Chief Minister of Assam, BJP Leader

Chief Minister of Assam, BJP Leader post thumbnail image


Full Name: Himanta Biswa Sarma
Date of Birth: February 1, 1969
Place of Birth: Jorhat, Assam, India
Spouse: Riniki Bhuyan Sarma
Children: One son (Nandil Sarma)
Political Affiliation: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Educational Background: – Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
– LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws)
Early Career: – Started as a student leader
– Joined Indian National Congress (INC)
Political Switch: Joined BJP in 2015
Political Roles: – Health Minister of Assam
– Finance Minister of Assam
– Education Minister of Assam
– Chief Minister of Assam (since 2021)
Notable Contributions: – Key strategist for BJP in Assam
– Played a significant role in BJP’s rise in the Northeast
Social Media: Active on Twitter (@himantabiswa)
Key Initiatives: – Healthcare reforms in Assam
– Promoting education and women’s empowerment
– COVID-19 response and vaccination drives
Cultural Interests: – Advocacy for Assamese traditional attire
– Support for local artisans and craftsmen
– Promotion of Assamese cuisine
Family Life: Married to Riniki Bhuyan Sarma, a son named Nandil Sarma
Private Life: Maintains a low-key public profile
Overall Impact: A prominent political figure in Assam, known for dynamic leadership and contributions to various sectors



Early Life and Education:

Himanta Biswa Sarma was built-in in the boondocks of Jorhat in the northeastern Indian accompaniment of Assam.
He completed his ancestry in Assam and after pursued academy education.
Sarma acceptable a Bachelor’s amount in Arts from Cotton College, Guwahati.
He went on to complete his LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws) from the Government Law Academy in Guwahati.

Political Journey:

Himanta Biswa Sarma began his political career as a apprentice baton during his academy days.
He abutting the Indian National Congress (INC) and became actively complex in Assam’s politics.
Sarma captivated several key positions in the INC, including confined as the General Secretary of the Assam Pradesh Youth Congress.
In 2015, he fabricated a cogent political about-face by abutting the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
His access into the BJP was alive in the party’s success in the northeastern region.
Sarma has been adopted as a Member of the Assam Legislative Assembly assorted times from assorted constituencies.
Key Political Roles and Positions:

Health Minister of Assam: Sarma served as the Health Minister in the Assam government and played a acute role in convalescent healthcare basement and casework in the state.
Finance Minister of Assam: He additionally captivated the portfolio of Finance Minister and was amenable for abstraction the state’s budgetary policies.
Education Minister of Assam: Sarma has been at the beginning of educational reforms in Assam and has formed appear convalescent the affection of apprenticeship in the state.
Chief Convener of the North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA): He played a basic role in the accumulation and activity of NEDA, a political affiliation of non-Congress parties in the Northeast.
Chief Minister of Assam: Himanta Biswa Sarma was affidavit in as the 15th Chief Minister of Assam on May 10, 2021, afterwards Sarbananda Sonowal.

Political Achievements:

Sarma’s political accuracy and cardinal cerebration accept been alive in the BJP’s acceleration to ability in Assam and the broader northeastern region.
He is accepted for his activating and absolute appearance of administration and has been a key architect for the BJP in the state.
Contributions and Initiatives:

As Health Minister, Sarma alien assorted healthcare schemes and initiatives to advance medical accessories in Assam.
He has formed on initiatives accompanying to women’s empowerment, education, and ecology conservation.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sarma was actively complex in the state’s response, ensuring testing, anesthetic drives, and healthcare basement upgrades.

Social Media Presence:

Himanta Biswa Sarma is alive on amusing media platforms like Twitter, area he shares updates on government initiatives, political developments, and claimed reflections.
His Twitter account, @himantabiswa, has a abundant following, and he uses it to affix with the accessible and back his letters directly.
Himanta Biswa Sarma’s political adventure from actuality a apprentice baton to acceptable the Chief Minister of Assam reflects his adherence and access in the state’s political landscape. His administration has played a cardinal role in abstraction the behavior and administration of Assam, decidedly in the fields of healthcare, education, and political alliances. Sarma’s activating access and cardinal cerebration abide to accept a cogent appulse on the northeastern arena of India.

Who is himanta biswa sarma wife ?


Riniki Bhuyan Sarma is the wife of Himanta Biswa Sarma, the Chief Minister of Assam, India. While she maintains a almost clandestine contour compared to her husband’s arresting political career, Riniki Bhuyan Sarma has fabricated cogent contributions to assorted amusing and cultural initiatives. In this absolute profile, we will analyze her background, education, ancestors life, and her captivation in amusing and cultural activities.

Background and Aboriginal Life:

Riniki Bhuyan Sarma hails from the accompaniment of Assam in northeastern India. She was built-in and brought up in an Assamese ancestors with a affluent cultural heritage. Riniki’s aboriginal activity was apparent by acknowledgment to Assam’s assorted cultural traditions, music, and arts, which laid the foundation for her approaching endeavors in announcement the state’s cultural heritage.


Riniki Bhuyan Sarma pursued her apprenticeship with a focus on the arts and culture, adjustment with her abiding absorption in attention and announcement Assamese traditions. While specific capacity about her bookish adventure are not broadly accessible in the accessible domain, her affection for ability and ancestry became axiomatic as she boarded on her adventure alongside her husband, Himanta Biswa Sarma.

Family Life:

Riniki Bhuyan Sarma is affiliated to Himanta Biswa Sarma, a arresting baby-kisser in Assam and the Chief Minister of the state. The brace has a son called Nandil Sarma. Their ancestors life, although generally private, reflects a antithesis amid the demands of Himanta Biswa Sarma’s political career and their aggregate charge to attention Assamese ability and traditions.

Cultural and Amusing Initiatives:

Riniki Bhuyan Sarma has been actively complex in assorted cultural and amusing initiatives in Assam. Her adherence to announcement and attention Assamese ancestry has fabricated her a admired amount in the state’s cultural circles. Some of her notable contributions and initiatives include:

1. Advance of Assamese Acceptable Attire: Riniki Bhuyan Sarma has been an apostle for announcement acceptable Assamese attire, such as Mekhela Chador for women and Dhoti-Kurta for men. By cutting these acceptable apparel on altered occasions and auspicious others to do the same, she has played a role in animating absorption in Assamese clothing.

2. Cultural Contest and Festivals: Riniki actively participates in cultural contest and festivals, generally accessory and acknowledging assorted celebrations of Assamese culture. Her attendance at these contest has encouraged the canning and advance of acceptable music, dance, and art forms.

3. Acknowledging Bounded Artisans: Riniki has been a angel of bounded artisans and craftsmen, announcement their assignment and allowance them accretion recognition. This abutment contributes to the canning of acceptable adroitness in Assam.

4. Announcement Assamese Cuisine: Assamese cuisine is accepted for its different flavors and ingredients. Riniki Bhuyan Sarma has been complex in announcement acceptable Assamese dishes and auspicious bodies to analyze and flavor the affluent comestible ancestry of the state.

5. Educational Initiatives: Riniki’s charge to ability extends to education. She has been complex in initiatives aimed at educating the adolescent bearing about Assamese culture, language, and heritage, ensuring its continuity.

Low-Key Accessible Profile:

Riniki Bhuyan Sarma maintains a almost easygoing accessible contour compared to her husband, who is a arresting political figure. While Himanta Biswa Sarma is frequently in the accessible eye due to his political activities, Riniki focuses on her cultural and amusing pursuits, preferring a quieter presence.


Riniki Bhuyan Sarma, the wife of Himanta Biswa Sarma, brings her affection for Assamese ability and ancestry to the beginning of her life. Although she may not absorb the aforementioned accessible spotlight as her husband, her contributions to the canning and advance of Assamese traditions are noteworthy. As the First Lady of Assam, her adherence to cultural and amusing initiatives serves as an afflatus for those who seek to bottle the affluent cultural carpeting of the state. Riniki’s abutment for acceptable arts, attire, cuisine, and apprenticeship has fabricated her a admired amount in Assam’s cultural landscape, accidental to the canning of the state’s different identity.

Himanta biswa sarma twitter

Early Life and Political Career:
Himanta Biswa Sarma was built-in on February 1, 1969, in Assam, India. He began his political adventure as a apprentice baton and bound rose through the ranks of the Indian National Congress (INC). Later, he switched adherence to the BJP in 2015, a move that was a axis point in his career. Sarma has captivated assorted important positions in the Assam government, including the roles of Health Minister and Finance Minister.

Twitter Presence:
Himanta Biswa Sarma’s Twitter attendance is apparent by his common and agreeable tweets on a advanced ambit of topics, from political developments to amusing issues and claimed anecdotes. His official Twitter handle, @himantabiswa, has garnered a cogent following, which includes political enthusiasts, affair supporters, and the accepted public. As of my aftermost adeptness amend in September 2021, he had over a actor followers on the platform, and this cardinal is acceptable to accept developed decidedly back then.

Communication Style:
Sarma’s advice appearance on Twitter is characterized by a mix of wit, humor, and a absolute approach. He generally uses his tweets to back his opinions, accommodate updates on government initiatives, and allotment his angle on assorted issues. His tweets are accepted for their candidness, authoritative him a relatable and attainable amount in the apple of Indian politics. This appearance has contributed to his acceptance on the platform.

Political Engagement:
Twitter has become an capital apparatus for politicians to appoint with their capacity and the broader public. Himanta Biswa Sarma uses his Twitter annual strategically to affix with bodies and acquaint his party’s behavior and achievements. During elections, his Twitter augment is abuzz with attack updates, assemblage information, and calls to activity for supporters.

COVID-19 Response:
The COVID-19 communicable has been a cogent claiming for governments worldwide. Himanta Biswa Sarma acclimated Twitter as a belvedere to accommodate appropriate updates on Assam’s acknowledgment to the pandemic. He aggregate advice about testing, anesthetic drives, and government initiatives to barrier the advance of the virus. His accuracy in administration abstracts and updates becoming him both acclaim and criticism, but it showcased his charge to befitting the accessible informed.

Social Initiatives:
Apart from politics, Sarma has additionally acclimated Twitter to advance assorted amusing initiatives. He has been actively complex in campaigns accompanying to ecology conservation, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Campaign), and women’s empowerment. By administration his captivation in these initiatives on Twitter, he has encouraged borough assurance and motivated others to accompany the cause.

Controversies and Criticism:
Like abounding politicians, Himanta Biswa Sarma has not been allowed to controversies and criticism on Twitter. His aboveboard tweets accept sometimes landed him in hot water, with opponents and critics application his statements to catechism his believability and intentions. However, Sarma has remained abiding in his advice style, generally acclamation criticism head-on.

In conclusion, Himanta Biswa Sarma’s Twitter attendance is a absorption of his activating and impactful political career. His agreeable advice style, absolute approach, and alive assurance on assorted issues accept caked his position as a arresting political amount in India. While he has faced his fair allotment of controversies and criticism, his adeptness to affix with the masses through Twitter is undeniable. His connected attendance on the belvedere will acceptable comedy a acute role in abstraction political address and action discussions in India in the years to come.

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