Click Your Trends For Social Media News Today Biography 9 Intresting Facts About Sakshi Malik Wrestler.

9 Intresting Facts About Sakshi Malik Wrestler.

9  Intresting Facts About Sakshi Malik Wrestler. post thumbnail image

Sakshi Malik – India’s Wrestling Sensation

Introduction of Sakshi Malik

Sakshi Malik is a name that resonates with anyone who has followed wrestling in India over the aftermost decade. A animated brilliant of Indian wrestling, Sakshi has won abundant accolades for herself and the country. Her adventure is an afflatus to millions of adolescent girls who aspire to accomplish it big in the apple of sports. In this blog post, we will analyze the activity and achievements of Sakshi Malik.

sakshi malik

Sakshi Malik Biography

Sakshi Malik was born on September 3, 1992, in Rohtak, Haryana. Her father, Sukhbir Malik, is a bus conductor, and her mother, Sudesh Malik, is a administrator at a bloom clinic. Sakshi’s absorption in angry began at a adolescent age. She was aggressive by her grandfather, who was a wrestler himself. Sakshi’s ancestor was additionally admiring of her absorption in angry and encouraged her to accompany it.

Sakshi’s antecedent training in angry was at a bounded akhara in Rohtak. Later, she was called to accompany the Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, area she accustomed able training. Sakshi credits her coach, Ishwar Dahiya, for abstraction her into the wrestler she is today.

Sakshi Malik Angry Career

Sakshi Malik’s angry career began in 2004 back she won a brownish badge in the 38 kg class at the sub-junior civic championships. In the afterward years, she connected to win medals at assorted civic and all-embracing tournaments. In 2010, she won a argent badge at the Junior Apple Championships, and in 2014, she won a brownish badge at the Senior Asian Angry Championships.

Sakshi’s better moment came at the 2016 Rio Olympics, area she won a brownish badge in the 58 kg category. She became the aboriginal Indian woman wrestler to win an Olympic medal. Her achievement was a moment of pride for the country, and Sakshi became an brief sensation. She was additionally awarded the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India’s accomplished antic honor, in 2016.

Sakshi connected to accomplish able-bodied in the afterward years. In the 2018 Commonwealth Games, she won a brownish badge in the 62 kg category. She additionally won a brownish badge in the 2019 Asian Angry (wrestling) Championships.

wrestler Sakshi Malik

Sakshi Malik Achievements

Sakshi Malik’s achievements in angry are numerous. She has won medals at assorted civic and all-embracing tournaments, including:

  • Bronze badge at the 2016 Rio Olympics
  • Gold badge at the 2014 Dave Schultz All-embracing Angry Tournament
  • Bronze badge at the 2014 Senior Asian Angry Championships
  • Silver badge at the 2010 Junior Apple Championships
  • Bronze badge at the 2019 Asian Angry Championships
  • Bronze badge at the 2018 Commonwealth Games

Sakshi Malik Awards

Sakshi Malik has been accustomed with abundant awards for her achievements in wrestling. Some of the notable ones are:

  • Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna – 2016
  • Padma Shri – 2017
  • Arjuna Award – 2016
  • Haryana Kala Kirti Award – 2016
  • Haryana Sportsperson of the Year – 2016

Sakshi Malik Personal Life

Sakshi Malik is affiliated (married) to Satyawart Kadian, who is additionally a wrestler. The brace got affiliated in 2017 in a acceptable Haryanvi ceremony. Sakshi is accepted for her apprehensive and ashore nature, and she has consistently been an afflatus to adolescent girls.

Sakshi Malik Training

Sakshi Malik’s success in angry is a aftereffect of her adamantine assignment and adherence to the sport. She trains for 6-8 hours every day, with a focus on architecture her strength, agility, and stamina. Sakshi’s training dieting includes weightlifting, cardio, and angry practice. She additionally pays abutting absorption to her diet, ensuring that she gets abundant protein and added nutrients to abutment her accurate training schedule.

Sakshi Malik Indian wrestler

Sakshi Malik’s success has put Indian angry on the apple map. She has aggressive a accomplished bearing of adolescent girls to booty up the action and has apparent that Indian wrestlers can attempt at the accomplished level. Sakshi’s achievements accept additionally helped to accession the contour of angry in India, and the action has become added accepted in contempo years.

In conclusion, Sakshi Malik is a accurate afflatus for anyone who dreams of accomplishing success in the apple of sports. Her dedication, adamantine work, and backbone accept helped her accomplish abundant accolades and accompany pride to the country. Her adventure is a attestation to the actuality that with passion, commitment, and adamantine work, anyone can accomplish their dreams. We achievement that Sakshi Malik continues to affect adolescent athletes in India and about the apple for years to come.

sakshi  malik


10 Facts about Sakshi Malik:

  • Sakshi Malik was built-in on September 3, 1992, in Rohtak, Haryana, India.
  • She is a wrestler who won the brownish badge in the 58 kg class at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
  • Sakshi is the aboriginal Indian changeable wrestler to win an Olympic medal.
  • She started angry back she was 12 years old, aggressive by her grandfathering who was a wrestler.
  • Sakshi was accomplished by drillmaster Ishwar Dahiya at the Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University.
  • She has won abundant medals at civic and all-embracing tournaments.
  • In accession to the Olympic medal, Sakshi has additionally won the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India’s accomplished antic honor.
  • She is affiliated to adolescent wrestler Satyawart Kadian.
  • Sakshi has been accustomed with several awards, including the Padma Shri and the Arjuna Award.
  • She is an afflatus to abounding adolescent girls in India who aspire to become wrestlers.

FAQs about Sakshi Malik:

What aggressive Sakshi Malik to become a wrestler?

Ans: Sakshi was aggressive by her grandfathering who was a wrestler, and her ancestor was admiring of her absorption in the sport.

When did Sakshi win her Olympic medal?

Ans: Sakshi won the brownish badge in the 58 kg class at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

What added above tournaments has Sakshi won medals in?

Ans: Sakshi has won medals at the Commonwealth Games, Asian Angry Championships, and Junior World Championships.

Who accomplished Sakshi Malik for wrestling?

Ans: Sakshi was accomplished by drillmaster Ishwar Dahiya at the Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University.

What awards has Sakshi Malik won for her achievements in wrestling?

Ans: Sakshi has won the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, Padma Shri, Arjuna Award, Haryana Kala Kirti Award, and Haryana Sportsperson of the Year award.

Is Sakshi Malik married?

Ans: Yes, Sakshi is affiliated to adolescent wrestler Satyawart Kadian.

What is Sakshi Malik’s bulletin to adolescent girls in India?

Ans: Sakshi encourages adolescent girls to accompany their dreams and not be abashed to breach stereotypes.

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