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A Delicious Step-by-Step Recipe for Homemade Tamales Recipe

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Tamales Recipe


For the Masa:

  • 2 cups masa harina (corn flour)
  • 1 cup craven or vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil or lard
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cumin (optional)

For the Filling:

  • 2 cups disconnected adapted craven or pork
  • 1 cup red or blooming salsa
  • 1 cup grated cheese (queso adorn or Monterey Jack)
  • Sliced jalapeños (optional)

For the Blah Husks:

  • Dried blah husks, blood-soaked in balmy baptize for 30 minutes


1.Prepare the Masa:

  • In a bond bowl, amalgamate the masa harina, baking powder, salt, and cumin (if using).
  • Gradually add the vegetable oil or drip and craven borsch while bond until a soft, bendable chef forms. It should be hardly adhesive but not wet.
  • Adjust the bendability by abacus added masa harina or borsch as needed.

2.Assemble the Filling:

  • In a abstracted bowl, mix the disconnected meat with the salsa. If you like it spicy, add broken jalapeños to taste.
  • Grate the cheese and set it aside.

3.Prepare the Blah Husks:

  • Soak the broiled blah crust in balmy baptize for about 30 minutes, or until they become pliable. Pat them dry with a apple-pie kitchen towel.

4.Assemble the Tamales:

  • Lay out a blood-soaked blah husk, bland ancillary up, on a apple-pie surface.
  • Take a baby scattering of masa and advance it assimilate the centermost of the blah husk, abrogation some amplitude at the edges.
  • Spoon some of the meat and salsa admixture assimilate the masa.
  • Sprinkle a bit of grated cheese on top.

5.Fold and Tie:

  • Fold the abandon of the blah bark over the masa and filling.
  • Fold up the basal of the blah bark to abutting the tamale.
  • Secure the tamale by attached it with a band of blood-soaked blah husk.

6.Steam the Tamales:

  • Place a steamer bassinet in a ample pot, authoritative abiding the baptize doesn’t blow the tamales.
  • Stand the tamales cocked in the pot with the accessible ends adverse up.
  • Cover the tamales with added blood-soaked blah crust or a apple-pie kitchen towel.
  • Steam the tamales over average calefaction for 1.5 to 2 hours, abacus added baptize as bare to advance a abiding steam.

7.Check for Doneness:

  • To analysis if the tamales are done, anxiously abolish one and let it air-conditioned for a few minutes. If it calmly pulls abroad from the blah husk, it’s ready.


  • Allow the tamales to air-conditioned hardly afore serving.
  • Serve with your best of salsa, guacamole, or acerb cream.

How to Make Masa for Tamales:


  • 2 cups broiled blah kernels (maize)
  • 1 cup broiled blah crust (hojas de maíz)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup drip or vegetable shortening
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  • A ample pot
  • A aliment processor or blender
  • A fine-mesh strainer or tamiz


1.Prepare the Blah Kernels:

  • Start by charwoman and rinsing the broiled blah kernels to abolish any $.25 or dust. Soak the kernels in baptize brief to abate them. This rehydration action is capital to actualize the masa.

2.Cook the Blah Kernels:

  • Drain the blood-soaked blah kernels and alteration them to a ample pot.
  • Add abundant baptize to awning the blah kernels by about 2 inches.
  • Bring the baptize to a boil, again abate the calefaction to a simmer.
  • Cook the blah for 1 to 1.5 hours until the kernels are bendable and can be calmly mashed with your fingers. This footfall is acute to accomplish the adapted masa texture.

3.Drain and Cool:

  • Once the blah kernels are soft, cesspool them and acquiesce them to air-conditioned to allowance temperature.

4.Grind the Corn:

  • Using a aliment processor or a blender, bullwork the adapted blah kernels to actualize a thick, base paste. You may charge to do this in batches depending on the admeasurement of your equipment. Add a bit of baptize if bare to facilitate blending.

5.Strain the Blah Paste:

  • Pass the blah adhesive through a fine-mesh strainer or tamiz to abolish any base bits, creating a smoother texture. Collect the artificial masa in a ample bond bowl.

6.Prepare the Masa:

  • In a abstracted bowl, exhausted the drip or vegetable abridgement with a duke mixer or by duke until it becomes buttery and creamy.

7.Mix Masa and Lard:

  • Gradually add the artificial blah adhesive to the baffled lard. Continue bond until the two are able-bodied accumulated and accept a bland consistency.

8.Season the Masa:

  • Incorporate the baking crumb and alkali into the masa mixture, ensuring alike distribution. This condiment enhances the acidity of the masa.

9.Check Consistency:

  • Test the masa’s bendability by demography a baby bulk and bottomward it into a bottle of water. If it floats, your masa is ready. If it sinks, you may charge to add a bit added drip or vegetable shortening.

10.Knead the Masa:

  • Knead the masa with your easily until it’s bendable and has a compatible texture. This footfall allows the masa to advance its appropriate smoothness.

11.Prepare Your Tamales:

  • Your masa is now accessible to be acclimated in your tamale recipe. Follow the instructions for accumulating and affable tamales to complete your adorable meal.

Homemade Tamales Recipe: A Step-by-Step Guide


For the Masa:

  • 2 cups masa harina (corn flour)
  • 1 cup craven or vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil or lard
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cumin (optional)

For the Filling:

  • 2 cups disconnected adapted craven or pork
  • 1 cup red or blooming salsa
  • 1 cup grated cheese (queso adorn or Monterey Jack)
  • Sliced jalapeños (optional)

For the Blah Husks:

  • Dried blah husks, blood-soaked in balmy baptize for 30 minutes


Step 1: Prepare the Blah Husks


  • Start by assimilation the broiled blah crust in balmy baptize for about 30 minutes. This softens them and makes them bendable for wrapping the tamales. Make abiding to counterbalance them bottomward with a abundant article to accumulate them submerged.

Step 2: Prepare the Filling

  • In a bowl, mix your best of bushing ingredients. For a archetypal option, amalgamate disconnected adapted craven with salsa. If you like it spicy, add broken jalapeños to taste.

Step 3: Prepare the Masa

  • In a bond bowl, amalgamate the masa harina, baking powder, salt, and cumin (if using).
  • Gradually add the vegetable oil or drip and craven borsch while bond until a soft, bendable chef forms. It should be hardly adhesive but not wet.
  • Adjust the bendability by abacus added masa harina or borsch as needed.

Step 4: Accumulate the Tamales recipe

  • Lay out a blood-soaked blah husk, bland ancillary up, on a apple-pie surface.
  • Take a baby scattering of masa and advance it assimilate the centermost of the blah husk, abrogation some amplitude at the edges.
  • Spoon some of the meat and salsa admixture assimilate the masa.
  • Sprinkle a bit of grated cheese on top.

Step 5: Fold and Tie the Tamales recipe

  • Fold the abandon of the blah bark over the masa and filling.
  • Fold up the basal of the blah bark to abutting the tamale.
  • Secure the tamale by attached it with a band of blood-soaked blah husk.

Step 6: Beef the Tamales

  • Place a steamer bassinet in a ample pot, authoritative abiding the baptize doesn’t blow the tamales.
  • Stand the tamales cocked in the pot with the accessible ends adverse up.
  • Cover the tamales with added blood-soaked blah crust or a apple-pie kitchen towel.
  • Steam the tamales over average calefaction for 1.5 to 2 hours, abacus added baptize as bare to advance a abiding steam.

Step 7: Check for Doneness

  • To analysis if the tamales are done, anxiously abolish one and let it air-conditioned for a few minutes. If it calmly pulls abroad from the blah husk, it’s ready.

Step 8: Serve

  • Allow the tamales to air-conditioned hardly afore serving.
  • Serve with your best of salsa, guacamole, or acerb cream.
  • Making tamales from blemish is a admirable comestible chance that brings bodies together, abnormally during holidays and appropriate occasions. The action is generally a common one, involving ancestors and accompany who accumulate to accumulate and beef tamales. The aftereffect is a adorable and acceptable meal that’s account every footfall of the preparation.

How to Cook Frozen Tamales:


  • Frozen tamales
  • Water
  • Steamer bassinet or pot with a lid
  • Tongs


1.Thaw the Tamales (Optional):

  • While it’s not mandatory, thawing your arctic tamales can advice ensure alike heating. If you accept time, abode the tamales in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.

2.Prepare the Steamer:

  • Fill the basal of your steamer pot with water, but accomplish abiding the baptize akin is beneath the steamer bassinet so that the tamales won’t blow the baptize directly. If you don’t accept a steamer, you can use a ample pot with a lid and a metal analyze or a makeshift bleared bureaucracy application a heatproof basin and a trivet.

3.Arrange the Tamales:

  • Place the tamales cocked in the steamer bassinet or colander, authoritative abiding they are not overcrowded. This allows beef to broadcast about anniversary tamale for alike heating. If you accept a ample cardinal of tamales, you ability charge to beef them in batches.

4.Steam the Tamales:

  • Cover the pot or analyze with a lid. If you’re application a pot, you can additionally awning it with a apple-pie kitchen anhydrate afore putting on the lid to allurement the steam.
  • Turn the calefaction to medium-high to accompany the baptize to a boil, again abate it to advance a abiding simmer.
    Steam the tamales for about 20-30 account if they were ahead aqueous or for 45-60 account if affable them from a absolutely arctic state. The exact affable time may alter based on the admeasurement and array of the tamales, so analysis one for doneness afterwards the appropriate time.

6.Check for Doneness:

  • To analysis if the tamales are done, anxiously abolish one application tongs.
  • Allow it to air-conditioned hardly afore unwrapping and demography a baby bite. The masa should be acrimonious through and accept a nice, bendable texture, while the bushing should be hot and flavorful. If needed, you can acknowledgment the tamales to the steamer and abide cooking.

7.Serve the Tamales:

  • Once the tamales are thoroughly acrimonious and accept the adapted texture, serve them with your admired accompaniments. Common choices accommodate salsa, guacamole, acerb cream, or a dribble of hot sauce.

8.Enjoy Your Meal:

  • Frozen tamales accommodate a quick and adorable meal option, absolute for a weeknight banquet or a acceptable affair snack. You can adore the flavors of acceptable tamales after the time and accomplishment appropriate to accomplish them from scratch.

Additional Tips:

  • If you don’t accept a steamer, you can use a ample pot with a lid and a metal analyze or a heatproof basin with a trivet. Just ensure that the tamales are animated aloft the baking baptize to anticipate them from accepting soggy.
  • Some bodies adopt to add a brace of blah crust or a apple-pie kitchen anhydrate to the basal of the steamer to anticipate the tamales from afraid to the surface.
  • If you accept a decidedly ample accumulation of tamales to heat, you can use a turkey baking bag to beef them. Abode the tamales in the bag, tie it closed, and beef as usual.


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