Click Your Trends For Social Media News Today Biography  Nikita Vijay 7 + Activities of Murali Vijay’s Bedmate.

 Nikita Vijay 7 + Activities of Murali Vijay’s Bedmate.

 Nikita Vijay 7 + Activities of Murali Vijay’s Bedmate. post thumbnail image

 Nikita Vijay – The Activity of Murali Vijay’s Better Half


Nikita Vijay, the wife of acclaimed Indian cricketer Murali Vijay, is one of the best talked-about candid WAGs in the Indian cricketing world. She has been a connected abutment arrangement for her bedmate and has been by his ancillary during his ups and downs on the cricketing field. In this blog, we will booty a abysmal dive into the activity of Nikita Vijay, her background, her claimed and able life, and her net worth.



Nikita Vijay was built-in and aloft in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She did her ancestry from Chennai and afterwards went on to accompany a amount in commerce. Nikita was consistently absorbed in appearance and style, and afterwards commutual her graduation, she absitively to accompany her affection for fashion. She started her own appearance bazaar in Chennai, which anon became actual accepted amid the fashion-conscious army in the city.

Personal Life:

Nikita Vijay and Murali Vijay got affiliated in 2012. The brace has two children, a son called Nirav and a babe called Ivana. Nikita is accepted for her able ancestors ethics and is generally apparent spending time with her bedmate and children.

nikita vijay murli vijay's wife

Nikita Vijay on Instagram:

Nikita Vijay is an ardent Instagram user, and her Instagram handle is @niks.vj. She has a huge afterward on the belvedere and generally posts pictures of her family, her appearance choices, and her travels. Her Instagram annual is a window into her life, and admirers adulation to see the claimed ancillary of the candid WAG.


Nikita and Murali Vijay’s bells was a admirable affair, abounding by their ancestors and accompany from the cricketing world. The brace got affiliated in a acceptable Hindu ceremony, and the pictures from their bells went viral on amusing media. Nikita looked beauteous in her acceptable bells attire, and the brace looked absurdly in adulation with anniversary other.

Nikita Vijay : Family Life

Nikita Vijay is accepted for actuality a hands-on mother and wife. She is generally apparent accessory her children’s academy contest and demography them out on vacations. Nikita and Murali Vijay’s ancestors activity is a absolute archetype of a blessed and agreeable family.

Net Worth of Lifestyle

Nikita Vijay’s net annual is estimated to be about $7 million. Apart from her appearance boutique, she additionally owns a few backdrop in Chennai. Her husband, Murali Vijay, has a net annual of about $5 million. The brace enjoys a adequate affairs and generally goes on affluence vacations.

Nikita Vijay : Lifestyle

Nikita Vijay’s affairs is a mix of fashion, family, and travel. She is generally apparent accessory appearance contest and befitting up with the latest appearance trends. She is additionally a fettle enthusiast and follows a austere conditioning administration to break fit and healthy. Nikita and Murali Vijay are accepted to be foodies and adulation to try out new cuisines during their travels.


Nikita Vijay is a absolute archetype of a avant-garde Indian woman who has auspiciously counterbalanced her claimed and able life. Her adulation for appearance and ancestors is axiomatic from her amusing media accounts, and she is a connected abutment arrangement for her husband. With her appearance bazaar and acreage investments, she has carved a alcove for herself in the appearance and absolute acreage industry. Her net annual is a attestation to her adamantine assignment and dedication. Overall, Nikita Vijay is an afflatus to abounding adolescent women who aspire to antithesis their claimed and able lives with adroitness and elegance.


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Here are ten facts and FAQs about Nikita Vijay:

When did Nikita Vijay and Murali Vijay get married?

Nikita and Murali Vijay got affiliated in 2012.

What is Nikita Vijay’s background?

Nikita Vijay was built-in and aloft in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She pursued a amount in business afore starting her own appearance bazaar in Chennai.

Does Nikita Vijay accept any children?

Yes, Nikita and Murali Vijay accept two children, a son called Nirav and a babe called Ivana.

What is Nikita Vijay’s net worth?

Nikita Vijay’s net account is estimated to be about $7 million.

What is Nikita Vijay’s Instagram handle?

Nikita Vijay’s Instagram handle is @niks.vj.

Does Nikita Vijay accept any added business ventures afar from her appearance boutique?

Nikita Vijay owns a few backdrop in Chennai, afar from her appearance boutique.

What is Nikita Vijay’s appearance faculty like?

Nikita Vijay is accepted for her appearance faculty and generally attends appearance events. She brand to agreement with altered styles and is consistently abreast with the latest appearance trends.

What is Nikita Vijay’s accord with her bedmate like?

Nikita and Murali Vijay accept a able accord and are generally apparent acknowledging anniversary other. Nikita is accepted to be a hands-on mother and wife, and the brace enjoys spending time with anniversary added and their children.

What is Nikita Vijay’s fettle administration like?

Nikita Vijay follows a austere conditioning administration and is accepted to be a fettle enthusiast. She believes in arch a advantageous affairs and generally shares tips and admonition on fettle and wellness on her amusing media accounts.

What is Nikita Vijay’s admired biking destination?

Nikita and Murali Vijay adulation to biking and accept been to several destinations beyond the world. Their admired biking destination is Italy, area they adore the food, culture, and history.



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