Creamy Potato Soup Recipe

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Creamy Potato Soup Recipe


  • 4 ample chestnut potatoes
  • 1 average onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 4 cups craven or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup accomplished milk
  • 1/2 cup abundant cream
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon broiled thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Grated cheddar cheese, bacon bits, and chopped chives for adornment (optional)


1. Prep the Ingredients:

  • Start by acquisition all the capacity you’ll charge for this potato soup recipe. Peel and dice the potatoes into baby cubes. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Having aggregate able and accessible to go will accomplish the affable action smoother.

2. Baker the Onions and Garlic:

  • In a ample soup pot, baker the adulate over average heat. Add the chopped onions and garlic and sauté them until they become clear-cut and fragrant, about 3-5 minutes. Activity occasionally to anticipate them from browning.

3. Accomplish a Roux:

  • Sprinkle the abrade over the sautéed onions and garlic and activity able-bodied to actualize a roux. Continue to baker and activity for a few minutes, acceptance the roux to hardly brown. This will advice thicken the soup.

4. Add the Potatoes and Thyme:

  • Add the diced potatoes and broiled thyme to the pot, and activity them to amalgamate with the roux and onions. The thyme will add a subtle, bawdy acidity to the soup.

5. Cascade in the Broth:

  • Slowly cascade in the craven or vegetable borsch while active continuously. This will advice to abstain chastening in your soup. The borsch provides the abject of the soup and will baker the potatoes to perfection.

6. Simmer and Baker the Potatoes:

  • Bring the admixture to a affable abscess and again abate the calefaction to a simmer. Let the potatoes baker in the borsch for about 15-20 minutes, or until they become tender. You can analysis their doneness by dabbling a potato cube with a fork; it should calmly accelerate in and out.

7. Blend or Brew the Soup:

  • There are two options for accomplishing the adapted buttery consistency. You can use an captivation blender to anxiously borsch the soup in the pot, or you can use a potato masher to brew some of the potatoes anon in the pot while abrogation a few chunks for texture. It’s a amount of claimed preference.

8. Add Milk and Cream:

  • Pour in the accomplished milk and abundant cream, and activity well. This will accord the soup a affluent and buttery texture. Accomplish abiding the soup is well-heated but not boiling.

9. Season to Taste:

  • Season the potato soup with alkali and pepper to taste. Be abiding to aftertaste and acclimatize the condiment as needed. Remember, you can consistently add more, but it’s difficult to actual an oversalted dish.

10. Serve and Garnish:

  • Ladle the buttery potato soup into bowls. For an added blow of acidity and presentation, you can adornment anniversary basin with grated cheddar cheese, bacon bits, and chopped chives. These toppings add both arrangement and a access of flavor.

11. Enjoy!

  • Serve the potato soup hot and adore its creamy, abating goodness. It’s absolute as a standalone meal or commutual with some abrupt aliment or a simple salad.

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Creamy Potato Soup Instant Pot Recipe


  • 4 ample chestnut potatoes, bald and diced
  • 1 average onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 cups craven or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup accomplished milk
  • 1/2 cup abundant cream
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon broiled thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional toppings: grated cheddar cheese, bacon bits, chopped chives


1. Prep the Ingredients:

  • Start by advancing all your ingredients. Peel and dice the potatoes into small, alike cubes. Chop the onion and chip the garlic. Having aggregate accessible will accomplish the affable action smoother.

2. Saute Onions and Garlic:

  • Turn on your Instant Pot and baddest the “Saute” function. Add the adulate and let it melt. Once the adulate is broiled and sizzling, add the chopped onions and minced garlic. Saute them for about 3-5 minutes, or until they become clear-cut and fragrant. Activity occasionally to anticipate burning.

3. Create the Roux:

  • Sprinkle the advantageous abrade over the sautéed onions and garlic and activity well. Continue to baker and activity for a few account to acquiesce the roux to hardly brown. This footfall helps to thicken the soup.

4. Add Potatoes and Thyme:

  • Add the diced potatoes and broiled thyme to the Instant Pot, active them to amalgamate with the roux, onions, and garlic. The thyme adds a delightful, bawdy acidity to the soup.

5. Cascade in the Broth:

  • Slowly cascade in the craven or vegetable borsch while active continuously. This helps anticipate chastening from basic in your soup. The borsch serves as the abject of the soup and will baker the potatoes perfectly.

6. Burden Baker the Potatoes:

  • Secure the lid on your Instant Pot, set the valve to “Sealing,” and baddest the “Pressure Cook” function. Set the timer to 10 account at aerial pressure. The Instant Pot will booty some time to appear to pressure, and again it will baker the potatoes beneath pressure.

7. Quick Absolution Pressure:

  • Once the affable aeon is complete, accomplish a quick burden absolution by axis the valve from “Sealing” to “Venting.” Be cautious, as hot beef will release. Wait until the burden valve drops, advertence that it’s safe to accessible the lid.

8. Blend or Brew the Soup:

  • Now, you accept two options to accomplish the adapted buttery consistency. You can use an captivation blender to anxiously borsch the soup appropriate in the Instant Pot, or you can use a potato masher to brew some of the potatoes anon in the pot while abrogation a few chunks for texture. Choose the adjustment that apparel your preference.

9. Add Milk and Cream:

  • Pour in the accomplished milk and abundant cream, and activity thoroughly. This accession gives the soup a affluent and buttery texture. Ensure that the soup is well-heated, but abstain bringing it to a abscess to anticipate curdling.

10. Season to Taste:

  • Season the potato soup with alkali and pepper to taste. Remember to aftertaste and acclimatize the condiment as needed. You can consistently add more, but it’s arduous to actual an oversalted dish.

11. Serve and Garnish:

  • Ladle the buttery potato soup into bowls, and for an added blow of acidity and presentation, accede adornment anniversary basin with grated cheddar cheese, bacon bits, and chopped chives. These toppings not alone add arrangement but additionally accommodate a access of flavor.

12. Enjoy!

  • Serve the potato soup while it’s still hot, and adore its buttery and abating goodness. This soup is absolute as a standalone meal or commutual with some abrupt aliment or a simple ancillary salad.

Baked Potato Soup Recipe


  • 4 ample chestnut potatoes
  • 4 slices of bacon
  • 1/2 cup chopped blooming onions (scallions)
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 cups craven or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup accomplished milk
  • 1/2 cup abundant cream
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon broiled thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 1/2 cups disconnected cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup acerb cream
  • Optional toppings: added grated cheddar cheese, broken blooming onions, and access bacon


1. Preheat the Oven:

  • Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). You’ll be baking the potatoes to get that archetypal broiled potato flavor.

2. Bake the Potatoes:

  • Wash and abrade the chestnut potatoes to abolish any dirt, and again pat them dry with a cardboard towel. Prick anniversary potato with a angle a few times to acquiesce beef to escape while baking. Place the potatoes anon on the oven arbor or on a baking sheet. Bake for about 45-60 account or until they are breakable and can be calmly broken with a fork.

3. Baker the Bacon:

  • While the potatoes are baking, you can adapt the bacon. In a skillet, baker the bacon slices until they’re crispy. Once done, abolish them from the skillet, let them cesspool on a cardboard towel, and crumble them into bits. Set the bacon $.25 abreast for adornment the soup later.

4. Saute Blooming Onions and Garlic:

  • In a ample soup pot or Dutch oven, baker the adulate over average heat. Add the chopped blooming onions and minced garlic. Sauté them until they become ambrosial and tender, about 2-3 minutes.

5. Actualize the Roux:

  • Sprinkle a bit of advantageous abrade into the pot and activity able-bodied to actualize a roux. Continue to baker and activity for a few account to acquiesce the roux to hardly brown. This will advice thicken the soup.

6. Add Craven Broth:

  • Pour in the craven or vegetable borsch while active continuously. This prevents chastening from basic in your soup. The borsch serves as the abject and will accompaniment the broiled potato flavor.

7. Simmer and Thicken:

  • Allow the soup to simmer for about 10 minutes, active occasionally, until it thickens. The roux will advice actualize a buttery texture.

8. Adapt the Broiled Potatoes:

  • Once the broiled potatoes are done, abolish them from the oven and let them air-conditioned slightly. Cut them into baby cubes, abrogation the bark on for that accurate broiled potato experience.

9. Add Potatoes and Thyme:

  • Add the cubed broiled potatoes and broiled thyme to the pot, active them to amalgamate with the roux and broth. The thyme contributes to the soup’s rich, bawdy flavor.

10. Simmer and Season:

  • Let the soup simmer for an added 10 account to acquiesce the flavors to meld. Season the soup with alkali and pepper to taste. Remember to aftertaste and acclimatize the condiment as needed.

11. Activity in Milk and Cream:

  • Pour in the accomplished milk and abundant cream, active thoroughly. This accession gives the soup a affluent and buttery texture. Calefaction the soup until it’s hot but abstain baking to anticipate curdling.

12. Add Cheese and Acerb Cream:

  • Gradually activity in the disconnected cheddar cheese until it’s absolutely broiled and the soup becomes buttery and cheesy. Then, add the acerb chrism and activity able-bodied to combine.

13. Serve and Garnish:

  • Ladle the broiled potato soup into bowls, and for an added blow of acidity and presentation, accede adornment anniversary basin with added grated cheddar cheese, broken blooming onions, and access bacon bits. These toppings not alone add arrangement but additionally accommodate a access of flavor.

14. Enjoy!

  • Serve the broiled potato soup while it’s hot, and flavor its creamy, cheesy, and abating goodness. It’s absolute as a standalone meal, but you can additionally brace it with some abrupt aliment or a simple ancillary salad.

Chicken Potato Soup Recipe


  • 2 boneless, skinless craven breasts (about 12 oz)
  • 4 cups craven broth
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 medium-sized chestnut potatoes, bald and diced
  • 2 carrots, bald and diced
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 1 average onion, cautiously chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup arctic peas
  • 1/2 cup arctic corn
  • 1/2 cup abundant cream
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1 teaspoon broiled thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Chopped beginning parsley for adornment (optional)


1. Prepare the Chicken:

  • Begin by advancing the craven breasts. Season them with a compression of alkali and pepper. In a ample pot or Dutch oven, calefaction a bit of oil over medium-high heat. Add the craven breasts and baker for about 6-8 account per ancillary or until they are adapted through and no best blush in the center. Remove the craven from the pot and let it blow on a acid board.

2. Baker the Aromatics:

  • In the aforementioned pot, add the adulate and baker it over average heat. Add the chopped onions, minced garlic, and chopped celery. Sauté for about 3-4 account or until the vegetables become breakable and fragrant.

3. Actualize the Roux:

  • Sprinkle the advantageous abrade over the sautéed vegetables and activity able-bodied to actualize a roux. Continue to baker and activity for a few account to acquiesce the roux to hardly brown. This will advice thicken the soup.

4. Add Potatoes and Thyme:

  • Stir in the diced potatoes and broiled thyme, bond them to amalgamate with the roux and vegetables. The thyme adds an bawdy acidity to the soup.

5. Cascade in Borsch and Water:

  • Slowly cascade in the craven borsch and baptize while active continuously. This prevents chastening from basic in your soup. The aggregate of borsch and baptize creates a aged abject for your soup.

6. Simmer and Baker Potatoes:

  • Bring the admixture to a boil, again abate the calefaction to a simmer. Let the potatoes baker in the borsch for about 15-20 account or until they become breakable back broken with a fork. Affable times may alter depending on the admeasurement of your potato chunks.

7. Atom the Chicken:

  • While the potatoes are cooking, use two forks to atom the adapted craven into small, bite-sized pieces. Set the disconnected craven aside.

8. Add Carrots and Peas:

  • Once the potatoes are tender, add the diced carrots, arctic peas, and arctic blah to the pot. Simmer for an added 5-7 account or until the vegetables are adapted through.

9. Return Disconnected Chicken:

  • Return the disconnected craven to the pot and activity it into the soup. This adds a adorable compact acidity and protein to your dish.

10. Season and Add Cream:

  • Season the craven potato soup with alkali and pepper to taste. Activity in the abundant chrism to actualize a buttery and affluent texture. Be alert not to let the soup appear to a abscess already the chrism is added to anticipate curdling.

11. Simmer and Serve:

  • Allow the soup to simmer for an added 5-10 minutes, active occasionally to amalgamate the flavors and ensure the soup is hot and well-combined.

12. Adornment and Serve:

  • When accessible to serve, bail the craven potato soup into bowls. You can adornment it with afresh chopped parsley for an added access of acidity and a blow of freshness.

13. Enjoy!

  • Serve the craven potato soup while it’s hot and flavor its heartwarming and acceptable goodness. This soup can be enjoyed as a standalone meal, but it’s additionally abundant back served with a ancillary of abrupt aliment or a simple blooming salad.

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