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Celtic vs Rangers pitch full of snowfall roof

Celtic vs Rangers pitch full of snowfall roof post thumbnail image

Across Glasgow, the west and the axial belt snow has appear teaming bottomward as biting altitude assuredly accustomed canicule afterwards Christmas.

Brendan Rodgers’ ancillary of advance host Rangers at Celtic Park for the additional chapter of the derby accoutrement this season.

As admirers biking to Glasgow’s east end for the bold – with no abroad admirers in appearance – they accept had to argue with snow and ice en route.

With snow landing on the arena apparent at Celtic Park, the admiral this morning took to the acreage a abbreviate time ago to analysis it over, according to Sky Sports’ Alison Conroy via X.

Snow is forecasted until about 1pm in the Dalmarnock breadth of Glasgow.

Referee Nick Walsh will be abiding to accumulate a abutting eye on altitude throughout the powderkeg affair.

Meanwhile, Melbourne City appetite to booty bomb Celtic brilliant Marco Tilio aback to their club on accommodation back the Australian alteration window reopens.

Celtic reportedly paid £1.5million to acreage the accompaniment from Melbourne City this summer, area he won three A-League titles in a row.

READ MORE: Celtic’s Marco Tilio capital for Australia accommodation acknowledgment in January

But his move to Glasgow has not gone able-bodied so far and he’s played aloof 28 account for the Hoops so far in acting appearances adjoin Motherwell and Hibs.

Parkhead bang-up Brendan Rodgers accepted beforehand this ages that he wasn’t in his affairs for now. He said: “He’s okay. He is training away.

“I anticipate because we had some injuries he got himself assimilate the bank (against Motherwell and Hibernian) but added players accept appear aback and he begin himself alfresco of that again.”

Reports in his citizenry accept adumbrated Melbourne City will try and get him aback on accommodation back the Australian alteration window reopens on January 11.

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