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Who Is The All Time Best Footballer In The World?

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Who Is The All Time Best Footballer?

Football is a action that has been enjoyed by millions of bodies about the apple for over a century. It has acquired over the years, with the addition of new techniques and strategies, but one affair that has remained connected is the charge for aberrant players to accomplish it all happen. In this blog, we will be attractive at the ten greatest football players of all time, comparing their scores, goals, and absolute matches.

#1. Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi is a name that needs no introduction. The Argentinian advanced is broadly advised to be the greatest football amateur of all time. Messi has won seven Ballon d’Or titles, which is the best by any abecedarian in history. He has additionally won the Golden Foot accolade and the FIFA World Amateur of the Year award.

Messi’s goal-scoring adeptness is additional to none. He has denticulate over 700 goals for club and country, with over 600 of those goals advancing for Barcelona. Messi has played in 778 absolute matches.

Lionel Messi

#2. Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo is addition name that is alike with abundance in the apple (world) of football.The Portuguese avant-garde has won bristles Ballon d’Or titles and has been alleged the FIFA Apple Player of the Year three times. Ronaldo’s goal-scoring accomplishment is legendary, with over 650 goals to his name for club and country.

Ronaldo has played in 839 absolute matches.

Christian Ronaldo

#3. Pelé

Pelé is broadly admired as one of the greatest football players of all time. The Brazilian advanced won three FIFA World Cups and denticulate over 1,000 career goals. Pelé’s accomplishments are too abounding to list, but his addition to the action cannot be denied.

Pelé played in a absolute of 1,363 matches during his career.


#4. Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona is another legend of the game.The Argentine forward is best known for his “Hand of God” goal in the 1986 World Cup. Maradona won two Serie A titles with Napoli and was called the FIFA World Player of the Year in 1991.

Maradona played in a total of 678 matches during his career.

Diego Maradona


#5. Johan Cruyff

Johan Cruyff was a Dutch advanced who is broadly admired as one of the greatest football players of all time. He won three Ballon d’Or titles and led the Netherlands to the World Cup final in 1974. Cruyff additionally had a acknowledged apprenticeship career, arch Barcelona to four after La Liga titles.

Cruyff played in a absolute of 714 matches during his career.

Johan Cruyff

#6. Zinedine Zidane

Zinedine Zidane is a French midfielder who won three FIFA World Player of the Year awards and led France to accomplishment in the 1998 World Cup. Zidane was accepted for his abstruse abilities and adeptness to ascendancy the bold from midfield.

Zidane played in a absolute of 670 matches during his career.

Zinedine Zidane

#7. Ronaldo Nazário

Ronaldo Nazário, additionally accepted as Ronaldo, is a Brazilian advanced who won two FIFA World Cups and denticulate over 400 career goals. Ronaldo’s acceleration and dribbling adeptness fabricated him a daydream for defenders to accord with.

Ronaldo Nazário played in a absolute of 669 matches during his career.

Ronaldo Nazario

#8. Franz Beckenbauer

Franz Beckenbauer is a German apostle who won the World Cup as both a amateur and a coach. Beckenbauer was accepted for his accomplished arresting abilities and his adeptness to advance a team.

Beckenbauer played in a absolute of 725 matches during his career.

French Beckerbauer

#9. Michel Platini

Michel Platini is a French midfielder who won three Ball on d’Or titles and led France to achievement in the 1984 European Championship. Platini was accepted for his attention casual and baleful chargeless kicks.

Platini played in a absolute of 648 matches during his career.

Michel Platini

#10. Ferenc Puskás

Ferenc Puskás was a Hungarian forward who won three European Cups with Real Madrid and led Hungary to the final of the 1954 World Cup. Puskás was accepted for his analytic finishing and his adeptness to account from about anywhere on the field.

Puskás played in a absolute of 528 matches during his career.

French Puskas

Who Is The Best Soccer/Football Player Of All Time?

Comparison of the Ten Greatest Football Players

When comparing the ten greatest football players of all time, there are several factors to consider. Goals scored, absolute matches played, awards won, and appulse on the bold are aloof a few of the belief that can be acclimated to appraise these players. Let’s booty a afterpiece attending at how the ten players assemblage up adjoin anniversary added in these areas.

Goals Scored

When it comes to goals scored, Lionel Messi is the bright baton with over 700 career goals. Cristiano Ronaldo is a abutting additional with over 650 goals, and Pele circuit out the top three with over 1,000 career goals. The added players on this account additionally accept absorbing goal-scoring records, with all of them scoring over 500 career goals.

Total Matches Played

When it comes to absolute matches played, Pelé leads the backpack with 1,363 matches played during his career. Johan Cruyff and Franz Beckenbauer additionally played in over 700 matches, while the added players on this account played in amid 500 and 800 matches.

Awards Won

When it comes to awards won, Lionel Messi is the bright baton with seven Ballon d’Or titles, followed by Cristiano Ronaldo with five. Pele, Johan Cruyff, and Michel Platini all won three Ballon d’Or awards each, while the added players on this account won amid one and two awards.

Impact on the Game

When it comes to appulse on the game, all of these players had a cogent appulse on football during their careers. Pele, Maradona, and Beckenbauer helped to popularize the action in their corresponding countries, while players like Messi and Ronaldo accept bedeviled the action for over a decade. Other players like Johan Cruyff and Zinedine Zidane were accepted for their abstruse abilities and adeptness to ascendancy the bold from midfield.


In conclusion, football has produced some absolutely aberrant players over the years, and the ten players on this account are amid the greatest of all time. Whether it’s Lionel Messi’s goal-scoring prowess, Pele’s appulse on the sport, or Zinedine Zidane’s abstruse skills, these players accept all larboard a abiding mark on the game. While it’s absurd to definitively say who the greatest football amateur of all time is, the players on this account are absolutely in the conversation.


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