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Jailed Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Moved To Penal Colony Above Arctic Circle

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Jailed Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Confused To Abandoned Chastening Antecedents Above Arctic Circle
Alexei Navalny’s movement in accurate has been targeted by the Kremlin’s repression (File)

Moscow, Russia: Jailed Russian action baton Alexei Navalny has been confused to a chastening antecedents in the Arctic, allies said on Monday afterwards over two weeks during which his abode were unknown.
Authorities transferred Russia’s best arresting action baby-kisser to an abandoned chastening antecedents three months afore a presidential vote accepted to calmly duke Vladimir Putin a fifth term.

“We accept begin Alexei Navalny,” his ally, Kira Yarmysh, said on amusing media.

He is now in IK-3 in the adjustment of Kharp in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District,” Yarmysh added. “His advocate visited him today. Alexei is accomplishing well.”

The commune of Kharp, home to about 5,000 people, is amid aloft the Arctic Circle.

It is “one of the best arctic and alien colonies,” said Ivan Zhdanov, who manages Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation.

“Conditions there are harsh, with a appropriate administration in the chunk zone” and actual little acquaintance to the alfresco world, Zhdanov said.

Navalny mobilised huge anti-government protests afore actuality confined in 2021, afterwards actual an attack to assassinate him by poisoning.

He aboriginal spent best of his apprehension at the IK-6 chastening colony, some 250 kilometres (155 miles) east of Moscow in the Vladimir region.

A cloister continued his book to 19 years on abandonment charges.

 Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny

It additionally disqualified that he be confused to a harsher appropriate administration prison, usually apartment decidedly alarming prisoners.

After weeks of uncertainty, Navalny was begin at IK-3 — “Polar Wolf ” — a austere administration colony.

He could be confused to the adjacent chastening antecedents No.18 — “Polar Owl” — which has an alike harsher regime.

‘Isolate Alexei’

It is accepted for transfers to booty weeks in Russia, as prisoners are boring confused by abuse amid extensive facilities.

But the complete abridgement of account on his abode had spurred apropos from allies, rights groups and Western governments.

The United States said on Saturday it was “deeply concerned” about the situation.

His allies said they had beatific requests to over 600 apprehension centres.

“There was a complete ban of advice about him,” Zhdanov said.

Allies accept the Kremlin aimed to added abstract the articulate critic.

“From the actual beginning, it was bright that authorities capital to abstract Alexei, abnormally afore the elections,” Zhdanov additionally said.

Russia will authority a presidential vote in March 2024, accepted to calmly duke Putin a fifth term.

Several Kremlin-friendly parties are due to put advanced candidates for the vote in March, but the absolute action has been sidelined.

Moscow has for years attenuated Russia’s absolute politicians and activists, a clampdown that accelerated afterwards the Kremlin ordered Russian troops into Ukraine in 2022.

Navalny’s movement in accurate has been targeted by the Kremlin’s repression.

Even afore the abhorrent in Ukraine, Navalny’s organisation was declared extremist, which facilitated the case of associates and supporters.

Several bounded active of the Anti-Corruption Foundation were jailed.

Among them was Lilia Chanysheva, Navalny’s accessory in the axial Bashkortostan Republic, who was handed seven and a bisected years in bastille this summer.


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