
  • 2 cups of Basmati rice
  • 500 grams of chicken, cut into pieces
  • 2 ample onions, agilely sliced
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of ginger-garlic paste
  • 1/2 cup of apparent yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons of ghee (clarified butter)
  • 1/2 cup of beginning coriander leaves
  • 1/2 cup of beginning excellent leaves
  • 2 blooming chilies, chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon of red chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • 4-5 cloves
  • 4-5 blooming cardamom pods
  • 2-inch biscuit stick
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Salt to taste

1. Marinating the Chicken:

In a bowl, amalgamate the craven pieces with yogurt, ginger-garlic paste, bisected of the chopped excellent and coriander leaves, blooming chilies, red chili powder, turmeric powder, and a compression of salt.
Mix well, cover, and air-condition for at atomic 1 hour to let the flavors infuse.
2. Preparing the Rice:

Wash the Basmati rice beneath algid baptize until the baptize runs clear.
In a ample pot, accompany baptize to a abscess and add the rice. Baker until it’s 70-80% adapted (the rice grains should still accept a slight chaw to them). Drain the rice and set aside.
3. Sautéing the Onions:

In a large, heavy-bottomed pan or a biryani pot, calefaction the vegetable oil and ghee over average heat.
Add cumin seeds, cloves, blooming cardamom, cinnamon, and bay leaf. Sauté until the spices absolution their aroma.
Add the broken onions and baker until they about-face aureate brown.
4. Affable the Chicken:

Add the marinated craven to the pan and baker for 5-7 account until the craven turns white and begins to brown.
Add the chopped tomatoes and baker until they abate and the oil begins to separate.
5. Layering the Biryani:

In the aforementioned pan, advance a band of partially adapted rice over the craven mixture.
Sprinkle some chopped excellent and coriander leaves on top of the rice.
Repeat this action to actualize assorted layers of rice and chicken.
Cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid and let it baker on low calefaction for about 20-25 minutes. This will acquiesce the flavors to amalgamate and the rice to accomplishment cooking.
6. Dum Affable (Steaming):

To accomplish the signature dum cooking, you can abode a tava (griddle) or a abundant pan beneath the biryani pot and baker on low calefaction for an added 15-20 minutes.
Alternatively, you can additionally allowance the pot with a band of chapati chef to ensure that no beef escapes.
7. Serving the Biryani:

Carefully accessible the pot, and you’ll be greeted by the admirable balm of the biryani.
Gently boner the biryani with a fork, ensuring that the layers are able-bodied mixed.
Serve hot with raita (yogurt-based ancillary dish) or a ancillary salad.

Varity of Biryani recipe

1. Hyderabadi Biryani:

Hyderabadi Biryani, acclamation from the burghal of Hyderabad, is accepted for its rich, flavorful, and ambrosial character. It’s commonly fabricated with either craven or mutton and has two primary versions: Kacchi (raw) Biryani and Pakki (cooked) Biryani.


  • Basmati rice
  • Chicken or mutton pieces
  • Onions, tomatoes
  • Ginger-garlic paste
  • Yogurt
  • Green chilies
  • Fresh excellent and coriander leaves
  • Garam masala
  • Saffron strands
  • Ghee
  • Spices like cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon
  • Marinate meat in yogurt and spices.
  • Layer partially adapted rice and marinated meat, forth with saffron-infused milk and absurd onions.
  • Dum baker the Biryani, acceptance the flavors to meld, creating a adorable aroma.
    2. Lucknawi Biryani:

Originating in Lucknow, the Lucknawi Biryani is acclaimed for its aerial flavors and ambrosial spices. It’s commonly fabricated with craven or mutton and has a audible Awadhi touch.


  • Basmati rice
  • Chicken or mutton pieces
  • Saffron milk
  • Fresh cream
  • Fried onions
  • Ghee
  • Mint and coriander leaves
  • Spices like cardamom, cloves, and saffron strands
  • Marinate meat in yogurt and spices.
  • Cook rice until it’s partially done.
  • Layer rice, marinated meat, saffron milk, and absurd onions in a heavy-bottomed pot.
  • Seal the pot with chef and baker on low calefaction to accomplish dum cooking.
    3. Kolkata Biryani:

Kolkata Biryani, additionally accepted as Calcutta Biryani, offers a audible alloy of flavors with a different blow of potatoes. It is commonly fabricated with either craven or mutton and is beneath ambrosial compared to added varieties.


  • Basmati rice
  • Chicken or mutton pieces
  • Potatoes
  • Fried onions
  • Ghee
  • Fresh excellent leaves
  • Spices like cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon
  • Marinate meat in yogurt and spices.
  • Cook rice until it’s partially done.
  • Layer rice, marinated meat, absurd onions, and potatoes.
  • Dum baker the Biryani to let the flavors infuse, creating a balmy and ambrosial dish.

About Biryani

The exact origins of Biryani are disputed, with assorted theories apropos its creation. One approach suggests that it was built-in in the Indian subcontinent during the Mughal era, while others accept it can be traced aback to the Persian bowl alleged “birinj” (rice) that was brought to India by traders and travelers.

2.Mughal Influence:
The Mughal Empire played a cogent role in abstraction the avant-garde Biryani. The Mughals, accepted for their busy and comfortable comestible traditions, alien the abstraction of accumulation ambrosial rice with meat, alien spices, and slow-cooking techniques. The Mughal emperors and their chefs aesthetic the art of authoritative Biryani, consistent in the conception of dishes like Lucknawi Biryani and Hyderabadi Biryani, anniversary absorption the altered characteristics of their regions.

3.Regional Variations:
Biryani bound acclimatized to the assorted comestible traditions and bounded flavors of India, giving acceleration to assorted bounded variations. Some of the best acclaimed Biryani styles include:

4.Hyderabadi Biryani: Accepted for its spiciness, the Hyderabadi Biryani combines aged rice, marinated meat, and a altered affable address accepted as “dum pukht” to actualize a audible comestible experience.

  • Lucknawi Biryani: Originating in Lucknow, this Biryani is accepted for its ambrosial spices, aerial flavors, and the use of saffron-infused milk and rich, buttery layers.
  • Kolkata Biryani: The Kolkata Biryani has a audible acidity due to the accession of potatoes and the use of agilely spiced ingredients, authoritative it a milder and beneath ambrosial alternative.
  • Malabar Biryani: Hailing from the Malabar arena in Kerala, this Biryani incorporates bounded spices, coconut, and seafood, consistent in a altered and adorable variation.

5.Cultural Significance:
Biryani holds immense cultural acceptation in India and beyond. It is an basic allotment of blithe celebrations, weddings, and appropriate occasions. In abounding Indian households, it’s advised a attribute of accommodation and love. Biryani’s ability and advanced array of capacity accept fabricated it a admired amid bodies of altered regions and backgrounds.

6.Influence Above India:
Over time, Biryani has transcended its Indian origins and has been accepted globally. In countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Middle East, Biryani variations accept developed, anniversary alloyed with bounded flavors and ingredients. In the United States and Europe, Biryani has acquired popularity, and admixture recipes that absorb bounded capacity accept emerged.

The history of Biryani is a attestation to the comestible assortment and cultural influences that accept shaped Indian cuisine over centuries. From its ambiguous origins to the countless bounded variations and all-around recognition, Biryani continues to advance and allure aliment enthusiasts worldwide.
Pro tips for Biryani


1. Affection Ingredients:
The foundation of a abundant Biryani is high-quality ingredients. Use ambrosial Basmati rice, beginning and breakable meat, and beginning spices. Good affection saffron and ghee can accomplish a big aberration in the final taste.

2. Marinate the Protein:
Whether you’re application chicken, mutton, or vegetables, marinate them in yogurt and spices for at atomic 1-2 hours. This not alone adds acidity but additionally helps abate the meat.

3. Pre-cook the Rice:
Parboil the rice until it’s about 70-80% cooked. The grains should still accept a slight bite. Drain the rice to stop the affable process. This ensures the rice doesn’t become overcooked back you band it with the protein.

4. Layering:
Layering is a acute aspect of Biryani. Use a heavy-bottomed pot, and alpha with a band of partially adapted rice at the bottom. Add a band of marinated protein, and again abide the action until you’ve acclimated up all the rice and meat. Anniversary band should accept a baptize of beginning herbs, absurd onions, and saffron-infused milk.

5. Dum Cooking:
Dum affable is the slow-cooking adjustment area the Biryani is closed with a chef or a tight-fitting lid to allurement beef and aroma. Cook on low calefaction to let the flavors amalgamate and the rice blot the spices. This can booty 20-30 minutes.

6. Band Potatoes in Kolkata Biryani:
If authoritative Kolkata Biryani, add above and absurd potato slices in amid the layers. They blot the flavors and add a different taste.

7. Affection Balm Mix:
Create your balm mix from accomplished spices for the best results. Toast them agilely and bullwork them fresh. This adds a abyss of acidity that pre-ground spices can’t match.

8. Ghee and Oil Combo:
Use a aggregate of ghee and vegetable oil for cooking. Ghee adds affluence and flavor, while oil prevents it from burning.

9. Absurd Onions:
Make abiding your absurd onions are crispy, not burnt. They add a adorable crisis to the Biryani. Slice them analogously and fry on average calefaction until aureate brown.

10. Band of Potatoes and Eggs:
For some variations, like Lucknawi Biryani, you can band above eggs and sautéed potatoes in accession to the protein, abacus added textures and flavors.

11. Soak Saffron:
Soak saffron strands in balmy milk for a while afore using. This releases the saffron’s acute balm and imparts a admirable color.

12. Aromatics:
Utilize beginning herbs like excellent and coriander abundantly in anniversary layer. They add bloom and action to the dish.

13. Counterbalanced Spices:
Achieve a counterbalanced acidity contour by application the appropriate bulk of spices. Aftertaste your alkali and the Biryani as you band it. Adjust the spices if needed.

14. Resting Time:
Allow the Biryani to blow for 10-15 account afterwards affable afore serving. This allows the flavors to settle, and the rice to close up.

15. Serve with Raita:
Biryani pairs beautifully with raita, a yogurt-based ancillary dish. Accomplish a simple raita with yogurt, cucumber, and excellent to antithesis the calefaction of the spices.

Whatis the recipe of non veg Biryani recipe ?


For Marinating the Chicken:

  • 500 grams of chicken, cut into pieces
  • 1 cup of apparent yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 teaspoon of red chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh excellent and coriander leaves, chopped
  • 2-3 blooming chilies, slit
  • Juice of bisected a lemon
    For the Rice:
  • 2 cups of Basmati rice
  • Water for parboiling
  • 2-3 blooming cardamom pods
  • 2-3 cloves
  • 1-inch biscuit stick
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Salt to taste
    For Assembling:
  • 2 ample onions, agilely broken and deep-fried until aureate brown
  • 1/4 cup of ghee (clarified butter)
  • A compression of saffron strands blood-soaked in 2 tablespoons of balmy milk
  • Fresh excellent and coriander leaves for layering
  • A few drops of rose baptize (optional)

1. Marinating the Chicken:

In a ample bowl, amalgamate the craven pieces with yogurt, ginger-garlic paste, red chili powder, turmeric powder, salt, and auto juice.
Add the chopped mint, coriander leaves, and blooming chilies. Mix able-bodied to covering the craven thoroughly.
Cover the basin and let the craven marinate for at atomic 2 hours in the refrigerator. The longer, the better, as it allows the flavors to infuse.
2. Preparing the Rice:

Rinse the Basmati rice beneath algid baptize until the baptize runs clear. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes.
In a ample pot, accompany baptize to a boil. Add the blood-soaked and drained rice, blooming cardamom pods, cloves, biscuit stick, bay leaf, and a compression of salt.
Parboil the rice, ensuring that it’s alone 70-80% cooked. The grains should still accept a slight bite. Drain the rice and set it aside.
3. Layering the Biryani:

In a heavy-bottomed pot or a biryani pot, alpha by overextension a band of the partially adapted rice.
Add a band of the marinated craven on top of the rice.
Sprinkle absurd onions, beginning excellent leaves, and coriander leaves over the chicken.
Repeat this process, creating alternating layers of rice and chicken.
Drizzle ghee over the layers for added richness.
4. Saffron Infusion:

Pour the saffron milk over the top band of rice to accord it a admirable aureate blush and a characteristic aroma.
Optionally, add a few drops of rose baptize for an added band of fragrance.
5. Dum Cooking:

To accomplish the acceptable “dum” cooking, abode a tava (griddle) or a abundant pan beneath the biryani pot and baker on low calefaction for about 20-25 minutes. This adjustment allows the flavors to amalgamate and the rice to accomplishment affable in the steam.
6. Comatose Time:

After cooking, let the Biryani blow for 10-15 account with the lid on. This comatose aeon allows the flavors to achieve and the rice to close up.
7. Serving the Craven Biryani:

Carefully accessible the pot, and you’ll be greeted by the adorable balm of the Biryani.
Gently boner the Biryani with a fork, ensuring that the layers are able-bodied mixed.
Serve hot with raita (yogurt-based ancillary dish) and a allotment of lemo

What is the recipe of veg Biryani recipe ?


For Marinating the Vegetables:

  • 2 cups of alloyed vegetables (e.g., carrots, peas, beans, cauliflower)
  • 1 cup of apparent yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 teaspoon of red chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh excellent and coriander leaves, chopped
  • 2-3 blooming chilies, slit
  • Juice of bisected a lemon
    For the Rice:
  • 2 cups of Basmati rice
  • Water for parboiling
  • 2-3 blooming cardamom pods
  • 2-3 cloves
  • 1-inch biscuit stick
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Salt to taste
    For Assembling:
  • 2 ample onions, agilely broken and deep-fried until aureate brown
  • 1/4 cup of ghee (clarified butter) or vegetable oil
  • A compression of saffron strands blood-soaked in 2 tablespoons of balmy milk
  • Fresh excellent and coriander leaves for layering
    Whole Spices:
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • 2-3 blooming cardamom pods
  • 2-3 cloves
  • 1-inch biscuit stick
  • 1 bay leaf

1. Marinating the Vegetables:

In a ample bowl, amalgamate the alloyed vegetables with yogurt, ginger-garlic paste, red chili powder, turmeric powder, salt, and auto juice.
Add the chopped mint, coriander leaves, and blooming chilies. Mix able-bodied to covering the vegetables thoroughly.
Cover the basin and let the vegetables marinate for at atomic 1-2 hours in the refrigerator. The longer, the better, as it allows the flavors to infuse.
2. Preparing the Rice:

Rinse the Basmati rice beneath algid baptize until the baptize runs clear. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes.
In a ample pot, accompany baptize to a boil. Add the blood-soaked and drained rice, blooming cardamom pods, cloves, biscuit stick, bay leaf, and a compression of salt.
Parboil the rice, ensuring that it’s alone 70-80% cooked. The grains should still accept a slight bite. Drain the rice and set it aside.
3. Sautéing Whole Spices:

In a ample heavy-bottomed pot or a biryani pot, calefaction ghee or vegetable oil over average heat.
Add cumin seeds, blooming cardamom pods, cloves, biscuit stick, and bay leaf. Sauté until the spices absolution their aroma.
4. Layering the Biryani:

Start by overextension a band of the partially adapted rice at the basal of the pot.
Add a band of the marinated vegetables on top of the rice.
Sprinkle absurd onions, beginning excellent leaves, and coriander leaves over the vegetables.
Repeat this process, creating alternating layers of rice and vegetables.
Drizzle ghee or oil over the layers for added richness.
5. Saffron Infusion:

Pour the saffron milk over the top band of rice to accord it a admirable aureate blush and a characteristic aroma.
6. Dum Cooking:

To accomplish the acceptable “dum” cooking, abode a tava (griddle) or a abundant pan beneath the biryani pot and baker on low calefaction for about 20-25 minutes. This adjustment allows the flavors to amalgamate and the rice to accomplishment affable in the steam.
7. Comatose Time:

After cooking, let the Biryani blow for 10-15 account with the lid on. This comatose aeon allows the flavors to achieve and the rice to close up.
8. Serving the Vegetable Biryani:

  • Carefully accessible the pot, and you’ll be greeted by the adorable balm of the Biryani.
  • Gently boner the Biryani with a fork, ensuring that the layers are able-bodied mixed.
  • Serve hot with raita (yogurt-based ancillary dish) or a allotment of lemon.

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