Click Your Trends For Social Media News Today Recipes Dhokla recipe , khaman dhokla recipe ( ढोकला बनाने की विधि )

Dhokla recipe , khaman dhokla recipe ( ढोकला बनाने की विधि )

Dhokla recipe , khaman dhokla recipe ( ढोकला बनाने की विधि ) post thumbnail image

Dhokla recipe



For the Dhokla Batter:

    • 1 cup of rice (preferably basmati)
    • 1 cup of chickpea abrade (besan)1/4 cup of yogurt
    • 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder

  • 1/4 teaspoon of asafoetida (hing)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 1/2 cups of baptize (for the batter)

For the Tempering/Tadka:

  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 teaspoon of alacrity seeds
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • 2-3 blooming chilies, aperture lengthwise
  • 10-12 back-scratch leaves
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of auto juice
  • Salt to taste

For Garnishing:

  • Fresh coriander leaves, chopped
  • Grated coconut
  • Chopped blooming chilies
  • Roasted sesame seeds


  • A ample bond bowl
  • A blender or aliment processor
  • A steamer or ample bucket with a steamer rack
  • A bank basin or dhokla plate
  • A baby bucket for tempering
  • A baby barrel or beanery for mixing
  • A knife or spatula
  • A auto squeezer (optional)
  • A timer
  • A confined plate


Soaking the Rice:

  • Begin by rinsing the rice in algid baptize until the baptize runs clear. Then, blot the rice in abundant baptize for about 4-5 hours or overnight.

Making the Batter:

  • Drain the blood-soaked rice and alteration it to a blender.
  • Add chickpea flour, yogurt, turmeric, asafoetida, salt, sugar, and oil to the blender.
  • Gradually add 1 1/2 cups of baptize to the blender and alloy until you accept a bland batter. The concoction should be of cloudburst consistency, agnate to pancake batter.

Fermenting the Batter:

  • Pour the concoction into a ample bond bowl.
  • Add baking soda and mix well.
  • Cover the basin with a lid or a apple-pie bolt and let the concoction agitate for 6-8 hours at allowance temperature. The beverage action is acute to accomplish the appropriate absorptive arrangement of dhokla.

Preparing the Steamer:

  • While the concoction is fermenting, adapt your steamer. If you’re application a saucepan, ample it with baptize up to a akin aloof beneath the steamer rack. If you accept a committed steamer, chase its instructions.

Greasing the Dhokla Plate:

  • Grease the bank basin or dhokla bowl with some oil. This will anticipate the dhokla from afraid to the dish.

 3.Steaming the Dhokla:

Pouring the Batter:

  • After the concoction has fermented, accord it a affable stir. If it has become too thick, you can add a little baptize to acclimatize the consistency.
  • Pour the concoction into the anointed dish, bushing it to about 2/3 of the way. The dhokla will acceleration as it steams, so leave some amplitude for it to expand.


  • Place the basin in the steamer or on the steamer arbor in the saucepan.
  • Cover the steamer with a lid and beef the dhokla over medium-high calefaction for about 20-25 minutes.
  • To analysis if the dhokla is done, admit a toothpick or a knife into the center. If it comes out clean, the dhokla is ready.


  • Turn off the calefaction and anxiously abolish the basin from the steamer. Allow it to air-conditioned for a few account afore proceeding.

 4.Cutting and Tempering:

Cutting the Dhokla:

  • Using a knife or a spatula, cut the dhokla into aboveboard or diamond-shaped pieces. You can adjudge the admeasurement and appearance according to your preference.

Preparing the Tempering:

  • In a baby saucepan, calefaction 2 tablespoons of oil over average heat.
  • Add alacrity seeds and cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.
  • Add blooming chilies and back-scratch leaves. Sauté for a minute until the chilies become aromatic.

Pouring the Tempering:

  • Add 1/4 cup of water, sugar, and a compression of alkali to the tempering. Activity well.
  • Once the amoroso dissolves and the admixture comes to a boil, abolish it from the heat.
  • Add auto abstract and mix.

Pouring the About-face Over Dhokla:

  • Carefully cascade the hot about-face analogously over the cut dhokla pieces. Make abiding the dhokla is balmy back you do this so that it can blot the flavors.


Finishing Touch:

  • Garnish the dhokla with chopped coriander leaves, grated coconut, chopped blooming chilies, and broiled sesame seeds. You can be as artistic as you like with the garnishing.


Serving Dhokla:

  • Allow the dhokla to blot the about-face and air-conditioned bottomward for a few added minutes.
  • Gently lift the pieces from the basin and abode them on a confined plate.

Serving Accompaniments:

  • Dhokla is about served with blooming chutney, tamarind chutney, or a aggregate of both. You can adapt these chutneys in beforehand or use store-bought ones.

 7.Enjoying Your Dhokla:

Savoring the Flavors:

  • Dhokla is best enjoyed beginning and warm. The absorptive arrangement blood-soaked in the sweet, tangy, and agreeable flavors of the about-face is a adorable acquaintance for your aftertaste buds.

Storing Dhokla:

  • If you accept leftovers, you can air-condition them in an closed container. Reheat in a steamer or bake afore serving.

khaman dhokla recipe


For the Dhokla Batter:

  • 1 cup of chickpea abrade (besan)
  • 1/4 cup of semolina (sooji)
  • 1/4 cup of yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of amber paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon of blooming chili paste
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of bake-apple alkali (eno or citric acid)
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 1 cup of baptize (adjust as needed)

For the Tempering/Tadka:

  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 teaspoon of alacrity seeds
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds
  • 2-3 blooming chilies, aperture lengthwise
  • A compression of asafoetida (hing)
  • 10-12 back-scratch leaves

For Garnishing:

  • Fresh coriander leaves, chopped
  • Grated coconut


  • A bond bowl
  • A steamer or ample bucket with a steamer rack
  • A bank basin or dhokla plate
  • A baby bucket for tempering
  • A baby barrel or beanery for mixing
  • A knife or spatula
  • A confined plate


Making the Batter:

  • In a bond bowl, amalgamate chickpea flour, semolina, yogurt, amber paste, blooming chili paste, sugar, turmeric, salt, and oil.
  • Gradually add baptize while active to accomplish a bland batter. The concoction should be of cloudburst consistency.

Fermenting the Batter:

  • Cover the basin with a lid or a apple-pie bolt and let the concoction blow for about 30 minutes. This will acquiesce it to agitate slightly.

 3.Steaming the Khaman Dhokla:

Greasing the Dhokla Plate:

  • Grease the bank basin or dhokla bowl with some oil. This will anticipate the dhokla from afraid to the dish.

Adding Bake-apple Salt:

  • Just afore steaming, add bake-apple alkali (eno or citric acid) to the batter.
  • Mix acclaim but bound in one direction. You’ll apprehension the concoction acceptable frothy.


  • Pour the bubbling concoction into the anointed dish, bushing it to about 2/3 of the way.
  • Place the basin in the steamer or on the steamer arbor in the saucepan.
  • Cover the steamer with a lid and beef the dhokla over medium-high calefaction for about 15-20 minutes.
  • To analysis if the dhokla is done, admit a toothpick or a knife into the center. If it comes out clean, the dhokla is ready.

 4.Cutting and Tempering:

Cutting the Khaman Dhokla:

  • Using a knife or a spatula, cut the dhokla into aboveboard or diamond-shaped pieces.

Preparing the Tempering:

  • In a baby saucepan, calefaction 2 tablespoons of oil over average heat.
  • Add alacrity seeds, sesame seeds, blooming chilies, asafoetida, and back-scratch leaves. Acquiesce them to bark and become aromatic.

Pouring the Tempering:

  • Once the about-face is ready, cascade it analogously over the cut dhokla pieces.


Finishing Touch:

  • Garnish the Khaman Dhokla with chopped coriander leaves and grated coconut.


Serving Khaman Dhokla:

  • Allow the dhokla to blot the about-face for a few minutes.
  • Gently lift the pieces from the basin and abode them on a confined plate.

Serving Accompaniments:

  • Khaman Dhokla is about served with blooming chutney, tamarind chutney, or a aggregate of both.

 7.Enjoy your Khaman Dhokla:

Savoring the Flavors:

  • Khaman Dhokla is best enjoyed beginning and warm. The absorptive arrangement blood-soaked in the sweet, tangy, and agreeable flavors of the about-face is a adorable acquaintance for your aftertaste buds.

Storing Khaman Dhokla:

  • If you accept leftovers, you can air-condition them in an closed container. Reheat in a steamer or bake afore serving.

Calories in dhokla

 1.Basic Dhokla:

A archetypal confined of apparent dhokla (approximately 100 grams) contains about 160-180 calories. This aberration in calorie calculation is due to differences in recipes and capacity used. Basal dhokla is almost low in calories because it’s steamed, and it contains a acceptable bulk of protein from the chickpea flour.

2.Calories from Chickpea Abrade (Besan):

Chickpea flour, the primary additive in dhokla, is affluent in protein and fiber, authoritative it a alimental option. A 100-gram confined of chickpea abrade contains about 387 calories, and this forms a cogent allocation of the calorie agreeable in dhokla.

3.Calories from Rice:

The rice acclimated in dhokla contributes to the calorie count, but it’s about not a ample proportion. A 100-gram confined of adapted rice contains about 130 calories. Since dhokla recipes use a almost baby bulk of rice, the calorie addition from rice is modest.

4.Calories from Yogurt:

Yogurt adds creaminess to the concoction and contributes to the all-embracing aftertaste of dhokla. A 100-gram confined of apparent yogurt contains about 61 calories. Again, the bulk of yogurt acclimated in the dhokla concoction is almost small.

5.Calories from Oil:

The tempering, a aggregate of oil, alacrity seeds, and added spices, is acclimated to enhance the acidity of dhokla. The oil acclimated in the about-face adds some calories to the dish. A tablespoon of vegetable oil contains about 120 calories. The bulk of oil acclimated can vary, but it’s about not a ample quantity.

 6.Overall Calorie Content:

In summary, a basal dhokla fabricated with chickpea flour, rice, yogurt, and a baby bulk of oil contains about 160-180 calories per 100-gram serving. The majority of these calories appear from the chickpea flour, while the rice, yogurt, and oil accord to a bottom extent. It’s important to agenda that the calorie agreeable can alter based on the specific compound and allocation size.


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 Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Ingredients
  3. Equipment
  4. Preparation
    • 4.1 Soaking the Rice
    • 4.2 Making the Batter
    • 4.3 Fermenting the Batter
    • 4.4 Preparing the Steamer
    • 4.5 Greasing the Dhokla Plate
  5. Steaming the Dhokla
    • 5.1 Pouring the Batter
    • 5.2 Steaming
    • 5.3 Cooling
  6. Cutting and Tempering
    • 6.1 Cutting the Dhokla
    • 6.2 Preparing the Tempering
    • 6.3 Pouring the Tempering Over Dhokla
  7. Garnishing
    • 7.1 Finishing Touch
  8. Serving
    • 8.1 Serving Dhokla
    • 8.2 Serving Accompaniments
  9. Enjoying Your Dhokla
  10. Storing Dhokla
  11. Variations and Tips
  12. Conclusion

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