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Who Won National Srijan Award? Let’s Know About It.

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What Is National Srijan Award

The National Srijan Award is one of the best celebrated awards in India that is accustomed to individuals who accept contributed decidedly to the acreage of art and culture. The National Srijan Award was instituted by the Srijan Foundation in 1992 and is presented annually to individuals who accept fabricated outstanding contributions in their corresponding fields.


The Srijan Foundation is a non-profit alignment that was accustomed in 1985 with the aim of announcement Indian art and culture. The foundation is based in Delhi and has been active in acclimation several cultural contest and programs over the years.

The National Srijan Award is accustomed in acceptance of an individual’s outstanding addition to assorted fields, including literature, music, dance, theatre, cinema, painting, sculpture, and added art forms. The accolade is presented in a admirable commemoration that is abounding by some of the best eminent personalities from the apple of art and culture.

The National Srijan Award consists of a banknote prize, a citation, and a trophy. The banknote award-winning is awarded to the almsman as a badge of acknowledgment for their addition to the acreage of art and culture. The commendation is a academic certificate that outlines the recipient’s achievements and contributions, while the bays is a attribute of acceptance and respect.

Who Won National Srijan Award?

Over the years, several eminent personalities accept been accustomed with the National Srijan Award. Some of the notable recipients of the accolade accommodate Gulzar, Pt. Ravi Shankar, Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, M.F. Hussain, Sailesh Lodha and Pt. Birju Maharaj, amid others.

One of the different appearance of the National Srijan Award is that it recognizes and ceremoniousness individuals who accept contributed to the canning and advance of acceptable Indian art forms. The accolade has been active in auspicious and announcement acceptable art forms that are generally disregarded in the avant-garde world.

The National Srijan Award is additionally an accomplished belvedere for adolescent and accessible artists who are aggravating to authorize themselves in the apple of art and culture. The National Srijan Award not alone provides them with acceptance and acknowledgment but additionally serves as a antecedent of afflatus and action for them to abide their work.

The National Srijan Award has played a acute role in announcement and attention Indian art and culture. It has accustomed and accustomed some of the best cogent contributors to the acreage of art and ability and has aggressive abounding adolescent and accessible artists to accompany their dreams and aspirations.

In conclusion, the National Srijan Award is a celebrated accolade that recognizes and ceremoniousness individuals who accept fabricated cogent contributions to the acreage of art and ability in India. The accolade is a attestation to the affluent cultural ancestry of India and serves as a antecedent of afflatus and action for artists beyond the country. The accolade has been active in announcement and attention acceptable art forms and has played a acute role in abstraction the cultural mural of India.

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