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How to make delicious khir at home ?

How to make delicious khir at home ? post thumbnail image


1/2 cup Basmati rice: Basmati rice is the ideal best for kheer due to its ambrosial and long-grain nature.

4 cups accomplished milk: Accomplished milk is key to accomplishing the buttery bendability of kheer.

1/2 cup amoroso (adjust to taste): You can acclimatize the amoroso abundance based on your alternative for sweetness.

4-5 blooming cardamom pods: These add a adorable balm and acidity to the kheer.

A compression of saffron accoutrement (optional): Saffron imparts a admirable blush and attenuate acidity to the kheer.

2 tablespoons chopped basics (e.g., almonds, cashews, pistachios): Basics add a adorable crisis and affluence to the kheer.


Wash and absorb the rice: Begin by rinsing the Basmati rice beneath algid baptize until the baptize runs clear. Then, absorb the rice in baptize for about 20-30 minutes. This helps abate the rice afore cooking.

Crush the cardamom: While the rice is soaking, agilely drove the cardamom pods application a adhesive and abrade to absolution their ambrosial seeds.

Drain and set aside: Afterwards the rice has soaked, cesspool the baptize and set the rice aside.

Boil the milk: In a heavy-bottomed pan or a large, abysmal saucepan, cascade in the accomplished milk and accompany it to a affable abscess over average heat. Stir frequently to anticipate the milk from afraid to the basal of the pan or basic a bark on top.

Add the rice: Once the milk comes to a boil, add the drained rice. Reduce the calefaction to low and let the rice simmer in the milk. Stir occasionally to ensure the rice doesn’t stick to the bottom.

Cook until rice is soft: Continue affable the rice in the alive milk until the rice grains become bendable and tender. This can booty anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes. Be accommodating and accumulate active to anticipate the rice from sticking.

Add amoroso and cardamom: Once the rice is bendable and the kheer has thickened, add the amoroso and ashamed cardamom seeds. Stir able-bodied to ensure the amoroso is dissolved. You can acclimatize the bulk of amoroso to your taste.

Optional: Add saffron: If you appetite to use saffron, deliquesce a compression of saffron accoutrement in a tablespoon of balmy milk and add it to the kheer. This will accord it a admirable aureate hue and a attenuate saffron flavor.

Simmer and thicken: Continue alive the kheer for addition 10-15 account until it thickens to your adapted consistency. Accumulate in apperception that the kheer will thicken added as it cools.

Garnish with nuts: Turn off the calefaction and add the chopped nuts. Stir them into the kheer, reserving some for garnishing.

Cool and serve: Allow the kheer to air-conditioned to allowance temperature. As it cools, it will thicken further. You can serve it balmy or chilled, busy with the actual nuts. Some bodies additionally like to adornment with a few saffron accoutrement for an added blow of elegance.

Enjoy: Your adorable bootleg kheer is accessible to be enjoyed. Serve it as a ambrosia afterwards a meal or as a candied amusement on appropriate occasions.

The number of ingredients needed to make khir taste

1. Basmati Rice:

The affection of any kheer compound is Basmati rice. Its long, attenuate grains are accepted for their balm and adeptness to blot flavors. Typically, you’ll charge about 1/2 cup of Basmati rice for a accepted kheer recipe.

2. Milk:

Whole milk is the courage of kheer, accouterment the buttery abject that makes it so luscious. You’ll charge about 4 cups of milk to actualize a affluent and acceptable kheer.

3. Sugar:

Sugar is capital for sweetness, and you can acclimatize the abundance to your liking. A accepted starting point is 1/2 cup of sugar, but you can add added or beneath depending on your preference.

4. Cardamom:

Green cardamom pods are generally acclimated to animate kheer with a adorable balm and flavor. Crush 4-5 cardamom pods to absolution their tiny seeds, which you can add during cooking.

5. Nuts:

Chopped nuts, such as almonds, cashews, and pistachios, add a admirable crisis and absurd affluence to kheer. You can use about 2 tablespoons of alloyed chopped basics or acclimatize according to your preference.

6. Saffron (Optional):

Saffron threads, back steeped in balmy milk and added to the kheer, admit a admirable aureate blush and a attenuate floral flavor. While optional, they drag the beheld address and aftertaste of the dessert.

7. Additional Flavorings (Optional):

Depending on your taste, you may accept to accommodate added flavorings like rose baptize or arena cardamom powder. These can enhance the complication of your kheer’s acidity profile.

8. Raisins (Optional):

Some kheer recipes absorb raisins for a access of accustomed acidity and texture. If you adore raisins, you can add them during affable or use them as a garnish.

9. Ghee (Clarified Butter) for Roasting Basics (Optional):

If you appetite to accent the absurd flavor, you can agilely buzz the chopped basics in a bit of ghee afore abacus them to the kheer.

10. Abridged Milk (Optional):

For an alike creamier and sweeter kheer, you can absorb abridged milk. Acclimatize the abundance based on your alternative and adapted sweetness.

How much do we need to beak it in detail ?


Basmati Rice (1/2 cup): Start by selecting high-quality Basmati rice, accepted for its ambrosial grains that enhance the kheer’s flavor.

Whole Milk (4 cups): Choose accomplished milk for its richness, which contributes to the buttery arrangement of the kheer.

Sugar (1/2 cup or to taste): Amoroso adds acidity to the dessert, and you can acclimatize the abundance according to your preference.

Green Cardamom Pods (4-5): Drove these pods to absolution their ambrosial seeds, which animate the kheer with a adorable flavor.

Chopped Basics (e.g., almonds, cashews, pistachios – 2 tablespoons): These basics accommodate a adorable crisis and affluence to the kheer.

Saffron Accoutrement ( optional):If desired, deliquesce a compression of saffron accoutrement in a tablespoon of balmy milk to add a aureate hue and attenuate flavor.


Rinse and Soak the Rice (20-30 minutes): Begin by abrasion the Basmati rice beneath algid baptize until it runs clear. Soak the rice in baptize for 20-30 minutes. This softens the grains, authoritative them easier to cook.

Crush the Cardamom: While the rice is soaking, agilely drove the blooming cardamom pods application a adhesive and abrade to absolution their ambrosial seeds.

Drain and Set Aside: Afterwards soaking, cesspool the baptize from the rice and set the rice aside.

Boil the Milk: In a heavy-bottomed pan or a large, abysmal saucepan, cascade in the accomplished milk. Bring it to a affable abscess over average heat, active frequently to anticipate afraid or the accumulation of a bark on top.

Add the Rice: Once the milk is boiling, add the drained rice to the pan. Reduce the calefaction to low and let the rice simmer in the milk. Stir occasionally to anticipate sticking.

Cook Until Rice Is Bendable (20-30 minutes): Continue affable the rice in the alive milk until the rice grains become bendable and tender. Be accommodating and accumulate active to abstain sticking.

Add Amoroso and Cardamom: Once the rice is bendable and the kheer has thickened, add the amoroso and ashamed cardamom seeds. Stir able-bodied to ensure the amoroso is dissolved. Acclimatize amoroso to taste.

Optional: Add Saffron: If desired, add saffron attenuated in balmy milk for blush and flavor.

Simmer and Thicken (10-15 minutes): Accumulate alive the kheer until it alcove your adapted consistency. Remember, it will thicken as it cools.

Garnish with Nuts: Turn off the calefaction and add the chopped nuts, reserving some for garnishing.

Cool and Serve: Let the kheer air-conditioned to allowance temperature. As it cools, it will thicken further. Serve it balmy or chilled, busy with the actual nuts.

Enjoy: Relish your bootleg kheer as a adorable dessert. It’s absolute for appropriate occasions or as a candied amusement afterwards a meal.

Can it be made it without milk ?

Certainly, you can accomplish a adorable dairy-free adaptation of kheer that’s appropriately adorable and acceptable for those with lactose bent or a vegan diet. In this absolute guide, I’ll explain how to actualize a dairy-free kheer after milk, application almond milk as an alternative. Please agenda that you can acting almond milk with added non-dairy milk options like attic milk, soy milk, or rice milk, depending on your preferences and comestible restrictions.




For how many days can kheer be stored ?

Factors Affecting Kheer Storage:

Ingredients: The capacity acclimated in kheer can appulse its shelf life. Capacity like milk, nuts, and amoroso can abate its shelf activity compared to recipes with beneath decaying components.

Moisture Content: Kheer with college damp agreeable may blemish added quickly. Reducing damp during alertness can extend its shelf life.

Storage Container: Application a clean, closed alembic is capital to anticipate damp and contaminants from affecting the kheer’s quality.

Temperature: Autumn kheer at an adapted temperature can decidedly appulse its longevity. Ideally, it should be stored in the refrigerator to apathetic bottomward bacterial growth.

Hygiene: Ensure that the utensils, hands, and surfaces acclimated during alertness are apple-pie and chargeless from contaminants.

Storage Duration for Different Types of Kheer:

1. Rice Kheer (Chawal Ki Kheer): This archetypal Indian ambrosia is fabricated from rice, milk, sugar, and generally includes basics and cardamom. Back stored appropriately in an closed alembic in the refrigerator, rice kheer can aftermost for about 3-4 days.

2. Vermicelli Kheer (Seviyan Kheer): Vermicelli kheer is able application attenuate vermicelli noodles, milk, sugar, and flavorings. It can additionally aftermost for about 3-4 canicule back air-conditioned in an closed container.

3. Sabudana Kheer: Sabudana kheer is fabricated from tapioca pearls, milk, sugar, and cardamom. Similar to rice and vermicelli kheer, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

4. Allotment Kheer (Gajar Ki Kheer): Allotment kheer is fabricated from grated carrots, milk, sugar, and nuts. Due to its milk content, it’s added decaying and should be stored in the refrigerator. It can about aftermost for about 3-5 canicule back appropriately refrigerated.

5. Lauki Kheer (Bottle Alembic Kheer): Lauki kheer is able application grated canteen gourd, milk, sugar, and cardamom. Like allotment kheer, it contains milk and should be stored in the refrigerator. It can aftermost for 3-5 canicule back refrigerated.

6. Moong Dal Kheer: Moong dal kheer is fabricated from arena chicken lentils (moong dal), milk, sugar, and flavorings. Due to its milk content, it should be stored in the refrigerator and can aftermost for 3-4 canicule back appropriately refrigerated.

General Guidelines for Kheer Storage:

Cool to Allowance Temperature: Allow afresh able kheer to air-conditioned to allowance temperature afore autumn it. Placing hot kheer in a closed alembic can actualize condensation, arch to damp buildup.

Use Closed Containers: Store kheer in a clean, closed alembic to anticipate air and damp from affecting its arrangement and taste. Ensure the alembic is absolutely dry to abstain introducing moisture.

Refrigeration: If your kheer contains milk or added decaying ingredients, it’s best to air-condition it. Refrigeration helps apathetic bottomward bacterial advance and extends the kheer’s shelf life. Store it in a covered, closed alembic in the refrigerator.

Label and Date: Label the alembic with the date of preparation. This helps you accumulate clue of its bloom and ensures you absorb it aural the recommended time frame.

Avoid Cross-Contamination: Back confined or removing portions from the container, use apple-pie accoutrement and abstain cross-contaminating the kheer.

Check for Signs of Spoilage: If you apprehension any changes in color, texture, or odor, or if you see cast growth, abandon the kheer immediately. These are signs that it has baby and is no best safe to eat.


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