri to blot the spices and become hardly crispy.


  • Season the bowl with alkali to aftertaste and baptize 1/2 teaspoon of garam masala. Continue affable for addition 5-7 minutes, acceptance the Kar and Sangri to blot the spices.


  • Garnish your Kar Sangri with afresh chopped coriander leaves to add a access of bloom to the dish.


  • Kar Sangri is commonly served with Bajra roti (pearl millet flatbread) or apparent rice. It pairs able-bodied with assorted Rajasthani curries and pickles, acceptable the all-embracing dining experience.


  • Use high-quality Kar and Sangri for the best results.
  • Mustard oil is the acceptable best for this bowl but ensure it’s acrimonious able-bodied to annihilate its bitterness.
  • Boiling Kar and Sangri is capital to accomplish them tender.
  • Keep spices beginning and acclimatize the chili crumb to your adopted aroma level.
  • Practice the First In, First Out (FIFO) adjustment to use earlier capacity afore newer ones.

About Ker Sangri

Ingredients in Ker Sangri:

To accomplish a acceptable Ker Sangri dish, you will need:

  • Kar (dried beans and berries of the Khejri tree)
  • Sangri (dried beans and berries of the Sangri tree)
  • Mustard oil
  • Cumin seeds
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Asafoetida (hing)
  • Red chili powder
  • Turmeric powder
  • Coriander powder
  • Salt
  • Garam masala
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnish

Preparation of Ker Sangri:

Ker Sangri alertness involves several steps, anniversary advised to abstract the best acidity from the broiled beans and berries:

1. Assimilation Kar and Sangri:

Start by assimilation the Kar and Sangri alone in two bowls of baptize overnight. This action rehydrates the broiled beans and berries, authoritative them beefy and acceptable for cooking. The brief assimilation is a acute step, and the best you blot them, the better.

2. Boiling Kar and Sangri:

The abutting day, cesspool the blood-soaked Kar and Sangri. In abstracted pots, abscess them until they become tender. This can booty some time, as these beans and berries are absolutely tough. Be abiding to add abundant baptize and advance a affable simmer. Once they are abundantly cooked, cesspool them and set them aside.

3. Tempering with Spices:

In a ample bucket or kadai, calefaction alacrity oil until it alcove a smoker point. Then, lower the calefaction and add cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, and asafoetida. These spices admit their different flavors to the bowl and actualize a ambrosial base.

4. Adding Aromatic Spices:

Quickly add red chili powder, turmeric powder, and coriander crumb to the skillet. Be alert not to overcook the spices; activity them for aloof a few abnormal to absolution their flavors after burning.

5. Incorporating Kar and Sangri:

Now, add the above Kar and Sangri to the skillet. Activity them able-bodied to covering with the choleric spices. Allow them to baker for about 10-15 account until they become hardly crispy, arresting the spices and acceptable their taste.

6. Seasoning:

Season the Kar Sangri with alkali to aftertaste and baptize garam masala over them. Continue to baker for addition 5-7 minutes, ensuring that the Kar and Sangri blot the spices and ability the adapted arrangement and flavor.

7. Fresh Coriander Garnish:

For a access of freshness, adornment your Kar Sangri with afresh chopped coriander leaves aloof afore serving.

Serving Ker Sangri:

Ker Sangri is commonly served with Bajra roti (pearl millet flatbread) or apparent rice. It pairs awfully able-bodied with assorted Rajasthani curries, pickles, and yogurt-based ancillary dishes. This different aggregate adds a adorable and accurate blow to the all-embracing dining experience.

Ingredient for Ker Sangri

1.Kar (Dried Beans and Berries of the Khejri Tree): Kar is the primary additive in Ker Sangri. It’s a blazon of broiled bean and drupe acquired from the Khejri tree, which is built-in to the barren regions of Rajasthan.

2.Sangri (Dried Beans and Berries of the Sangri Tree): Sangri, addition capital component, is acquired from the Sangri tree. It complements the acidity and arrangement of Kar in this dish.

3.Mustard Oil: Alacrity oil is the acceptable affable oil acclimated in Ker Sangri. It imparts a audible and begrimed acidity to the dish.

4.Cumin Seeds: Cumin seeds are acclimated to atmosphere the alacrity oil and add an bawdy and absurd flavor.

5.Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds are allotment of the about-face action and accommodate a hardly absinthian and ambrosial agenda to the dish.

6.Asafoetida (Hing): Asafoetida, a accepted aroma acclimated in Indian cooking, adds a acid and agreeable acidity back choleric in hot oil.

7.Red Chili Powder: Red chili crumb provides the calefaction and active blush to the dish. The abundance can be adapted to clothing your aroma preference.

8.Turmeric Powder: Turmeric crumb imparts a aureate blush and balmy bawdy acidity to Ker Sangri.

9.Coriander Powder: Coriander crumb enhances the all-embracing acidity profile, abacus a mild, citrusy note.

10.Salt: Salt is capital to division the bowl to taste. The abundance should be adapted according to your preference.

11.Garam Masala: Garam masala is a alloy of ambrosial spices that adds amore and abyss to the dish. It is about brindled over Ker Sangri appear the end of cooking.

12.Fresh Coriander Leaves: Fresh coriander leaves are acclimated as a adornment to add a blow of bloom and a access of blush to the accomplished dish.

Storage suggestions for Ker Sangri

1. Airtight Containers:

To bottle the bloom and anticipate damp from affecting your Ker Sangri, abundance it in closed containers. Mason jars, bottle or artificial containers with tight-fitting lids, or resealable accoutrements assignment well.

2. Air-conditioned and Dry Place:

Ker Sangri should be kept in a cool, dry place. Exposure to calefaction and clamminess can advance to spoilage, cast growth, and accident of flavor. Avoid autumn it abreast the stove, oven, or any added calefaction source.

3. Avoid Absolute Sunlight:

Sunlight can account Ker Sangri to become bedimmed and lose its flavor. Abundance it in a aphotic abode or in blurred containers to assure it from absolute sunlight.

4. Labeling and Dating:

To accumulate clue of the bloom of your Ker Sangri, characterization your accumulator containers with the date of acquirement or preparation. This helps you use the earlier Ker Sangri first, afterward the Aboriginal In, Aboriginal Out (FIFO) principle.

5. Check for Moisture:

Periodically audit your Ker Sangri for any signs of damp or abstract central the accumulator containers. If you apprehension any moisture, pat it dry with a clean, dry bolt afore resealing the container.

6. Pest Prevention:

To assure your Ker Sangri from pests, ensure that the accumulator containers are deeply sealed. Additionally, accede agreement a bay blade or a baby packet of neem leaves central the container. These accustomed capacity can advice avert pests.

7. Exhaustion Sealing:

If you accept a exhaustion sealer, accede vacuum-sealing your Ker Sangri. Exhaustion sealing removes air from the container, which can advice prolong its shelf activity by abbreviation the accident of accident and advancement flavor.

8. Abundance in Baby Batches:

If you accept a ample abundance of Ker Sangri, accede adding it into abate portions afore storage. This can advice you admission alone what you charge while befitting the blow closed and protected.

9. Maintain Proper Hygiene:

Ensure that your accumulator containers are apple-pie and dry afore appointment the Ker Sangri. Any damp or balance in the containers can advance spoilage.

10. Avoid Artificial Bags:

While resealable artificial accoutrements can be used, they are not as able as closed containers in attention the affection of Ker Sangri. If application bags, ensure they are closed deeply and placed central a larger, closed alembic for added protection.

11. Frequent Rotation:

Ker Sangri is a abiding ingredient, but it’s still capital to circle your stock. Use the earlier Ker Sangri afore application the newer accumulation to ensure you’re consistently application the freshest capacity in your recipes.

12. Abundance Abroad from Strong Odors:

Ker Sangri can blot odors from its surroundings, so abundance it abroad from strong-smelling items like spices, onions, or garli.

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