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Classic Green Bean Casserole Recipe

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Classic Green Bean Casserole Recipe


For the blooming bean casserole, you will charge the afterward ingredients:

Green Bean Casserole:

  • 1 1/2 pounds beginning blooming beans, akin and cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 tablespoon salt, for blanching
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup cautiously chopped onions
  • 8 oz mushrooms, agilely sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1 cup craven or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup abundant cream
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon atramentous pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  • 1 1/2 cups French-fried onions (store-bought or homemade)
  • 1/2 cup disconnected cheddar cheese (optional)


Prep the Blooming Beans:

  • Start by accent the ends of the blooming beans and acid them into bite-sized pieces. You can leave them accomplished or cut them into 2-inch segments.

Blanch the Blooming Beans:

  • Fill a ample pot with baptize and add a tablespoon of salt.
  • Bring the baptize to a abscess and add the blooming beans.
  • Boil for 3-4 account or until the beans are ablaze blooming and tender-crisp.
  • Immediately alteration the beans to a basin of ice baptize to stop the affable process.
  • Drain and set the abashed blooming beans aside.

Prepare the Augment Sauce:

  • In a ample bucket or saucepan, baker 2 tablespoons of adulate over average heat.
  • Add the chopped onions and sauté until they become translucent.
  • Stir in the broken mushrooms and minced garlic. Baker until the mushrooms absolution their damp and become tender.
  • Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of advantageous abrade over the mushrooms and activity for about 2 account to baker off the raw abrade taste.
  • Pour in 1 cup of craven or vegetable borsch and 1 cup of abundant cream, active continuously.
  • Let the admixture simmer for a few account until it thickens.
  • Season with 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of atramentous pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon of paprika.

Combine Blooming Beans and Sauce:

  • Add the abashed blooming beans to the augment booze and acclaim activity to covering the beans evenly.
  • Sprinkle 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese over the admixture and activity until it’s able-bodied combined.

Prepare the Topping:

  • In a abstracted bowl, mix 1 1/2 cups of French-fried onions with 1/2 cup of disconnected cheddar cheese if you appetite an added abominable topping.

Assemble the Casserole:

  • Transfer the blooming bean and augment admixture to a anointed 9×13 inch baking dish.

Add the Topping:

  • Sprinkle the French-fried onion and cheese admixture over the blooming beans.

Bake the Casserole:

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  • Place the goulash in the preheated oven and broil for 25-30 minutes, or until the topping is aureate amber and the goulash is bubbling.


  • Once the goulash is done, abolish it from the oven and let it air-conditioned for a few account afore serving.

French’s Green Bean Casserole Recipe

Ingredients (100 words):

For this Blooming Bean Casserole, you’ll charge the afterward ingredients:

  • 2 cans (14.5 oz each) of cut blooming beans, drained
  • 1 can (10.5 oz) chrism of augment soup
  • 1 cup French’s Brittle Absurd Onions
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 cups disconnected cheddar cheese (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the Oven:

  • Start by preheating your oven to 350°F (175°C). This will ensure it’s accessible aback you’re accomplished accumulating the casserole.

Combine Blooming Beans, Soup, and Milk:

  • In a ample bond bowl, amalgamate the drained blooming beans, chrism of augment soup, and 3/4 cup of milk.
  • Stir these capacity calm until they are able-bodied mixed. You can add alkali and pepper to aftertaste if desired.

Add French’s Brittle Absurd Onions:

  • Reserve 1/2 cup of French’s Brittle Absurd Onions for the topping.
  • Stir the actual brittle absurd onions into the blooming bean mixture.
  • These onions will add a adorable crisis and acidity to the casserole.

Transfer to a Baking Dish:

  • Pour the blooming bean and onion admixture into a 1.5-quart baking dish, overextension it out evenly.

Bake the Casserole:

  • Place the baking bowl in the preheated oven and broil for about 30 minutes.
  • You’ll apperceive it’s accessible aback the goulash is hot and bubbling.

Add the Topping:

  • After 30 minutes, abolish the goulash from the oven.
  • Sprinkle the aloof 1/2 cup of French’s Brittle Absurd Onions analogously over the top of the casserole.

Optional: Add Cheese:

  • If you’d like to add an added band of abominable goodness, baptize 1 1/2 cups of disconnected cheddar cheese over the brittle onions.

Return to the Oven:

  • Place the goulash aback in the oven for an added 5 minutes, or until the onions are aureate brown, and the cheese, if used, is broiled and bubbling.

Serve and Enjoy:

  • Once your goulash is altogether broiled and golden, abolish it from the oven and acquiesce it to air-conditioned for a few account afore serving.

variety of green bean casserole

1. Archetypal Blooming Bean Casserole:

The archetypal blooming bean goulash appearance blooming beans, a buttery augment sauce, and brittle absurd onions. To accomplish it, chase these steps:

  • Prep blooming beans and flinch them as declared in antecedent recipes.
  • Prepare a augment booze by sautéing onions and mushrooms, again abacus flour, broth, and cream. Season with salt, pepper, and paprika.
  • Combine the blooming beans and augment booze in a baking dish.
  • Top with French-fried onions and broil until bubbly.

2. Vegetarian Blooming Bean Casserole:

For a vegetarian version, you can omit the meat and use vegetable borsch instead. Here’s how:

  • Follow the archetypal blooming bean goulash compound but use vegetable borsch instead of craven broth.
  • You can additionally add added vegetables like broken alarm peppers or carrots for added acidity and nutrition.

3. Gluten-Free Blooming Bean Casserole:

If you charge a gluten-free option, alter the advantageous abrade and French-fried onions with gluten-free alternatives:

  • Use gluten-free advantageous abrade for the sauce.
  • Look for gluten-free brittle absurd onions, which are accessible in some food or can be fabricated at home application gluten-free breadcrumbs or ashamed potato chips.

4. Keto-Friendly Blooming Bean Casserole:

For those afterward a keto diet, accede the afterward adjustments:

  • Use almond abrade or attic abrade instead of advantageous abrade to thicken the sauce. You’ll charge to use a lower-carb agglomeration agent.
  • Opt for abundant cream, full-fat acerb cream, or chrism cheese for a buttery and low-carb base.
  • Skip the French-fried onions or accomplish your own keto-friendly adaptation application ashamed pork rinds for the brittle topping.

5. Bacon and Cheese Blooming Bean Casserole:

If you appetite to add added acidity and protein, try a bacon and cheese variation:

  • Cook bacon until crispy, again crumble it and set it aside.
  • Add burst bacon and disconnected cheddar cheese to the archetypal blooming bean goulash afore baking. This gives the bowl a smoky, abominable twist.

6. Red Pepper and Almond Blooming Bean Casserole:

For a different aberration on the archetypal recipe, accede this variation:

  • Add broiled red alarm peppers and burst almonds to the blooming bean goulash for a adorable adverse of textures and flavors.
  • The broiled red peppers accompany a candied and begrimed dimension, while the almonds accommodate a acceptable crunch.

7. Vegan Blooming Bean Casserole:

For a vegan-friendly option, you can accomplish the afterward substitutions:

  • Use plant-based adulate or oil for sautéing the onions and mushrooms.
  • Substitute the abundant chrism with a non-dairy another like almond milk or attic milk.
  • Replace the disconnected cheddar cheese with a dairy-free, vegan cheese.

8. Pesto Blooming Bean Casserole:

For a beginning and active twist, try a pesto blooming bean casserole:

  • Prepare a accumulation of bootleg or store-bought pesto sauce.
  • Mix the abashed blooming beans with the pesto booze instead of the acceptable augment sauce.
  • Top with brittle absurd onions and broil as usual.

Chicken Green Bean Casserole Recipe


For this Craven Blooming Bean Casserole, you’ll charge the afterward ingredients:

  • 2 cups adapted and disconnected craven (rotisserie or adapted at home)
  • 1 1/2 pounds beginning blooming beans, akin and cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 tablespoon salt, for blanching
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup cautiously chopped onions
  • 8 oz mushrooms, agilely sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1 cup craven broth
  • 1 cup abundant cream
  • 1 1/2 cups disconnected cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon atramentous pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon broiled thyme (optional)


Prep the Chicken:

  • Start by affable and shredding 2 cups of chicken. You can use rotisserie craven or baker boneless, skinless craven breasts or thighs at home. Season with salt, pepper, and any adapted herbs or spices. Once cooked, atom the craven and set it aside.

Prep the Blooming Beans:

  • Trim the ends of the blooming beans and cut them into bite-sized pieces. You can leave them accomplished or cut them into 2-inch segments.

Blanch the Blooming Beans:

  • Fill a ample pot with baptize and add a tablespoon of salt.
  • Bring the baptize to a abscess and add the blooming beans.
  • Boil for 3-4 account or until the beans are ablaze blooming and tender-crisp.
  • Immediately alteration the beans to a basin of ice baptize to stop the affable process.
  • Drain and set the abashed blooming beans aside.

Prepare the Augment Sauce:

  • In a ample bucket or saucepan, baker 2 tablespoons of adulate over average heat.
  • Add the chopped onions and sauté until they become translucent.
  • Stir in the broken mushrooms and minced garlic. Baker until the mushrooms absolution their damp and become tender.
  • Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of advantageous abrade over the mushrooms and activity for about 2 account to baker off the raw abrade taste.
  • Pour in 1 cup of craven borsch and 1 cup of abundant cream, active continuously.
  • Let the admixture simmer for a few account until it thickens.
  • Season with 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of atramentous pepper, 1/2 teaspoon of paprika, and 1/2 teaspoon of broiled thyme (if desired).

Combine Chicken, Blooming Beans, and Sauce:

  • In a ample bond bowl, amalgamate the disconnected chicken, abashed blooming beans, and the augment sauce. Gently activity to ensure that all the capacity are able-bodied coated.

Assemble the Casserole:

  • Transfer the chicken, blooming bean, and augment admixture to a anointed 9×13 inch baking dish.

Add Cheese:

  • Sprinkle 1 1/2 cups of disconnected cheddar cheese analogously over the casserole. The broiled cheese will add a adorable band of flavor.

Add Parmesan Cheese:

  • Sprinkle 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese over the top of the casserole. This will add an added band of cheesiness and a nice band back baked.

Bake the Casserole:

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  • Place the goulash in the preheated oven and broil for 25-30 minutes, or until the topping is aureate brown, the cheese is broiled and bubbling, and the goulash is acrimonious through.

Serve and Enjoy:

  • Once the goulash is done, abolish it from the oven and let it air-conditioned for a few account afore serving.

Cheesy Green Bean Casserole Recipe


For this Abominable Blooming Bean Casserole, you’ll charge the afterward ingredients:

  • 1 1/2 pounds beginning blooming beans, akin and cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 tablespoon salt, for blanching
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup cautiously chopped onions
  • 8 oz mushrooms, agilely sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons advantageous flour
  • 1 cup craven or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup abundant cream
  • 1 1/2 cups disconnected cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon atramentous pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika


Prep the Blooming Beans:

  • Start by accent the ends of the blooming beans and acid them into bite-sized pieces. You can leave them accomplished or cut them into 2-inch segments.

Blanch the Blooming Beans:

  • Fill a ample pot with baptize and add a tablespoon of salt.
  • Bring the baptize to a abscess and add the blooming beans.
  • Boil for 3-4 account or until the beans are ablaze blooming and tender-crisp.
  • Immediately alteration the beans to a basin of ice baptize to stop the affable process.
  • Drain and set the abashed blooming beans aside.

Prepare the Augment Sauce:

  • In a ample bucket or saucepan, baker 2 tablespoons of adulate over average heat.
  • Add the chopped onions and sauté until they become translucent.
  • Stir in the broken mushrooms and minced garlic. Baker until the mushrooms absolution their damp and become tender.
  • Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of advantageous abrade over the mushrooms and activity for about 2 account to baker off the raw abrade taste.
  • Pour in 1 cup of craven or vegetable borsch and 1 cup of abundant cream, active continuously.
  • Let the admixture simmer for a few account until it thickens.
  • Season with 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of atramentous pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon of paprika.

Combine Blooming Beans and Sauce:

  • Add the abashed blooming beans to the augment booze and acclaim activity to covering the beans evenly.
  • Sprinkle 1 1/2 cups of disconnected cheddar cheese over the admixture and activity until it’s able-bodied combined.

Assemble the Casserole:

  • Transfer the blooming bean and augment admixture to a anointed 9×13 inch baking dish.

Add Parmesan Cheese:

  • Sprinkle 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese over the top of the casserole. This will add a adorable band of abominable goodness.

Bake the Casserole:

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  • Place the goulash in the preheated oven and broil for 25-30 minutes, or until the topping is aureate amber and the goulash is bubbling.

Serve and Enjoy:

  • Once the goulash is done, abolish it from the oven and let it air-conditioned for a few account afore serving.

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