How to make a white pizza

How to make a white pizza post thumbnail image


For the pizza chef (you can additionally use store-bought pizza dough):

  • 1 batter (16 ounces) pizza dough
  • Flour for dusting

For the white sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Pinch of absurd (optional)

For the toppings:

  • 1 1/2 cups disconnected mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • 1/4 cup grated Pecorino Romano or Parmesan cheese
  • Fresh basil leaves, for adornment (optional)


  1. Preheat your oven to the accomplished temperature it can ability (usually about 500-550°F or 260-290°C). If you accept a pizza bean or steel, abode it in the oven as it preheats.
  2. Roll out the pizza chef on a floured apparent to your adapted thickness. If you’re application store-bought dough, chase the amalgamation instructions for preparation.
  3. In a saucepan, baker the adulate over average heat. Add the minced garlic and baker for about 1-2 minutes, until ambrosial but not browned.
  4. Stir in the abrade and baker for addition 1-2 minutes, active constantly, until it becomes a ablaze aureate color.
  5. Gradually barrel in the milk to abstain lumps. Continue to baker and activity until the admixture thickens, which should booty about 3-5 minutes. It should be a bland sauce.
  6. Remove the bucket from the calefaction and activity in the grated Parmesan cheese. Season with alkali and pepper to taste. If desired, add a compression of absurd for added flavor.
  7. Spread the white booze analogously over the able pizza dough.
  8. Sprinkle the disconnected mozzarella cheese over the white sauce, abrogation a bound about the edges for the crust.
  9. Dollop spoonfuls of ricotta cheese assimilate the pizza.
  10. Sprinkle the grated Pecorino Romano or Parmesan cheese on top.
  11. Carefully alteration the pizza to a preheated pizza bean or a baking area lined with block paper.
  12. Bake in the preheated oven for about 10-12 minutes, or until the band is aureate and the cheese is aerated and hardly browned.
  13. Remove the white pizza from the oven and let it air-conditioned for a minute or two. Adornment with beginning basil leaves if desired.
  14. Slice, serve, and adore your bootleg white pizza!

Vegan white pizza


For the pizza chef (homemade or store-bought):

  • 1 batter (16 ounces) pizza dough
  • Flour for dusting

For the white sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons vegan adulate or olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1 cup absinthian almond milk or any plant-based milk
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup comestible yeast
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the toppings:

  • 1 1/2 cups vegan mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 cup vegan ricotta cheese
  • 1/4 cup vegan Parmesan cheese
  • Fresh basil leaves, for adornment (optional)


  1. Preheat your oven: Preheat your oven to the accomplished temperature it can ability (usually about 500-550°F or 260-290°C). If you accept a pizza bean or steel, abode it in the oven as it preheats.
  2. Prepare the pizza dough: Roll out the pizza chef on a floured apparent to your adapted thickness. If you’re application store-bought dough, chase the amalgamation instructions for preparation.
  3. Make the vegan white sauce: In a saucepan, baker the vegan adulate over average heat. Add the minced garlic and baker for about 1-2 account until ambrosial but not browned.
  4. Stir in the flour: Add the advantageous abrade and baker for addition 1-2 minutes, active constantly, until it becomes a ablaze aureate color.
  5. Add the plant-based milk: Gradually barrel in the absinthian almond milk or your called plant-based milk to abstain lumps. Continue to baker and activity until the admixture thickens, which should booty about 3-5 minutes. It should become a bland sauce.
  6. Season and flavor: Remove the bucket from the calefaction and activity in the comestible yeast, which provides a abominable flavor. Season the booze with alkali and pepper to taste.
  7. Spread the white sauce: Evenly advance the vegan white booze over the able pizza dough, abrogation a bound about the edges for the crust.
  8. Add vegan cheese: Sprinkle the vegan mozzarella cheese over the white sauce.
  9. Dollop vegan ricotta: Use a beanery to atom spoonfuls of vegan ricotta cheese assimilate the pizza.
  10. Sprinkle with vegan Parmesan: Sprinkle the vegan Parmesan cheese on top for added flavor.
  11. Bake the pizza: Carefully alteration the vegan white pizza to your preheated pizza bean or a baking area lined with block paper.
  12. Bake in the preheated oven: Bake the pizza for about 10-12 minutes, or until the band is aureate and the vegan cheese is aerated and hardly browned.
  13. Cool and garnish: Remove the pizza from the oven and acquiesce it to air-conditioned for a minute or two. You can adornment it with beginning basil leaves for a access of blush and acidity if you desire.
  14. Slice, serve, and enjoy: Slice your vegan white pizza, serve it to your guests, or adore it all to yourself. It’s a plant-based contentment that’s abiding to amuse your pizza cravings.

What is white pizza sauce?

What is White Pizza Sauce?

White pizza booze is a booze acclimated as the abject for a white pizza. Unlike the archetypal tomato-based pizza sauce, it’s fabricated with a aggregate of dairy and seasonings to actualize a creamy, indulgent flavor. The primary capacity in white pizza booze accommodate butter, abundant chrism or milk, garlic, and cheese, about Parmesan or Romano. The booze is acclimatized with salt, pepper, and sometimes absurd for added depth.

White pizza booze is a able canvas for a advanced ambit of pizza toppings. It provides a rich, agreeable abject that complements assorted ingredients, such as vegetables, meats, and herbs. Its buttery arrangement and counterbalanced acidity accomplish it a admired best for those who adore a milder, added nuanced booze on their pizza.

Ingredients for White Pizza Sauce:

To accomplish white pizza sauce, you will charge the afterward ingredients:

1. Butter: Typically, you alpha with adulate as the abject fat for the sauce. You can use either unsalted or absolute butter, depending on your preference. About 2 tablespoons of adulate is frequently used.

2. All-Purpose Flour: Abrade is acclimated as a agglomeration abettor for the sauce. It helps actualize a smooth, buttery texture. You’ll charge about 2 tablespoons of advantageous flour.

3. Milk or Abundant Cream: You can use milk or abundant chrism to add creaminess to the sauce. While abundant chrism after-effects in a richer sauce, milk is a lighter alternative. About 1 cup of milk or abundant chrism is about sufficient.

4. Garlic: Minced garlic adds a delightful, agreeable acidity to the sauce. You’ll charge 2 cloves of garlic, but you can acclimatize the abundance to your taste.

5. Parmesan or Romano Cheese: Grated Parmesan or Romano cheese enhances the sauce’s umami and abominable notes. Roughly 1/2 cup of grated cheese is frequently used.

6. Alkali and Pepper: Season the booze with alkali and pepper to taste, ensuring it’s well-balanced.

7. Absurd (Optional): A compression of arena absurd can be added to drag the acidity of the sauce. It’s an alternative additive but contributes a attenuate amore and abyss to the sauce.

Making White Pizza Sauce:

Now, let’s go through the accomplish to accomplish white pizza sauce:

  • Melt the Butter: In a bucket over average heat, cook the butter. You can use a non-stick pan for accessible cleanup.
  • Sauté Garlic: Add the minced garlic to the broiled butter. Sauté it for about 1-2 account until it’s ambrosial but not browned. Activity consistently to abstain burning.
  • Add Flour: Sprinkle the advantageous abrade into the pan. Activity able-bodied to amalgamate it with the adulate and garlic. Continue affable for addition 1-2 minutes, until the admixture turns a ablaze aureate color. This footfall is acute to abolish the raw aftertaste of the flour.
  • Whisk in Milk or Abundant Cream: Gradually cascade in the milk or abundant chrism while continuously whisking the mixture. This prevents chastening from forming, ensuring a bland sauce. Keep whisking until the admixture thickens, which should booty about 3-5 minutes.
  • Season and Flavor: Abolish the bucket from calefaction and activity in the grated Parmesan or Romano cheese. This is area the booze takes on its abominable character. Season with alkali and pepper to taste. If you appetite to accommodate nutmeg, add a compression at this stage, whisking it into the sauce.
  • Use as Pizza Sauce: Your white pizza booze is now accessible to use. Spread it analogously on your able pizza dough, abrogation a bound for the crust. It’s a adorable canvas for your pizza toppings.

White pizza recipes

Classic White Pizza with Garlic and Spinach


For the pizza dough:

  • 1 batter (16 ounces) pizza dough
  • Flour for dusting

For the white sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1 cup accomplished milk
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the toppings:

  • 2 cups beginning babyish spinach
  • 1 1/2 cups disconnected mozzarella cheese
  • Red pepper flakes (optional)
  • Olive oil for drizzling


  • Preheat your oven: Preheat your oven to the accomplished temperature it can ability (usually about 500-550°F or 260-290°C). If you accept a pizza bean or steel, abode it in the oven as it preheats.
  • Prepare the pizza dough: Roll out the pizza chef on a floured apparent to your adapted thickness. If you’re application store-bought dough, chase the amalgamation instructions for preparation.
  • Make the white sauce: In a saucepan, baker the adulate over average heat. Add the minced garlic and baker for about 1-2 minutes, until ambrosial but not browned.
  • Add the flour: Activity in the abrade and baker for addition 1-2 minutes, active constantly, until it becomes a ablaze aureate color.
  • Whisk in the milk: Gradually barrel in the milk to abstain lumps. Continue to baker and activity until the admixture thickens, which should booty about 3-5 minutes. It should be a bland sauce.
  • Season the sauce: Remove the bucket from the calefaction and activity in the grated Parmesan cheese. Season with alkali and pepper to taste.
  • Spread the white sauce: Analogously advance the white booze over the able pizza dough, abrogation a bound about the edges for the crust.
  • Add spinach: Distribute the beginning babyish appearance analogously over the white sauce.
  • Sprinkle with mozzarella: Baptize the disconnected mozzarella cheese on top of the spinach.
  • Bake the pizza: Carefully alteration the pizza to your preheated oven, either assimilate the pizza bean or a baking area lined with block paper.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes: Bake the pizza until the band is golden, the cheese is bubbly, and hardly browned, about in about 10-12 minutes.
  • Optional spice: If desired, baptize red pepper flakes over the adapted pizza for a adumbration of spice.
  • Drizzle with olive oil: Finish the pizza with a dribble of olive oil for added flavor.
  • Slice and serve: Allow the pizza to air-conditioned for a minute or two, again slice, serve, and adore your archetypal White Pizza with Garlic and Spinach.

White Craven Alfredo Pizza


For the pizza dough:

  • 1 batter (16 ounces) pizza dough
  • Flour for dusting

For the white Alfredo sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1 cup abundant cream
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the toppings:

  • 1 1/2 cups adapted and diced craven breast
  • 1 1/2 cups disconnected mozzarella cheese
  • Fresh basil leaves for adornment (optional)


  1. Preheat your oven: Preheat your oven to the accomplished temperature it can ability (usually about 500-550°F or 260-290°C). If you accept a pizza bean or steel, abode it in the oven as it preheats.
  2. Prepare the pizza dough: Roll out the pizza chef on a floured apparent to your adapted thickness. If you’re application store-bought dough, chase the amalgamation instructions for preparation.
  3. Make the Alfredo sauce: In a saucepan, baker the adulate over average heat. Add the minced garlic and baker for about 1-2 minutes, until ambrosial but not browned.
  4. Add the flour: Activity in the abrade and baker for addition 1-2 minutes, active constantly, until it becomes a ablaze aureate color.
  5. Whisk in the abundant cream: Gradually barrel in the abundant chrism to abstain lumps. Continue to baker and activity until the admixture thickens, which should booty about 3-5 minutes. It should be a bland sauce.
  6. Season the sauce: Remove the bucket from the calefaction and activity in the grated Parmesan cheese. Season with alkali and pepper to taste.
  7. Spread the Alfredo sauce: Analogously advance the Alfredo booze over the able pizza dough, abrogation a bound about the edges for the crust.
  8. Add chicken: Distribute the adapted and diced craven breast analogously over the sauce.
  9. Sprinkle with mozzarella: Baptize the disconnected mozzarella cheese on top of the chicken.
  10. Bake the pizza: Carefully alteration the pizza to your preheated oven, either assimilate the pizza bean or a baking area lined with block paper.
  11. Bake for 10-12 minutes: Bake the pizza until the band is golden, the cheese is bubbly, and hardly browned, about in about 10-12 minutes.
  12. Garnish with basil: If desired, adornment the pizza with beginning basil leaves for added acidity and a pop of color.
  13. Slice and serve: Allow the pizza to air-conditioned for a minute or two, again slice, serve, and adore your White Craven Alfredo Pizza.


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