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How to make Paneer Tikka at home ?

How to make Paneer Tikka at home  ? post thumbnail image


  • 250g Paneer (cottage cheese), cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 1 cup blubbery yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 tablespoon red chili powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon garam masala
  • 1 tablespoon cumin powder
  • 1 tablespoon coriander powder
  • 1 tablespoon auto juice
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Skewers (wooden or metal)
  • Cooking oil for brushing
  • Chopped coriander leaves and auto wedges for garnish

Prepare the Marinade:

In a bond bowl, amalgamate the blubbery yogurt, ginger-garlic paste, red chili powder, turmeric powder, garam masala, cumin powder, coriander powder, auto juice, oil, and salt. Mix able-bodied to actualize a smooth, aged marinade.
Marinate the Paneer:

Add the paneer cubes to the alkali and acclaim bung to covering them evenly. Ensure that the paneer pieces are well-covered with the marinade. Cover the basin and air-condition for at atomic 1-2 hours to acquiesce the flavors to infuse.
Soak the Skewers:

If you’re application board skewers, absorb them in baptize for 30 minutes. This prevents them from afire while grilling.
Skewer the Paneer:

After marinating, cilia the marinated paneer cubes assimilate the skewers. You can add alarm peppers, onions, and added veggies amid the paneer pieces for added acidity and color.
Preheat the Grill:

Preheat your barbecue to medium-high heat. If you don’t accept a grill, you can additionally use an oven or stovetop barbecue pan.
Grill the Paneer:

Brush the barbecue grates with some affable oil to anticipate sticking. Place the skewers on the barbecue and baker for 2-3 account on anniversary ancillary or until they are broiled and accept barbecue marks. Baste them with a little oil or adulate to accumulate them moist.
Check for Doneness:

The paneer is done back it’s aureate amber and has a begrimed flavor. Ensure it’s not overcooked, as it can become tough.

Remove the paneer tikka from the barbecue and adornment with chopped coriander leaves and auto wedges. Serve hot with excellent chutney and naan or roti.

pro tips for Paneer Tikka with step by step photo :

1. Choosing the Right Paneer:

Start with fresh, high-quality paneer. It should be firm, not crumbly. You can accomplish your own paneer at home or acquirement it from a reliable source.
2. Marination Time:

For the best flavor, marinate the paneer

for a minimum of 1-2 hours, but brief marination in the refrigerator yields the best aged results. This allows the spices to access the cheese thoroughly.
3. Use Afraid Yogurt:

To get a blubbery and buttery marinade, use afraid yogurt. To accomplish afraid yogurt, ache approved yogurt through a muslin bolt or cardboard anhydrate for a few hours to abolish balance water.
4. Balancing Spices:

Adjust the balm levels to your preference. If you like it spicier, access the bulk of red chili crumb or add chopped blooming chilies. For milder tikka, abate the spice.
5. Auto Juice:

Lemon abstract not alone adds acidity but additionally helps in tend

erizing the paneer. Use beginning auto abstract for the best results.
6. Skewer Alternatives:

While board skewers assignment well, if you’re application them, absorb them in baptize for 30 account to anticipate them from burning. Metal skewers are a abiding alternative.
7. Layering with Veggies:

Adding chunks of alarm peppers, onions, or added vegetables amid the paneer pieces not alone enhances the acidity but additionally provides a bright and visually ambrosial presentation.
8. Preheat the Grill:

Ensure your barbecue is appropriately preheated to a medium-high temperature afore agreement the skewers. This helps in accomplishing those admirable barbecue marks.
9. Oil for Basting:

Regularly drip the paneer with oil or broiled adulate while grilling. This helps accumulate the paneer clammy and prevents it from dehydration out.
10. Barbecue Carefully:

Pay abutting absorption while grilling. Paneer cooks quickly, so abstain overcooking, which can advance to toughness. You appetite a nice begrimed burn on the alfresco while advancement the benevolence inside.
11. Use a Barbecue Bassinet or Tray:

If you’re anxious about paneer falling through the barbecue grates, you can use a barbecue bassinet or tray to barbecue the skewers.
12. Smoking Technique:

To admit a begrimed flavor, you can use a baby allotment of hot charcoal. Heat the charcoal until it’s red hot, abode it in a baby basin or aluminum antithesis cup, and put it on top of the paneer tikka. Drizzle a little oil over the hot charcoal and bound awning the grill. The smoke will animate the paneer with a adorable begrimed aroma.
13. Garnish Creatively:

Garnish the Paneer Tikka with beginning coriander leaves, auto wedges, and a baptize of chaat masala or broiled cumin crumb for an added access of flavor.
14. Serve Hot:

Paneer Tikka is at its best back served brim hot. Serve it with excellent chutney, a clasp of auto juice, and some naan or roti for a complete, acceptable meal.

How to make Paneer Tikka on tawa ?


  • 250g Paneer (cottage cheese), cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 1 cup blubbery yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 tablespoon red chili powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon garam masala
  • 1 tablespoon cumin powder
  • 1 tablespoon coriander powder
  • 1 tablespoon auto juice
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Skewers (wooden or metal)
  • Cooking oil for pan-frying
  • Chopped coriander leaves and auto wedges for garnish

1. Marinate the Paneer:

In a bond bowl, amalgamate blubbery yogurt, ginger-garlic paste, red chili powder, turmeric powder, garam masala, cumin powder, coriander powder, auto juice, oil, and salt. Mix able-bodied to actualize a bland marinade.

Add the paneer cubes to the alkali and acclaim bung them to covering evenly. Ensure that the paneer pieces are well-covered with the marinade. Cover the basin and air-condition for at atomic 1-2 hours, or brief for the best flavor.

2. Skewer the Paneer:

After marinating, cilia the marinated paneer cubes assimilate skewers. You can additionally add alarm peppers, onions, and added vegetables amid the paneer pieces for added acidity and presentation.
3. Calefaction the Tawa:

Place a tawa (griddle) or a advanced non-stick pan on the stovetop over medium-high heat. Allow it to calefaction up.
4. Grease the Tawa:

Once the tawa is hot, grease it with a little affable oil to anticipate the paneer from sticking.
5. Pan-Fry the Paneer:

Carefully abode the skewers on the hot tawa. Ensure that the paneer pieces are not overcrowded, acceptance them amplitude to baker evenly.

Pan-fry the paneer for about 2-3 account on anniversary ancillary or until they about-face aureate amber and advance a slight char. Use a brace of tongs to cast the skewers and ensure alike cooking.

6. Drip with Oil:

While pan-frying, periodically drip the paneer with a little oil to accumulate it clammy and add flavor.
7. Check for Doneness:

The paneer is accessible back it’s aureate amber and has a begrimed aroma. Accomplish abiding not to overcook, as overcooking can accomplish the paneer tough.
8. Serve:

Remove the paneer tikka skewers from the tawa and adornment with chopped coriander leaves and auto wedges. Serve hot with excellent chutney, naan, or roti.
Additional Tips:

  • If you accept admission to a stovetop barbecue pan, you can use it for a added accurate assay experience.
  • You can agreement with the alkali by abacus capacity like kasuri methi (dried fenugreek leaves), chaat masala, or blooming chilies for altered flavors.
  • Adjust the acidity of the bowl by capricious the bulk of red chili crumb and ginger-garlic adhesive to clothing your taste.
  • For a creamier version, you can use chrism or afraid yogurt instead of approved yogurt in the marinade.

How many varity of Paneer Tikka ?

1. Archetypal Paneer Tikka:

The archetypal adaptation actualization paneer cubes marinated in a alloy of yogurt, spices, and herbs, about including red chili powder, turmeric, garam masala, cumin, coriander, ginger-garlic paste, and auto juice. It’s skewered and commonly broiled in a tandoor or on a charcoal grill.
2. Tandoori Paneer Tikka:

Tandoori Paneer Tikka carefully resembles the archetypal adaptation but is accurately adapted in a tandoor, a adobe oven. The tandoor imparts a different begrimed acidity and broiled actualization to the dish.
3. Malai Paneer Tikka:

Malai Paneer Tikka is accepted for its creamy, rich, and agilely spiced marinade. It includes cream, cashew paste, and cheese forth with the acceptable spices. The aftereffect is a deliciously breakable and buttery paneer.
4. Achari Paneer Tikka:

Achari Paneer Tikka is flavored with achari masala, a balm alloy acclimated in Indian pickles. It actualization a appealing and ambrosial alkali fabricated with alkali spices, alacrity oil, and yogurt. This adaptation offers a adorable appealing kick.
5. Hariyali Paneer Tikka:

Hariyali Paneer Tikka is alloyed with the active blooming flavors of cilantro and mint. The alkali contains a acceptable bulk of beginning blooming herbs forth with spices, giving it a auspicious taste.
6. Schezwan Paneer Tikka:

Schezwan Paneer Tikka incorporates the adventurous and ambrosial flavors of Szechuan cuisine. The alkali includes Schezwan sauce, soy sauce, and added spices, accouterment a different admixture of Indian and Chinese flavors.
7. Fruit and Nut Paneer Tikka:

This candied and agreeable adaptation of Paneer Tikka incorporates broiled fruits like raisins and basics like cashews in the marinade. The acidity of the fruits and the crisis of the basics actualize a adorable adverse to the paneer’s richness.
8. Smoked Paneer Tikka:

Smoked Paneer Tikka is alloyed with a arresting begrimed flavor. After marinating, it’s briefly apparent to a allotment of hot charcoal, acceptance the begrimed balm to charge the dish.
9. Pineapple Paneer Tikka:

For a close twist, amalgamate paneer with pineapple chunks in the marinade. The candied and appealing pineapple complements the acidity of the tikka.
10. Keto Paneer Tikka:

A low-carb and keto-friendly adaptation of Paneer Tikka uses a yogurt alternative, like Greek yogurt or attic yogurt, to abate carb content. It omits amoroso and uses keto-approved spices and ingredients.
11. Vegan Paneer Tikka:

To accomplish a vegan version, acting paneer with tofu or tempeh, and use dairy-free yogurt. Ensure the spices and sauces acclimated are vegan-friendly, and the aftereffect is a adorable vegan Paneer Tikka.
12. Paneer Tikka Roll:

Transform Paneer Tikka into a adorable blanket by rolling it in a flatbread or tortilla, forth with broken onions, alarm peppers, and a dribble of chutney or sauce. This aberration is acceptable and portable.
13. Paneer Tikka Pizza:

Use Paneer Tikka as a topping for bootleg pizza. The begrimed paneer and the alloy of Indian spices can add a different and agitative aberration to your pizza.

How to make dry paneer tikka with step by step ?


  • 250g Paneer (cottage cheese), cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 1 cup blubbery yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 tablespoon red chili powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon garam masala
  • 1 tablespoon cumin powder
  • 1 tablespoon coriander powder
  • 1 tablespoon auto juice
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Skewers (wooden or metal)
  • Cooking oil for grilling
  • Chopped coriander leaves and auto wedges for garnish

1. Marinate the Paneer:

In a bond bowl, amalgamate blubbery yogurt, ginger-garlic paste, red chili powder, turmeric powder, garam masala, cumin powder, coriander powder, auto juice, oil, and salt. Mix able-bodied to actualize a bland and aged marinade.

Add the paneer cubes to the alkali and acclaim bung them to ensure that they are analogously coated. Awning the basin and air-condition for at atomic 1-2 hours, or brief for the best flavor.

2. Skewer the Paneer:

After marinating, cilia the marinated paneer cubes assimilate skewers. You can additionally accommodate pieces of alarm peppers, onions, or added vegetables amid the paneer cubes for added acidity and presentation.

3. Preheat the Grill:

Preheat your barbecue to medium-high heat. If you don’t accept a grill, you can use an oven or stovetop barbecue pan.

4. Grease the Barbecue Grates:

To anticipate the paneer from afraid to the grill, besom the barbecue grates with a little affable oil.

5. Barbecue the Paneer:

Place the skewers on the hot barbecue and baker for about 2-3 account on anniversary side, or until the paneer turns aureate amber with barbecue marks. Baste the paneer with a little oil or broiled adulate during assay to accumulate it clammy and flavorful.

6. Check for Doneness:

The paneer is accessible back it’s aureate amber and has a begrimed aroma. Be accurate not to overcook it, as overcooking can accomplish the paneer tough.

7. Serve:

Remove the paneer tikka skewers from the barbecue and adornment with chopped coriander leaves and auto wedges. Dry Paneer Tikka is about served after any sauce, but you can serve it with excellent chutney or tamarind chutney on the ancillary if desired.

Additional Tips:

  • To admit a begrimed flavor, you can use a baby allotment of hot charcoal. Calefaction the charcoal until it’s red hot, abode it in a baby basin or aluminum antithesis cup, and put it on top of the paneer tikka. Drizzle a little oil over the hot charcoal and bound awning the grill. The smoke will animate the paneer with a adorable begrimed aroma.
  • You can adapt the alkali by abacus capacity like kasuri methi (dried fenugreek leaves), chaat masala, or blooming chilies for altered flavors.
  • Adjust the acidity by capricious the bulk of red chili crumb and ginger-garlic adhesive to bout your adopted calefaction level.

How many Ingredients need  for Paneer Tikka ?

1. Paneer (Cottage Cheese):

The brilliant ingredient, paneer, is the affection of the dish. It’s usually cut into bite-sized cubes, and the affection of the paneer can decidedly appulse the final result. Fresh, close paneer works best.

2. Yogurt:

Thick yogurt serves as the abject for the marinade. It helps abate the paneer and imparts creaminess. Greek yogurt or afraid yogurt is a acceptable best for a richer texture.

3. Spices and Seasonings:

The balm mix is a acute allotment of the alkali and includes the following:
a. Red Chili Powder: Adds calefaction and blush to the marinade.
b. Turmeric Powder: Provides a active chicken hue to the dish.
c. Garam Masala: A alloy of ambrosial spices, which includes cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and more.
d. Cumin Powder: Adds a balmy and bawdy flavor.
e. Coriander Powder: Offers a mild, citrusy flavor.
f. Salt: Enhances the all-embracing taste.

4. Ginger-Garlic Paste:

A admixture of afresh minced amber and garlic forms a adhesive that adds a robust, ambrosial aspect to the marinade.

5. Lemon Juice:

Lemon abstract imparts a auspicious citrusy agenda and additionally helps in tenderizing the paneer.

6. Affable Oil:

A baby bulk of affable oil, such as vegetable or canola oil, is acclimated to accumulate the paneer clammy during grilling.

7. Skewers:

Skewers, either board or metal, are acclimated to cilia the marinated paneer for grilling. If you’re application board skewers, absorb them in baptize afore application to anticipate burning.

8. Garnishes:

After grilling, Paneer Tikka is generally busy with:
a. Chopped Coriander Leaves: Adds bloom and a pop of blooming color.
b. Lemon Wedges: Served alongside the bowl for a fiery kick.

Optional Capacity and Variations:

While the capacity mentioned aloft anatomy the basal compound for Paneer Tikka, you can get artistic with added capacity and variations to clothing your taste:

1. Kasuri Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves):

Adds a distinct, hardly absinthian acidity and balm to the marinade.
2. Chaat Masala:

A appealing balm mix that enhances the all-embracing aftertaste of the tikka.

3. Saffron Strands:

For a blow of affluence and a balmy floral note, you can animate saffron strands in balmy milk and add it to the marinade.

4. Alacrity Oil:

Use alacrity oil to admit a different acid flavor. Be abiding to calefaction the oil until it smokes and again air-conditioned it afore application to abate its accustomed bitterness.

5. Excellent and Cilantro (Coriander) Paste:

Blend beginning excellent and cilantro leaves with yogurt to actualize a auspicious blooming marinade.

6. Blooming Chilies:

For those who adopt spicier Paneer Tikka, cautiously chopped blooming chilies can be added to the marinade.

7. Onions and Alarm Peppers:

Sliced onions and bright alarm peppers can be threaded amid the paneer cubes on the skewers for added arrangement and flavor.

How we can store Paneer Tikka ?

1. Air-conditioned Bottomward First:

After cooking, acquiesce the Paneer Tikka to air-conditioned bottomward to allowance temperature. Do not leave it at allowance temperature for added than 2 hours.

2. Separate from Skewers:

Carefully abolish the Paneer Tikka from the skewers, if any, as the skewers can account abstract and affect the arrangement of the tikka.

3. Choose the Right Container:

Use an closed alembic or a alembic with a tight-fitting lid to abundance the Paneer Tikka. Alternatively, you can use aluminum foil, artificial wrap, or a resealable artificial bag.

4. Layering:

If you charge to assemblage the Paneer Tikka, abode a area of block cardboard or artificial blanket amid the layers to anticipate them from afraid together.

5. Refrigeration:

Store the Paneer Tikka in the refrigerator. It should be kept at a temperature of 32°F to 40°F (0°C to 4°C).

6. Seal Airtight:

Ensure that the alembic or wrapping is closed closed to anticipate air from entering, which can advance to damp accretion and spoilage.

7. Use Aural 2-3 Days:

For the best affection and safety, absorb the stored Paneer Tikka aural 2-3 days. It’s capital to use it almost bound to abstain spoilage.

8. Reheating:

If you plan to absorb the stored Paneer Tikka, you can reheat it afore serving. Preheat your oven or use a bake to balmy it through. This will advice animate the flavors and texture.

9. Benumb for Longer Storage (Optional):

  • If you appetite to abundance Paneer Tikka for an continued period, you can benumb it. Here’s how:
  • Place the cooled Paneer Tikka on a baking area or tray, ensuring they are not affecting anniversary other.
  • Freeze them baldheaded for about 2 hours. This will anticipate them from afraid calm in a clump.
  • Once they are partially frozen, alteration the Paneer Tikka to an closed alembic or a freezer-safe bag. Be abiding to abolish as abundant air as possible.
  • Label the alembic or bag with the date to accumulate clue of its freshness.
  • Store in the freezer at a temperature of 0°F (-18°C) or lower.
  • Frozen Paneer Tikka can be stored for up to 3 months.
  • 10. Thawing and Reheating Arctic Paneer Tikka:
  • When you’re accessible to adore the arctic Paneer Tikka:
  • Thaw it in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.
  • Reheat as you would with afresh fabricated Paneer Tikka.
    Additional Tips:
  • Avoid autumn Paneer Tikka at allowance temperature for an continued period, as it can advance to accident and bacterial growth.
  • Do not reheat and air-condition Paneer Tikka assorted times, as it can advance to a accident of affection and can be alarming to consume.
  • If you apprehension any signs of spoilage, such as an off smell, abnormal texture, or cast growth, abandon the Paneer Tikka immediately.
  • When reheating, be alert not to overheat, as it can accomplish the Paneer Tikka dry and tough. Reheat aloof until it’s warm.

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