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Wisconsin Supreme Court Election 2023: Candidates, Ballot, Results, and Polls

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Election 2023: Candidates, Ballot, Results, and Polls


  1. Introduction
  2. Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Results 2020
  3. Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Ballot 2023
  4. Wisconsin Supreme Court Election 538: What is it?
  5. Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Live: Coverage and Updates
  6. Wisconsin Supreme Court Election 2023 Polls: Current State of the Race
  7. Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Candidates 2023: Who is Running?
  8. Conclusion


The Wisconsin Supreme Court is the highest court in the state, responsible for interpreting the state constitution and overseeing the lower courts. The justices are elected through nonpartisan elections, and their ten-year terms overlap to maintain continuity. The next Wisconsin Supreme Court election will take place in April 2023, and in this article, we will discuss the election results, the ballot, the 538, live coverage and updates, polls, and the candidates who are running.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Results 2020:

The most recent Wisconsin Supreme Court election took place in April 2020, where Jill Karofsky defeated incumbent Justice Daniel Kelly by a margin of 55.3% to 44.7%. The election was closely watched and highly contentious, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing legal battle over voting rights adding to the drama.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Ballot 2023:

The ballot for the Wisconsin Supreme Court election in 2023 will include the names of all the candidates running for the position of justice. The candidates will run without party affiliation, and the election will be nonpartisan.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Election 538: What is it?

The Wisconsin Supreme Court election is closely watched by political analysts and pundits, and one of the ways they track the race is through the 538. 538 is a website that focuses on politics and polling, and they use data to analyze and predict the outcome of elections. They will be tracking the Wisconsin Supreme Court election in 2023 and providing updates and analysis.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Live: Coverage and Updates:

The Wisconsin Supreme Court election will be covered live by local news outlets and other media. As the results come in, there will be updates and analysis available online and on television. It is important to note that the election results may not be final on election night due to the time it takes to count absentee and mail-in ballots.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Election 2023 Polls: Current State of the Race:

As of the time of writing, there are no polls available for the Wisconsin Supreme Court election in 2023. However, once polling data becomes available, it will be analyzed and shared by political analysts and polling organizations.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Candidates 2023: Who is Running?

As of the time of writing, there is no information available about who is running for the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2023. However, we can expect that the candidates will run without party affiliation, and the election will be nonpartisan.


The Wisconsin Supreme Court election in 2023 is an important event in the state’s legal and political system. The justices play a crucial role in interpreting the state constitution and overseeing the lower courts. While there is no information available yet about the candidates running in the election, we can expect a highly contested race, with political analysts and polling organizations closely tracking the outcome. Stay tuned for updates and analysis as the election approaches.

Exploring Wisconsin’s Supreme Court: Judges, Elections, and Structure


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