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Olivier Salad Recipe (Russian Potato Salad)

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Classic Olivier Salad Recipe


Olivier Salad, additionally accepted as Russian Bloom or Bloom Olivier, is a archetypal basin with a affluent history and a adorable aggregate of flavors and textures. Originating in Russia in the 19th century, this bloom has become a admired basin in abounding countries about the world. The key to a absolute Olivier Bloom lies in the antithesis of capacity and the buttery bathrobe that brings aggregate together. In this abundant recipe, we’ll adviser you through the accomplish to actualize a adorable Olivier Bloom that will absolutely affect your guests.


  • 4 medium-sized potatoes
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 cup arctic peas
  • 1 cup adapted and diced ham
  • 1 cup adapted and diced craven breast
  • 1 cup dill pickles, diced
  • 4 above eggs
  • 1 baby onion, cautiously chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Step 1: Prepare the Potatoes and Carrots

  • Peel and dice the potatoes and carrots into small, compatible cubes. Place them in abstracted pots, awning with water, and add a compression of salt. Accompany to a abscess and simmer until both are fork-tender. Drain and let them air-conditioned to allowance temperature.

Step 2: Baker the Peas

  • In a baby saucepan, baker the arctic peas according to the amalgamation instructions. Once cooked, bathe them beneath algid baptize to stop the affable process. Set aside.

Step 3: Dice the Ham, Chicken, Pickles, and Eggs

  • Dice the ham and craven into bite-sized pieces. Chop the dill pickles into baby cubes. Peel and chop the above eggs into similar-sized pieces. Ensure all capacity are able and set abreast in abstracted bowls.

Step 4: Amalgamate the Ingredients

  • In a ample bond bowl, amalgamate the adapted potatoes, carrots, peas, ham, chicken, pickles, eggs, and chopped onion. Gently bung the capacity to administer them evenly.

Step 5: Prepare the Dressing

Olivier Salad

Olivier Salad

  • In a abstracted bowl, barrel calm the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and white wine vinegar. The alacrity adds a appealing flavor, while the alkali provides a attenuate acidity that enhances the all-embracing taste. Season the bathrobe with alkali and pepper to taste.

Step 6: Dress the Salad

  • Pour the bathrobe over the bloom and anxiously bend it in until all the capacity are analogously coated. Be affable to abstain mashing the potatoes and eggs. Aftertaste and acclimatize the condiment if necessary.

Step 7: Chill and Serve

  • Cover the basin with artificial blanket and air-condition the bloom for at atomic 2 hours afore serving. This allows the flavors to amalgamate together, creating a added adapted taste. Afore serving, accord the bloom a final affable toss.


Congratulations, you’ve aloof able a adorable and accurate Olivier Salad! This able basin is absolute for gatherings, picnics, or as a ancillary basin for your anniversary feast. The aggregate of textures and flavors—creamy potatoes, brittle pickles, agreeable ham, and breakable chicken—makes it a crowd-pleaser. Enjoy the achievement of creating a archetypal compound that has stood the analysis of time and continues to accompany joy to tables worldwide.

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Olivier Salad Ingredients


Olivier Salad, additionally accepted as Russian Bloom or Salat Olivye, is a around-the-clock bowl acclaimed for its affluent aggregate of flavors and textures. This archetypal compound originated in Russia in the 19th aeon and has back become a all-around favorite. The success of the Olivier Bloom lies in the anxious alternative of ingredients, anniversary accidental to the dish’s different character. In this exploration, we’ll burrow into the key apparatus that accomplish up this iconic salad.


  • At the bulk of Olivier Bloom are potatoes, accouterment a affable and buttery base. Choose medium-sized potatoes with a adhering arrangement for the best results. These potatoes authority their appearance able-bodied back cooked, ensuring a acceptable chaw in every forkful. The potatoes are peeled, diced, and above until fork-tender, accessible to blot the flavors of the added ingredients.


  • Complementing the potatoes are carrots, abacus a attenuate acidity and active blush to the salad. Like the potatoes, carrots are peeled, diced, and above until they accomplish a breakable yet hardly close texture. This accurate alertness ensures that the carrots advance their candor in the salad, accidental both aftertaste and beheld appeal.


Olivier Salad

Olivier Salad

  • Frozen peas accord a access of bloom and a active blooming hue to Olivier Salad. They are adapted alone and again rinsed beneath algid baptize to bottle their blush and anticipate overcooking. The accession of peas not alone enhances the salad’s beheld address but additionally introduces a adorable pop of acidity with anniversary bite.


  • Olivier Bloom commonly includes a mix of diced ham and chicken, accouterment a protein-packed aspect to the dish. The meats are pre-cooked and diced into bite-sized pieces, ensuring a acceptable and aged experience. The aggregate of ham and craven adds a agreeable abyss that complements the salad’s vegetable components.


  • Dill pickles, cautiously diced, accompany a fiery and blue bang to Olivier Salad. The pickles add a brittle arrangement and a access of appealing flavor, acclimation the affluence of the potatoes and meats. Carefully chopped pickles administer their acidity analogously throughout the salad, creating a adapted alloy of tastes with every forkful.

Hard-Boiled Eggs:

  • Hard-boiled eggs are a archetypal additive in Olivier Salad, accidental a buttery arrangement and a rich, agreeable flavor. The eggs are bald and cautiously chopped, distributing their buttery bendability throughout the salad. The eggs serve as a bounden element, bringing calm the assorted apparatus into a adamant and indulgent dish.


  • A baby bulk of cautiously chopped onion adds a attenuate accurateness and abyss to Olivier Salad. The onion acidity melds with the added ingredients, acceptable the all-embracing aftertaste after cutting the dish. The cautiously chopped onion ensures a aerial administration of flavor, accidental to the salad’s complexity.


  • The consummate celebrity of Olivier Bloom is its buttery dressing. A aggregate of mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and white wine alkali forms a adorable and appealing bathrobe that ties all the capacity together. The mayonnaise provides a buttery base, the Dijon alacrity adds a adumbration of spiciness, and the white wine alkali imparts a attenuate acidity, creating a composed and aged dressing.


Each additive in Olivier Bloom plays a acute role, accidental to the dish’s all-embracing address and creating a symphony of flavors. The accurate alternative and alertness of potatoes, carrots, peas, meats, pickles, eggs, onion, and bathrobe aftereffect in a comestible masterpiece that transcends cultural boundaries. Whether served at blithe gatherings or enjoyed as a abating ancillary dish, the Olivier Bloom stands as a attestation to the art of accumulation simple yet aberrant capacity to actualize a bowl that has endured the analysis of time.

What is Olivier Salad ?

Olivier Salad

Olivier Salad


Olivier Salad, additionally accepted as Russian Bloom or Salat Olivye, is a comestible masterpiece that has stood the analysis of time, arresting aftertaste buds about the apple with its affluent flavors, assorted textures, and cultural significance. Originating in Russia in the backward 19th century, this bloom has become a attribute of anniversary and comfort, gracing tables during blithe occasions, ancestors gatherings, and accustomed meals. In this exploration, we’ll break the history, components, and the constant agreeableness of Olivier Salad.

Historical Roots:

  • The account of Olivier Bloom begins with its creator, Lucien Olivier, a French-Belgian chef who endemic the acclaimed Hermitage restaurant in Moscow during the 1860s. Olivier conceived the bloom as a comestible masterpiece, accumulation capacity in a way that captivated the palates of his patrons. The aboriginal compound was a anxiously attentive secret, with Olivier himself advancing the bloom in complete seclusion. After Olivier’s afterlife in 1883, the compound became a accountable of artifice and speculation, eventually evolving into the assorted interpretations we see today.

Key Ingredients:

At the affection of Olivier Bloom lies a anxiously curated ensemble of ingredients, anniversary accidental a different aspect to the symphony of flavors:

  • Potatoes: Medium-sized potatoes, above and diced, anatomy the abundant abject of the salad, accouterment a buttery arrangement and attenuate earthiness.
  • Carrots: Peeled, diced, and above carrots add a blow of acidity and active color, creating beheld address and a adorable crunch.
  • Peas: Cooked arctic peas accord freshness, a access of blooming color, and a adumbration of acidity that elevates the all-embracing acidity profile.
  • Meats: Diced ham and chicken, pre-cooked to perfection, accompany a agreeable abyss to the salad. The aggregate of these proteins ensures a acceptable and affable experience.
  • Pickles: Cautiously diced dill pickles acquaint a fiery and blue dimension, alms a auspicious adverse to the affluence of the potatoes and meats.
  • Hard-Boiled Eggs: Peeled and cautiously chopped above eggs accord a buttery arrangement and a rich, agreeable flavor, acting as a bounden aspect for the salad.
  • Onion: A baby bulk of cautiously chopped onion adds a attenuate accurateness and depth, acceptable the complication of the bloom after cutting added flavors.
  • Dressing: The consummate celebrity of Olivier Bloom is its buttery dressing. A comfortable alloy of mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and white wine alkali creates a adapted antithesis of creaminess, spiciness, and acidity.

Preparation and Presentation:

  • Crafting Olivier Bloom is a accurate action that requires absorption to detail. The potatoes, carrots, and eggs are above to perfection, ensuring they are fork-tender but advance their structural integrity. Anniversary additive is diced or chopped into compatible pieces, announcement a counterbalanced administration of flavors in every bite. The bathrobe is anxiously aerated together, infusing the bloom with a buttery and appealing blanket that ties aggregate together.
  • The ability extends to the presentation, with the active colors of the peas, carrots, and pickles creating an agreeable beheld spectacle. Olivier Bloom is generally busy with added chopped herbs, such as dill, abacus a final blow of elegance.

Cultural Significance:

  • Olivier Bloom holds a appropriate abode in Russian and Eastern European culture. It is a basic during New Year’s celebrations and added blithe occasions, emblematic abundance, togetherness, and the joy of aggregate moments. The salad’s ability has led to variations beyond cultures, with anniversary arena abacus its different aberration while attention the aspect of the aboriginal recipe.


In essence, Olivier Bloom is added than aloof a comestible delight; it is a cultural figure that transcends borders and generations. Its constant acceptance is a attestation to the ability of Lucien Olivier, whose conception has acquired into a all-around sensation. As you flavor the assortment of flavors in anniversary forkful of Olivier Salad, you partake in a attitude that spans centuries—a anniversary of acceptable food, aggregate moments, and the constant bequest of a comestible masterpiece.

Russian Olivier Salad

Olivier Salad

Olivier Salad


Russian Olivier Salad, additionally accepted as Bloom Olivier or Salat Olivye, holds a appropriate abode in comestible history, basic in Russia in the backward 19th century. This iconic basin has acquired over time, acceptable a basic in Russian households and accepting acceptance worldwide. The aggregate of potatoes, carrots, peas, pickles, meats, and a buttery bathrobe creates a symphony of flavors and textures. In this abundant guide, we’ll analyze the step-by-step action of crafting an accurate Russian Olivier Bloom that captures the aspect of this admired classic.


  • 4 medium-sized potatoes
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 cup arctic peas
  • 1 cup adapted and diced ham
  • 1 cup adapted and diced craven breast
  • 1 cup dill pickles, diced
  • 4 above eggs
  • 1 baby onion, cautiously chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Step 1: Prep the Potatoes and Carrots

  • Peel and dice the potatoes and carrots into small, compatible cubes. Abode them in abstracted pots, awning with water, add a compression of salt, and accompany to a boil. Simmer until fork-tender, again cesspool and acquiesce them to air-conditioned to allowance temperature.

Step 2: Baker the Peas

  • In a baby saucepan, baker the arctic peas according to the amalgamation instructions. Once cooked, bathe them beneath algid baptize to bottle their active color. Set aside.

Step 3: Dice the Meats, Pickles, and Eggs

  • Dice the ham and craven into bite-sized pieces. Chop the dill pickles into baby cubes, ensuring a antithesis of flavors in anniversary bite. Peel and cautiously chop the above eggs, advancement a constant size.

Step 4: Assemble the Ingredients

  • In a ample bond bowl, amalgamate the adapted potatoes, carrots, peas, ham, chicken, pickles, eggs, and chopped onion. The adapted alloy of these capacity forms the affection of the salad.

Step 5: Create the Signature Dressing

  • In a abstracted bowl, barrel calm the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and white wine vinegar. The alacrity adds depth, while the alkali provides a adumbration of acidity. Season the bathrobe with alkali and pepper, adjusting to your aftertaste preferences.

Step 6: Unite Bloom and Dressing

  • Pour the bathrobe over the bloom and acclaim bend the capacity together. This accurate action ensures anniversary basic is coated evenly. Exercise affliction to anticipate the bloom from acceptable ever mashed.

Step 7: Let It Marinate

  • Cover the basin with artificial blanket and air-condition the bloom for a minimum of 2 hours. This comatose aeon allows the flavors to meld, consistent in a added nuanced and adamant taste.

Step 8: Final Blow and Presentation

  • Before serving, accord the bloom a final affable bung to ensure the bathrobe is analogously distributed. The active colors and adorable balm accomplish this basin a barbecue for the senses. Garnish with added chopped beginning herbs, such as dill, for a blow of elegance.


You’ve auspiciously crafted a masterpiece – an accurate Russian Olivier Bloom that transcends time and borders. This comestible adventure has not alone resulted in a adorable basin but additionally accustomed you to affix with a affluent cultural tradition. Whether served at blithe gatherings, ancestors celebrations, or accidental dinners, your Russian Olivier Bloom is abiding to contentment and impress. Embrace the ability of this archetypal recipe, and adore the achievement of administration a aftertaste of Russian comestible ancestry with those about you.


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