Neymar ,Profile , Bio ,Career and Fact

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Neymar Profile

Neymar, built-in Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior on February 5, 1992, in Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil, is a football abnormality whose name is alike with skill, flair, and a different appearance of comedy that has captivated admirers about the world. Standing at 5 anxiety 9 inches (175 cm), Neymar’s diminutive adeptness belies the immense aptitude and appulse he has had on the sport.

From a adolescent age, Neymar’s activity has been intertwined with football. Raised in the banal adjacency of Jardim Gloria, his father, Neymar Santos Sr., himself a above footballer, accustomed the atom of aptitude in his son. The family’s bashful agency did little to bedew Neymar’s affection for the game. The streets of Mogi das Cruzes served as his antecedent proving ground, area he acid the abilities that would after accomplish him a all-around sensation.

Neymar’s adventure into the able footballing branch began with his access into the adolescence academy of Santos FC. The Brazilian club provided the adorning ambiance for his aptitude to blossom. In 2009, at the age of 17, Neymar fabricated his admission for Santos FC, appearance the admission of a career that would anon transcend the borders of Brazil.

His aboriginal years at Santos FC were annihilation abbreviate of spectacular. Neymar’s flair, creativity, and goal-scoring adeptness bound fabricated him the affiche boy for Brazilian football. In 2011, he played a cardinal role in Santos FC’s Copa Libertadores triumph, showcasing his adeptness to accomplish on the grandest stages. This success caked his acceptability as one of the best able talents in apple football.

The abutting affiliate in Neymar’s career abundant in 2013 aback he fabricated a high-profile move to Barcelona, abutting armament with Lionel Messi and Andrés Iniesta to anatomy the appalling “MSN” trio. Neymar’s appulse was immediate, accidental to a celebrated acute in his admission division – acceptable La Liga, Copa del Rey, and the UEFA Champions League. His affiliation with Messi and Luis Suárez became iconic, with the leash anarchic defenses above Europe.

Neymar’s time at Barcelona was apparent by alone accolades, including finishing third in the FIFA Ballon d’Or rankings in 2015. His admirable performances, accent by amazing goals and anesthetic skills, becoming him boundless admiration. However, a admiration for a new claiming led Neymar to commence on a arguable move to Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) in 2017, authoritative him the world’s best big-ticket amateur at the time.

In France, Neymar connected to advertise his brilliance. Forming a baleful advancing leash with Kylian Mbappé and Edinson Cavani, he propelled PSG to calm dominance, acceptable assorted Ligue 1 titles and calm cups. Despite the success on the calm front, Neymar and PSG faced challenges in their adventure for Champions League glory.

Off the field, Neymar’s claimed activity generally admiring attention. Endorsement deals, a high-profile lifestyle, and a cogent amusing media attendance fabricated him a all-around celebrity above the borders of the football pitch. However, the analysis additionally brought controversies, and Neymar occasionally begin himself in the bosom of acknowledged and off-the-field issues.

On the all-embracing stage, Neymar has been a linchpin for the Brazilian civic team. From his aboriginal canicule with the adolescence squads to arch the chief team, he has accepted the albatross of acid the chicken and blooming jersey. Neymar’s performances in above tournaments, including the FIFA Apple Cup and Copa America, accept been apparent by moments of accuracy and a charge to abacus to Brazil’s acclaimed football legacy.

The 2014 FIFA Apple Cup captivated appropriate acceptation for Neymar as Brazil hosted the tournament. While the aggregation fell abbreviate of acceptable the title, Neymar’s contributions and administration were axiomatic until a aback abrasion anon concluded his clash in the quarter-finals. The 2018 Apple Cup in Russia saw Neymar return, but Brazil angled out in the quarter-finals again.

In 2019, Neymar played a acute role in Brazil’s Copa America celebration on home soil. The clash showcased his adeptness and adeptness to advance a team, earning him the Amateur of the Clash award. As the football apple angry its absorption to the 2022 FIFA Apple Cup, Neymar aimed to adviser Brazil to celebrity already again, with the clash accouterment an befalling to compose his name amid the best greats.

Neymar’s arena appearance is characterized by admirable dribbling, quick changes of direction, and a agog eye for goal. His adeptness on the ball, accompanying with an congenital adeptness to actualize scoring opportunities, has fabricated him a daydream for defenders. Whether acid central to absolve a absolute accomplishment or accouterment a altogether timed assist, Neymar’s versatility and footballing IQ set him apart.

Despite the controversies and casual turbulence, Neymar charcoal a footballing figure whose appulse extends above the pitch. His adventure from the streets of Mogi das Cruzes to the amplitude of European football reflects not alone his alone aptitude but additionally his animation and abiding charge to the sport. Neymar’s adventure is a attestation to the transformative ability of football and the constant bequest of a amateur whose name will answer through the account of the admirable game.

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Neymar Club career



Neymar’s club career is a arresting adventure that intertwines talent, triumphs, and controversies, demography him from the favelas of Brazil to the amplitude of European football. His adventure has been apparent by amazing goals, admirable skills, and cogent contributions to the teams he has represented.

Neymar’s able club career clearly commenced back he fabricated his admission for Santos FC in 2009. His appulse was immediate, and he bound became the focal point of the team. In his aboriginal abounding season, Neymar led Santos to the Campeonato Paulista title, showcasing his flair, creativity, and goal-scoring prowess. The highlight of his time at Santos was the 2011 Copa Libertadores triumph, area Neymar played a cardinal role in accepting the celebrated title. His performances acceptable him the celebrated South American Footballer of the Year accolade in 2011 and 2012.

As Neymar’s brilliant soared in Brazil, European giants began allusive for his signature. In 2013, he fabricated the high-profile move to Barcelona, abutting a star-studded aggregation that included Lionel Messi and Andrés Iniesta. The “MSN” trio, absolute Messi, Suárez, and Neymar, became one of the best appalling advancing armament in football history. In his aboriginal season, Neymar played a acute role in Barcelona’s treble-winning campaign, accepting the La Liga, Copa del Rey, and UEFA Champions League titles. Individually, he accomplished third in the FIFA Ballon d’Or race, a attestation to his growing access on the all-around stage.

Over his four seasons at Barcelona, Neymar’s affiliation with Messi and Suárez flourished, carrying calm and all-embracing success. Notable moments included his acute goals in the Champions League knockout stages and a celebrated improvement adjoin Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) in 2017. However, amidst the triumphs, Neymar’s admiration for a new claiming led him to commence on a arguable move to PSG in 2017, acceptable the world’s best big-ticket amateur at the time.

Neymar’s accession at PSG signaled a about-face in the football landscape, as he aimed to advance the Parisian club to Champions League glory. Despite adverse criticism for abrogation Barcelona, Neymar’s time at PSG has been apparent by alone accuracy and calm dominance. He formed a appalling advancing leash with Kylian Mbappé and Edinson Cavani, allegorical PSG to assorted Ligue 1 titles and calm cups.

The following of Champions League celebrity remained ambiguous for Neymar and PSG, but they came agonizingly abutting in the 2019-2020 season, extensive the final alone to be defeated by Bayern Munich. Neymar’s performances throughout the clash showcased his adeptness as a baton and his adeptness to bear on the grandest stages of European football.

Off the field, Neymar’s time at PSG has not been after controversy. Injuries, off-the-pitch incidents, and rumors of depression fueled belief about his future. Despite these challenges, Neymar remained a cardinal amount for PSG, demonstrating animation and determination.

As of my aftermost ability amend in January 2022, Neymar continues to be a key amateur for PSG. His club career has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows, characterized by alone brilliance, aggregation success, and claimed challenges. Neymar’s adventure from the streets of Brazil to the summits of European football stands as a attestation to his amazing aptitude and the dogged spirit that has authentic his career.

Neymar’s international career



Neymar’s all-embracing career has been a absorption of his bulge on the all-around football stage, apery Brazil with flair, skill, and a charge to abacus to the affluent bequest of the Seleção. From his aboriginal canicule with the adolescence civic teams to arch the chief band in Apple Cups, Neymar’s adventure in all-embracing football has been a arresting anecdotal of triumphs and challenges.

Neymar’s aboriginal attack into all-embracing football came with the Brazilian adolescence teams, area he showcased his biggy talent. He played a key role in Brazil’s success in the 2011 South American Adolescence Championship, allowance defended accomplishment for the 2012 London Olympics. The Olympic affray would after become a defining affiliate in Neymar’s all-embracing career.

In 2012, Neymar led Brazil to a argent badge at the London Olympics, accident to Mexico in the final. Despite falling abbreviate of the gold, Neymar’s performances becoming him boundless acclamation and caked his cachet as a ascent star. His abstruse brilliance, adventurous skill, and goal-scoring accomplishment on the all-embracing date garnered absorption from top European clubs.

Neymar’s chief all-embracing admission for Brazil came in August 2010 in a affable adjoin the United States. Over the years, he became an basic allotment of the civic team, accidental to Brazil’s success in assorted tournaments. Neymar played a acute role in Brazil’s celebration in the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup, scoring four goals in the tournament, including one in the final adjoin Spain.

The acme of Neymar’s all-embracing career, however, came with the FIFA Apple Cup. In 2014, Brazil hosted the tournament, and expectations were aerial for the Seleção to defended a record-extending sixth Apple Cup title. Neymar shouldered abundant of that burden, and his performances in the accumulation date and knockout circuit propelled Brazil to the semi-finals. Unfortunately, a aback abrasion abiding in the quarter-final affray adjoin Colombia disqualified Neymar out of the butt of the tournament. Brazil faced a aural defeat to Germany in the semi-finals, appearance a affecting end to their Apple Cup aspirations.

Despite the setback in 2014, Neymar connected to be a linchpin for the civic team. His affiliation with players like Philippe Coutinho and Gabriel Jesus blossomed, and he played a cardinal role in Brazil’s accomplishment for the 2018 Apple Cup in Russia. However, abrasion addled afresh as Neymar faced a chase adjoin time to balance for the tournament. Although he participated, Brazil’s adventure was cut abbreviate in the quarter-finals, with Belgium eliminating them.

Neymar’s animation and assurance were axiomatic in the consecutive years as he connected to be a active force for Brazil. In the 2019 Copa America, hosted in Brazil, he played a key role in accepting the title, appearance Brazil’s aboriginal above all-embracing celebration back 2007. Neymar’s administration and performances silenced critics, and he accustomed the Player of the Affray award.

As the apple angry its absorption to the 2022 FIFA Apple Cup in Qatar, Neymar aimed to adviser Brazil to celebrity already again. The affray provided an befalling for him to adhesive his bequest as one of Brazil’s best greats. His performances on the all-embracing date not alone showcased his footballing accomplishment but additionally reflected his abysmal affiliation to apery his country.

Neymar’s all-embracing career is a account of triumphs, heartbreaks, and abiding adherence to the chicken and blooming jersey. From the acclaim of adolescence championships to the affliction of Apple Cup exits, Neymar’s adventure with the Brazilian civic aggregation continues to allure football admirers worldwide, abrogation an enduring mark on the acclaimed history of Brazilian football.

Neymar’s Early Life




Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior, accepted artlessly as Neymar, was built-in on February 5, 1992, in Mogi das Cruzes, a burghal in the accompaniment of São Paulo, Brazil. His aboriginal years were apparent by apprehensive ancestry in the adjacency of Jardim Gloria, a banal breadth area the foundations of his football adventure were laid.

Family and Football Roots:

Neymar’s ancestors played a cardinal role in adorning his aboriginal absorption in football. His father, Neymar Santos Sr., a above footballer himself, accustomed the abeyant in his son and became a allegorical force in Neymar’s journey. The Santos family’s bashful agency did not arrest their abiding abutment for Neymar’s beginning affection for the admirable game.

Street Football in Jardim Gloria:

The attenuated streets of Jardim Gloria served as Neymar’s aboriginal football pitch. Here, amidst the artlessness of circadian life, he began honing the abilities that would after ascertain him as a football prodigy. Neymar, forth with accompany and bounded kids, affianced in active matches, showcasing the raw aptitude that would set him on a aisle against stardom.

Early Influences and Abutment System:

Neymar’s ancestor played a bifold role as a coach and supporter. His encouragement, accompanying with the affecting abutment provided by Neymar’s mother, Nadine Santos, created a foundation that accustomed the adolescent footballer to dream above the borders of Jardim Gloria. Neymar’s ancestors faced banking challenges, but their charge to his football dream remained steadfast.

Youth Football at Portuguesa Santista:

Neymar’s aptitude bound admiring attention, and he abutting the adolescence ranks of Portuguesa Santista, a bounded football club. This apparent a acute footfall in his academic football education, accouterment a structured ambiance for the development of his skills. Even in these aboriginal years, Neymar’s ability and adroitness on the angle were evident.

Santos FC: A Acute Step:

The axis point in Neymar’s aboriginal career came back he abutting the adolescence academy of Santos FC, one of Brazil’s best celebrated football clubs, at the age of 11. Santos FC, with its affluent history and charge to developing adolescent talents, became the date area Neymar’s abilities flourished. His performances at the adolescence akin showcased a akin of accomplishment and ability above his years.

Debut and Aboriginal Success with Santos FC:

Neymar fabricated his able admission for Santos FC in 2009, at the age of 17. His appulse was immediate, and he bound became the focal point of the team. In his aboriginal abounding season, Neymar led Santos FC to achievement in the Campeonato Paulista, ambience the date for a arresting career. The highlight of his aboriginal years at Santos was the 2011 Copa Libertadores triumph, area Neymar played a cardinal role in accepting the celebrated title.

Individual Accolades:

Neymar’s performances with Santos FC garnered alone accolades, including actuality called the South American Footballer of the Year in 2011 and 2012. These ceremoniousness were a attestation to his accelerated ascendance as one of the brightest talents in South American football.

Transition to Barcelona:

The football apple took apprehension of Neymar’s prowess, and in 2013, he fabricated a high-profile move to FC Barcelona. This alteration apparent a new affiliate in his career, as he abutting armament with all-around football icons Lionel Messi and Andrés Iniesta.

Early Activity Lessons and Legacy:

Neymar’s aboriginal activity in Jardim Gloria absolute in him a animation and assurance that would characterize his absolute career. The challenges faced, the artery football battles, and the abiding abutment of his ancestors became the architecture blocks of Neymar’s adventure from the adjacency of Jardim Gloria to the admirable stages of European football.

Neymar some FactNeymar

Neymar, the Brazilian football sensation, is not aloof accepted for his amazing abilities on the angle but additionally harbors a few lesser-known facets that add layers to his arresting personality. Here are some hidden facts about Neymar:

1. Futsal Roots:

Before gracing the abundant football fields, Neymar’s adventure started in the fast-paced apple of futsal. Growing up, he played this alternative of football, accepted for its abate angle and accent on accomplishment and quick thinking. The bound spaces of futsal contributed to honing Neymar’s dribbling abilities and abutting brawl control, abilities that would after set him afar in the footballing world.

2. Aboriginal Influences:

Neymar’s father, Neymar Santos Sr., played a cardinal role in abstraction his son’s career. A above footballer himself, Neymar Sr. guided his son’s aboriginal accomplish in the apple of football, instilling discipline, assignment ethic, and a abysmal adulation for the sport. This benevolent access charcoal a active force in Neymar’s activity and career.

3. Nickname: Joia:

“Neymar” isn’t the alone moniker associated with the football star. In Brazil, he is generally affectionately alleged “Joia,” which translates to “Jewel” in Portuguese. This appellation reflects the acumen of Neymar as a adored gem, a attenuate aptitude that gleams blithely in the apple of football.

4. Charity Work:

Beyond the amaze and allure of the football field, Neymar is actively complex in accommodating endeavors. He supports assorted altruistic causes, including children’s hospitals and organizations committed to convalescent the lives of underprivileged youth. Neymar’s charge to giving aback to the association demonstrates a softer ancillary to the football superstar.

5. Boom Accolade to Sister:

In a affectation of familial affection, Neymar has a boom on his arm committed to his sister, Rafaella. The boom reads “Sorella” (Italian for sister) and is accompanied by a heart. This active accolade showcases the accent of ancestors in Neymar’s life.

6. Adulation for Music:

Neymar’s affection extends above the football pitch; he additionally has a abysmal adulation for music. He is generally apparent accessory concerts, decidedly those featuring Brazilian music genres like samba and pagode. Neymar’s amusing media occasionally provides glimpses of his agreeable tastes, absolute a ancillary of the footballer that goes above the acclaim of the stadium.

7. Acting Stint:

Neymar has explored the apple of acting, authoritative adornment appearances in Brazilian soap operas and movies. His attack into acting reflects his assorted interests above football and showcases a alertness to footfall into altered realms of entertainment.

8. Signature Hairstyles:

Neymar’s ever-evolving hairstyles accept become a signature aspect of his image. From mohawks to mops, his haircuts generally atom trends and conversations amid fans. This style-conscious access off the acreage added cements his cachet as a cultural icon.

9. Gaming Enthusiast:

Neymar is an ardent gamer and has apparent his adulation for video games, decidedly online gaming. He has aggregate glimpses of his gaming sessions on amusing media, abutting with admirers over a aggregate adulation for basic competition.

10. Controversial Red Agenda Record:

While Neymar is acclaimed for his skill, he has additionally been at the centermost of some on-field controversies. He holds the almanac for the fastest red agenda in Brazilian football history, accepting it alone 14 account into his able admission with Santos FC in 2009.

Neymar’s awards listNeymar

Club Level Awards:

Santos FC:

  • Campeonato Paulista: 2010, 2011
  • Copa do Brasil: 2010
  • Copa Libertadores: 2011
  • FIFA Club World Cup: 2011

FC Barcelona:

  • La Liga: 2014–15, 2015–16
  • UEFA Champions League: 2014–15
  • Copa del Rey: 2014–15, 2015–16

Paris Saint-Germain (PSG):

  • Ligue 1: 2017–18, 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21
  • Coupe de France: 2017–18
  • Coupe de la Ligue: 2017–18, 2019–20

Individual Awards:

FIFA Ballon d’Or:

  • 3rd Place: 2015

South American Footballer of the Year:

  • 2011, 2012

Golden Foot (Monte Carlo Gala for the Global Ocean):

  • Best International Footballer: 2013
  • UEFA Champions League Squad of the Season:
  • 2014–15
  • Copa Libertadores Best Player:
  • 2011

International Level Awards:

FIFA Confederations Cup:

  • Winner: 2013

Copa America:

  • Winner: 2019 (Player of the Tournament)

Personal Achievements:

  • Olympic Games (Football):
  • Silver Medal

Television and films Career 

Year Title Role Note(s) Type
2012 (fdp) Encanador TV series (TV)
2017 Os Parças Himself Full-length film (FL)
2017 XXX: Return of Xander Cage Himself FL
2019 Money Heist Monje Joao TV
2019 The Making of Himself DAZN presents TV
2021 Neymar Jr. and the line of kings Himself DAZN presents TV
2022 Neymar: The Perfect Chaos Himself Netflix Docuseries

Career statistics



As of match played 3 October 2023
Club Season League State league National cup League cup


Continental Other Total
Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals
Santos 2009 Série A 33 10 12 3 3 1 48 14
2010 Série A 31 17 19 14 8 11 2 0 60 42
2011 Série A 21 13 11 4 13 6 2 1 47 24
2012 Série A 17 14 16 20 12 8 2 1 47 43
2013 Série A 1 0 18 12 4 1 23 13
Total 102 54 75 53 15 13 27 14 4 2 225 136
Barcelona 2013–14 La Liga 26 9 3 1 10 4 2 1 41 15
2014–15 La Liga 33 22 6 7 12 10 51 39
2015–16 La Liga 34 24 5 4 9 3 1 0 49 31
2016–17 La Liga 30 13 6 3 9 4 0 0 45 20
Total 123 68 20 15 40 21 3 1 186 105
Paris Saint-Germain 2017–18 Ligue 1 20 19 1 2 2 1 7 6 30 28
2018–19 Ligue 1 17 15 3 2 1 1 6 5 1 0 28 23
2019–20 Ligue 1 15 13 2 2 3 1 7 3 27 19
2020–21 Ligue 1 18 9 3 1 9 6 1 1 31 17
2021–22 Ligue 1 22 13 0 0 6 0 0 0 28 13
2022–23 Ligue 1 20 13 2 1 6 2 1 2 29 18
Total 112 82 11 8 6 3 41 22 3 3 173 118
Al Hilal 2023–24 Saudi Pro League 3 0 0 0 2 1 5 1
Career total 340 204 76 54 46 36 6 3 109 58 10 6 589 360


As of match played 17 October 2023
National team Year Competitive Friendly Total
Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals
Brazil        2010 0 0 2 1 2 1
        2011 4 2 9 5 13 7
          2012 0 0 12 9 12 9
         2013 5 4 14 6 19 10
         2014 5 4 9 11 14 15
       2015 4 1 5 3 9 4
         2016 6 4 0 0 6 4
        2017 6 2 2 1 8 3
     2018 5 2 8 5 13 7
      2019 0 0 5 1 5 1
       2020 2 3 0 0 2 3
     2021 13 6 0 0 13 6
     2022 4 3 4 4 8 7
       2023 4 2 0 0 4 2
Total 58 33 70 46 128 79


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