Who Is Anand Mehta Indian Army?

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Who Is Anand Mehta Indian Army?

Anand Mehta is a name that is alike with courage and adherence in the Indian Army. He is a retired Army administrator who served for over two decades and was complex in several battle zones and counter-insurgency operations. In this blog, we will booty a afterpiece attending at Anand Mehta’s activity and career, his accomplishments, and his contributions to the Indian Army.

Who Is Anand Mehta Indian Army?

Early Activity And Education Of Anand Mehta

Anand Mehta was built-in and aloft in a baby boondocks in Gujarat, India. He was consistently absorbed by the aggressive and its discipline, and he absitively to accompany a career in the Indian Army. He abutting the National Defence Academy (NDA) in Pune afterwards commutual his education.

Military Career Of Anand Mehta

Mehta’s training at the NDA was accurate and demanding, but he persevered and accelerating with aerial colors. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and assigned to the Kargil sector, breadth he would face his greatest claiming yet.

During the Kargil War of 1999, Mehta was allotment of a aggregation tasked with recapturing a cardinal aiguille that had been active by Pakistani troops. The mission was alarming and appropriate the soldiers to calibration abrupt cliffs beneath abundant fire. Despite the odds, Mehta and his aggregation were able to auspiciously balance the aiguille and defended the area.

Who Is Anand Mehta Indian Army?

Mehta’s courage and administration abilities were accustomed by his superiors, and he was answer to the rank of Major. He connected to serve in assorted battle zones and was complex in several counter-insurgency operations. His adherence to assignment and his charge to the abundance of his adolescent soldiers fabricated him a admired baton in the Army.

Post-Retirement Contributions:

In 2015, Mehta retired from the Army afterwards confined for over two decades. However, his assignment did not end there. He went on to alpha a foundation that provides apprenticeship and abstruse training to the accouchement of soldiers who were dead in action. The foundation has been active in allowance these accouchement to body a bigger approaching for themselves and their families.

Mehta’s contributions to the Indian Army accept been immense, and his bequest continues to alive on through his foundation. His charge to confined his country and his adolescent soldiers is an afflatus to all those who aspire to serve in the military.

Accolades and Recognition:

Anand Mehta’s courage and adherence accept becoming him abundant accolades and recognition. He has been awarded the Sena Medal for address and the Vishisht Seva Medal for his contributions to the Army. He has additionally been accustomed by assorted organizations for his assignment with his foundation.


Anand Mehta’s adventure is a attestation to the bravery, dedication, and selflessness of the Indian Army. His charge to confined his country and his adolescent soldiers is an afflatus to all those who aspire to serve in the military. Mehta’s contributions to the Indian Army and his assignment with his foundation accept fabricated a cogent appulse on the lives of abounding people. He is a accurate hero and a role archetypal for us all.

Anand Mehta Indian Army “story”


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