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15 Facts About Mithali Raj, Career Highlights & FAQs

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“Breaking Barriers: The Inspiring Journey of Mithali Raj”

Mithali Raj Cricketer

 Mithali Raj : Introduction

A. Brief overview of Mithali Raj and her career in candid

Mithali Raj is an Indian cricketer and above captain of the Indian women’s candid team. She is advised one of the greatest changeable cricketers of all time and has accomplished several milestones in her career.

B. Why she is a accepted and important amount in women’s candid

Mithali Raj’s achievements and contributions to the bold of candid accept fabricated her a accepted and important amount in women’s cricket. She has aggressive adolescent girls and women to booty up the action and has helped to accession the contour of women’s candid in India and beyond.

Mithali Raj Hot

Early Life and Background

A. Where Mithali Raj was born and aloft

Mithali Raj was born on December 3, 1982, in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

B. Her ancestors accomplishments

Mithali Raj’s (father) Dorai Raj served in the Indian Air Force and her mother Leela Raj formed as a housewife. Mithali has one ancient brother called Mithun Raj. Her ancestors confused to Hyderabad back she was 10 years old, and she has been based there anytime since.

Mithali Raj Family

C. How she aboriginal got absorbed in candid

Mithali Raj aboriginal got absorbed in candid back she was aloof 10 years old. She was aggressive to booty up the action afterwards watching a candid bout on TV and was anon arena with the boys in her neighborhood.

Career Highlights

A. Calm career highlights

Mithali Raj has had a acknowledged calm career, arena for teams such as Railways, Air India, and Hyderabad. She has won several titles and awards, including the Women’s Candid Super League and the Arjuna Award.

B. All-embracing career highlights

Mithali Raj fabricated her admission for the Indian women’s candid aggregation in 1999 and has back become one of the team’s best acknowledged and constant players. She has denticulate over 10,000 runs in all-embracing candid and is the accomplished run-scorer in women’s ODIs.

C. Achievements and accolades

Mithali Raj has accomplished several milestones in her career, including captivation the almanac for the best cardinal of half-centuries in women’s ODIs. She has additionally been awarded the Padma Shri and the Wisden Leading Woman Cricketer in the Apple award.

Mithali RaJ in saree

Playing Appearance and Skills

A. Overview of Mithali Raj’s arena appearance

Mithali Raj is accepted for her affected and adroit batting style, which combines a solid address with a ambit of shots. She is additionally an accomplished fielder and has a acceptable cricketing brain.

B. Key abilities and strengths

Mithali Raj’s key abilities and strengths accommodate her adeptness to apprehend the game, her brainy toughness, and her adeptness to comedy connected innings.

Challenges and Obstacles

A. Any challenges Mithali Raj has faced in her career

Mithali Raj has faced several challenges in her career, including gender biases, injuries, and criticism from the media and fans.

B. Overcoming challenges and continuing to accomplish

Despite these challenges, Mithali Raj has connected to accomplish and has become a role archetypal for adolescent girls and women about the world.

 Role Archetypal and Inspiration

Mithali Raj has been an afflatus to adolescent players and admirers above the globe. Her dedication, adamantine work, and backbone accept fabricated her a role archetypal for abounding ambitious cricketers. She has apparent that with the appropriate mindset, anyone can accomplish their dreams, behindhand of their accomplishments or gender.

Mithali Raj herself has looked up to abounding players as role models and inspiration. One of her better inspirations is above Indian cricketer and captain, Rahul Dravid. She has generally announced about how his focus and assignment belief accept motivated her to advance her own game.

Mithali Raj in Bold look            Mithali Raj Role model

Mithali Raj Off the Field

Out of cricket, Mithali Raj enjoys account and travelling. She is additionally a accomplished classical ballerina and generally uses ball as a way to relax and break focused. In agreement of altruistic work, Mithali Raj has been associated with assorted initiatives aimed at announcement candid and allotment women. She has formed with organizations like Women’s Candid Association of India and Bharat Army to advance women’s candid and accommodate opportunities for adolescent players.

Mithali Raj : Future Plans

Mithali Raj’s approaching goals and aspirations in candid are to abide arena for India and accomplish added milestones in the sport. She is additionally agog on mentoring and apprenticeship adolescent players, abnormally girls, and allowance them advance their abilities and accomplish their potential. In addition, Mithali Raj affairs to assignment appear creating added opportunities for women’s candid in India and globally.


In conclusion, Mithali Raj’s appulse on women’s candid in India and above is unparalleled. Her affection for the sport, accompanying with her adamantine assignment and dedication, has aggressive abounding adolescent players and admirers above the globe. From her aboriginal struggles to her record-breaking achievements, Mithali Raj has accepted that annihilation is accessible with the appropriate mindset and approach. Her bequest in women’s candid will abide to affect ancestors to come.

Here are Some  facts about Mithali Raj:

  • Mithali Raj was built-in on December 3, 1982, in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
  • She is the accomplished run-scorer in Women’s All-embracing Candid and the alone woman to beat the 7,000 run mark.
  • In 2017, Mithali Raj became the aboriginal amateur to account 6000 runs in Women’s One Day All-embracing cricket.
  • She has been called the Wisden Leading Woman Cricketer in the Apple twice, in 2017 and 2019.
  • Mithali Raj has represented India in 10 Women’s Candid Apple Cup tournaments.
  • She fabricated her admission for India at the age of 16, adjoin Ireland in June 1999.
  • Mithali Raj is the aboriginal Indian amateur to account a bifold aeon in Test cricket.
  • She was the captain of the Indian women’s candid aggregation from 2004 to 2006 and afresh from 2012 to 2021.
  • Mithali Raj was awarded the Padma Shri, India’s fourth-highest noncombatant award, in 2015.
  • She has a amount in Bachelor of Arts in English from Kasturba College for Women in Secunderabad, Telangana.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs)  about Mithali Raj:

What is Mithali Raj’s accomplished account in all-embracing cricket?

Ans: Mithali Raj’s accomplished account in all-embracing candid is 125* in an ODI adjoin Sri Lanka in 2014.

What is Mithali Raj’s batting boilerplate in all-embracing cricket?

Ans: Mithali Raj’s batting boilerplate in ODI candid is 50.64, and in T20I cricket, it is 37.52.

Has Mithali Raj won any awards for her cricketing performances?

Ans: Yes, Mithali Raj has won abundant awards for her cricketing performances, including the Arjuna Award, the Padma Shri, and the Wisden Leading Woman Cricketer in the World.

How abounding centuries has Mithali Raj denticulate in all-embracing cricket?

Ans: Mithali Raj has denticulate 7 centuries in ODI candid and 1 aeon in Test cricket.

Is Mithali Raj the aboriginal Indian amateur (player) to account a bifold aeon in all-embracing cricket?

Ans: No, Mithali Raj has not denticulate a bifold aeon in all-embracing cricket. However, she is the aboriginal Indian amateur to account 7 after 50+ array in ODIs.

What is the net worth of Mithali Raj?

Mithali Raj’s total net worth is around $5 Million.

What are Mithali Raj’s approaching affairs in cricket?

Ans: Mithali Raj has declared that she wants to abide arena candid for as connected as accessible and hopes to comedy in the 2022 Women’s Apple Cup.

Does Mithali Raj accept any hobbies or interests alfresco of cricket?

Ans: Yes, Mithali Raj is absorbed in reading, music, and traveling.

What is Mithali Raj’s access to training and fitness?

Ans: Mithali Raj is accepted for her acclimatized access to training and fitness. She follows a austere diet and exercise dieting and focuses on architecture backbone and endurance.

How has Mithali Raj’s ancestors accurate her cricketing career?

Ans: Mithali Raj’s ancestors has been actual admiring of her cricketing career. Her father, who was in the Indian Air Force, encouraged her to accompany her affection for candid from a adolescent age, and her mother has been her better adherent throughout her career.

What admonition does Mithali Raj accept for adolescent ambitious cricketers?

Ans: Mithali Raj advises adolescent cricketers to focus on their game, assignment hard, and break disciplined. She additionally encourages them to never accord up on their dreams and to consistently accept in themselves.

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