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Badam Burfi Recipe, pro tips , recipe card

Badam Burfi Recipe

Badam Burfi is a adorable Indian candied that is bargain able during festivals, appropriate occasions, and celebrations. It is fabricated from almonds (badam), sugar, and ghee, consistent in a affluent and buttery candied with a absurd flavor. This Badam Burfi compound will adviser you through the action of authoritative this adorable candied amusement at home.


Almonds (Badam) – 1 cup
Sugar – 1 cup
Ghee (Clarified Butter) – 1/2 cup
Milk – 1/4 cup
Cardamom Crumb – 1 teaspoon
Saffron Strands (Kesar) – A pinch
Chopped Pistachios (for garnish) – Optional


Step 1: Soak and Bark the Almonds

  • Begin by assimilation the almonds in balmy baptize for 4-5 hours or overnight. Assimilation will accomplish it easier to abolish the almond skins.
  • After soaking, cesspool the baptize and bark the almonds. The banknote should appear off easily. You can columnist anniversary almond acclaim amid your deride and forefinger to abolish the skin.

Step 2: Bullwork the Almonds

  • Once the almonds are peeled, bullwork them into a accomplished adhesive after abacus any water. You can use a aliment processor or a mixer for this purpose.
  • The almond adhesive should be bland and creamy. Set it aside.

Step 3: Prepare the Amoroso Syrup

  • In a heavy-bottomed pan, add 1 cup of amoroso and 1/4 cup of milk. This milk helps in preventing the amoroso from crystallizing.
  • Heat the amoroso and milk admixture on average heat, active continuously until it alcove a one-string consistency. To analysis this, booty a
  • bead of the abstract amid your deride and basis finger. It should anatomy a distinct cord aback you abstracted your fingers.

Step 4: Add Almond Paste

  • Once the amoroso abstract alcove the adapted consistency, add the almond adhesive to the pan.
  • Continue to baker on average calefaction while active continuously to anticipate any chastening from forming.

Step 5: Add Ghee

  • Gradually add the ghee to the almond-sugar mixture. Stir able-bodied to combine.
  • The ghee will advice the admixture appear calm and accord it a affluent and buttery texture. Keep stirring.

Step 6: Acidity with Cardamom and Saffron

  • Add cardamom crumb and a compression of saffron strands to the mixture. These capacity will enhance the acidity and balm of the Badam Burfi.

Step 7: Baker Until It Thickens

  • Continue affable and active the admixture until it thickens and leaves the abandon of the pan. You should be able to see the admixture
  • advancing calm as a accumulation and abrogation the pan easily.

Step 8: Transfer to a Anointed Plate

  • Grease a bowl or tray with ghee and set it aside.
  • Once the admixture alcove the appropriate consistency, anon cascade it assimilate the anointed plate.

Step 9: Shape and Garnish

  • Use a collapsed spatula or the aback of a beanery to advance and abrade the admixture analogously on the plate.
  • If desired, adornment the Badam Burfi with chopped pistachios, acute them acclaim assimilate the surface.

Step 10: Cut into Pieces

  • Allow the Badam Burfi to air-conditioned for some time, and while it is still warm, cut it into aboveboard or diamond-shaped pieces with a aciculate knife.

Step 11: Serve and Enjoy

  • Once the Badam Burfi has absolutely cooled, anxiously abolish the pieces from the bowl and abundance them in an closed container.

About Badam Burfi


  • Almonds (Badam): 1 cup
  • Sugar: 1 cup
  • Ghee (Clarified Butter): 1/2 cup
  • Milk: 1/4 cup
  • Cardamom Powder: 1 teaspoon
  • Saffron Strands (Kesar): A pinch
  • Chopped Pistachios (for garnish): Optional


  1. Soak and Skin the Almonds: Begin by assimilation the almonds in balmy baptize for about 4-5 hours or overnight. Assimilation softens the almonds and makes it easier to abolish their skins. Once soaked, bark the almonds by acclaim avidity them, and the banknote should appear off easily.
  2. Grind the Almonds: After peeling, bullwork the almonds into a accomplished adhesive after abacus any water. You can use a aliment processor or a mixer for this. The adhesive should be bland and creamy.
  3. Prepare the Amoroso Syrup: In a heavy-bottomed pan, amalgamate 1 cup of amoroso and 1/4 cup of milk. Calefaction this admixture on average heat, active continuously, until it alcove a one-string consistency. To analysis this, booty a bead of the abstract amid your deride and basis finger. It should anatomy a distinct cord aback you abstracted your fingers.
  4. Add Almond Paste: Once the amoroso abstract alcove the adapted consistency, add the almond adhesive to the pan. Continue to baker on average calefaction while active continuously to anticipate lumps.
  5. Add Ghee: Gradually add 1/2 cup of ghee to the almond-sugar mixture. Stir well. The ghee will advice the admixture appear calm and accord it a affluent and buttery texture.
  6. Flavor with Cardamom and Saffron: Add 1 teaspoon of cardamom crumb and a compression of saffron strands to the mixture. These capacity enhance the acidity and balm of the Badam Burfi.
  7. Cook Until Thickened: Continue affable and active the admixture until it thickens and starts to leave the abandon of the pan. It should appear calm as a adamant mass.
  8. Transfer to a Anointed Plate: Grease a bowl or tray with ghee. Once the admixture thickens, anon cascade it assimilate the anointed plate.
  9. Shape and Garnish: Use a collapsed spatula or the aback of a beanery to advance the admixture analogously on the plate. If desired, adornment the Badam Burfi with chopped pistachios, acute them acclaim assimilate the surface.
  10. Cut into Pieces: Allow the Badam Burfi to air-conditioned for some time, and while it’s still warm, cut it into aboveboard or diamond-shaped pieces with a aciculate knife.
  11. Serve and Enjoy: Once the Badam Burfi has absolutely cooled, anxiously abolish the pieces from the bowl and abundance them in an closed container.

How to Make Almond Flour for Burfi ?


Almonds (Badam): As abounding as you charge for your compound (typically 1 cup of almonds yields about 1 cup of almond flour).

Blender or Aliment Processor: A high-quality blender or aliment processor is capital for accomplishing a fine, arenaceous texture.

Sifter: A sifter or fine-mesh clarify can advice abstracted the bigger abrade from any beyond almond particles.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Gather the Almonds

  • Start by accession the appropriate bulk of almonds for your burfi recipe. You can accept abashed almonds or almonds with the skin. Abashed almonds are those after the skin, which after-effects in a lighter-colored flour.

Step 2: Flinch the Almonds (Optional)

If you’re application almonds with the bark and adopt a lighter-colored almond flour, you can flinch the almonds to abolish the skins. To do this, chase these steps:

  • Boil Water: Bring a pot of baptize to a boil.
  • Add Almonds: Drop the almonds into the baking baptize and let them sit for about 1-2 minutes. This will advice alleviate the skins.
  • Drain and Rinse: Drain the almonds and bathe them with algid baptize to air-conditioned them down.
  • Peel: Gently compression the almonds, and the banknote should blooper off easily.

Step 3: Dry the Almonds (if blanched)

  • If you abashed the almonds, it’s capital to ensure they are absolutely dry afore proceeding. You can let them air dry for a few hours or use a kitchen anhydrate to pat them dry.

Step 4: Bullwork the Almonds

To accomplish almond flour, you’ll charge a high-quality blender or aliment processor. Chase these accomplish to bullwork the almonds:

  • Place Almonds in the Blender: Transfer the almonds to the blender or aliment processor. It’s a acceptable abstraction to assignment in baby batches, abnormally if you’re authoritative a ample quantity.
  • Pulse or Blend: Begin by beating the almonds in abbreviate bursts. This helps anticipate the almonds from axis into almond butter. If you’re application a aliment processor, you can use the “pulse” function. Be patient, as it may booty a few account to ability the adapted consistency.
  • Scrape the Sides: Stop the blender or aliment processor occasionally to scrape bottomward the abandon with a spatula. This ensures alike grinding.
  • Continue Blending: Resume aggregate until the almonds are cautiously arena and accept a arenaceous consistency. The ambition is to accomplish a arrangement agnate to store-bought almond flour.

Step 5: Analyze the Almond Abrade (Optional)

  • To ensure your almond abrade is as accomplished as possible, you can analyze it through a fine-mesh clarify or sifter. This will abstracted any coarser almond particles, which you can reprocess to accomplish a bigger consistency.

Step 6: Abundance the Almond Flour

  • Transfer the afresh fabricated almond abrade to an closed alembic or a closed artificial bag. Be abiding to abundance it in a cool, dry place, abroad from damp or absolute sunlight. Homemade almond abrade can be acclimated anon in your burfi compound or stored for after use.

Pro tips for Badam Burfi

1. Quality Almonds Matter:

  • Use beginning and high-quality almonds. The bloom of the almonds will decidedly appulse the acidity and arrangement of your Badam Burfi.
    If possible, accept abashed almonds (without the skin) for a lighter-colored burfi. If application almonds with the skin, accomplish abiding to flinch and bark them for a added aesthetic look.

2. Grind Almonds to Perfection:

  • When acid the almonds into a paste, be patient. Avoid abacus baptize to the mixture, as you appetite the almonds to absolution their accustomed oils, which will accord to the creaminess of the burfi.
  • Scrape bottomward the abandon of the blender or aliment processor as bare to ensure alike grinding.
  • Aim for a smooth, accomplished paste, as this will aftereffect in a smoother burfi.

3. Amoroso Abstract Consistency:

  • Achieving the appropriate bendability for the amoroso abstract is crucial. You should aim for a “one-string” consistency. To check, booty a bead of the abstract amid your deride and basis finger. It should anatomy a distinct cord back you abstracted your fingers.
  • Avoid overcooking the syrup, as this can accomplish the burfi too adamantine and difficult to cut.

4. Temperature Control:

  • Maintain a constant average calefaction while affable the almond-sugar mixture. Stir continuously to anticipate any chastening from forming.
  • Don’t blitz this process; acquiesce the admixture to thicken gradually. Rushing can advance to asperous affable and a chapped texture.

5. Ghee for Acidity and Texture:

  • High-quality ghee is essential. It adds acidity and affluence to the burfi. Application bootleg ghee is a abundant best if available.
  • Gradually add the ghee to the mixture, active thoroughly. This will ensure the ghee is analogously distributed, constant in a constant texture.

6. Aromatic Enhancements:

  • Adding a compression of saffron strands and a teaspoon of cardamom crumb enhances the acidity and balm of your Badam Burfi. Soak the saffron in a little balmy milk afore abacus it for bigger blush infusion.

7. Absorption to Texture:

  • Keep an eye on the admixture as it thickens. You’ll apperceive it’s accessible back it starts abrogation the abandon of the pan and comes calm as a adamant mass.
  • Work bound already you accomplish the appropriate texture, as the admixture can amalgamate fast. Immediate alteration to the anointed bowl is crucial.

8. Adornment and Presentation:

  • If you accept to garnish, add chopped pistachios or burst almonds on top. Press them acclaim assimilate the apparent for a admirable presentation.
  • When acid the burfi into pieces, ensure it’s still hardly balmy but not too hot to handle. A aciculate knife biconcave in ghee will advice in apple-pie cutting.

9. Storage and Freshness:

  • Store your Badam Burfi in an closed alembic already it cools bottomward completely. You can additionally abode block cardboard amid the layers to anticipate sticking.
  • It’s appropriate to absorb the burfi aural a reasonable time for the best freshness. If needed, air-condition it to extend its shelf life.

10. Convenance and Patience:

  • Making absolute Badam Burfi may crave practice. Don’t be abashed if your aboriginal attack isn’t perfect. With time, you’ll adept the art of burfi making.
  • Stay accommodating throughout the process, as absorption and absorption to detail are key to accomplishing the best results.

Badam Burfi Recipe Card

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Setting Time: 2-3 hours
Servings: 15-20 pieces


1 cup almonds (badam)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup ghee (clarified butter)
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon cardamom powder
A compression of saffron strands (optional)
Chopped pistachios for adornment (optional)


Step 1: Prepare the Almonds

  • Soak the almonds in balmy baptize for 4-5 hours or brief to abate them.
  • Peel the blood-soaked almonds to abolish the skins. They should appear off calmly aback pinched.

Step 2: Grind the Almonds

  • Grind the bald almonds into a accomplished adhesive after abacus water. A aliment processor or a accelerated blender works able-bodied for this.
  • The almond adhesive should be bland and creamy. Set it aside.

Step 3: Prepare the Amoroso Syrup

  • In a heavy-bottomed pan, amalgamate 1 cup of amoroso and 1/4 cup of milk.
  • Heat the admixture over average heat, active continuously, until it alcove a one-string consistency. To test, booty a bead of the abstract amid
  • your deride and basis feel – it should anatomy a distinct cord aback you abstracted your fingers.

Step 4: Add Almond Paste

  • Once the amoroso abstract alcove the adapted consistency, add the almond adhesive to the pan.
  • Continue to baker on average heat, active continuously to anticipate lumps.

Step 5: Add Ghee

  • Gradually add 1/2 cup of ghee to the almond-sugar mixture. Stir able-bodied to combine.
  • The ghee will advice the admixture appear calm and accord it a affluent and buttery texture. Keep stirring.

Step 6: Acidity with Cardamom and Saffron

  • Add 1 teaspoon of cardamom crumb and a compression of saffron strands (optional) to the mixture. These capacity enhance the acidity and balm of the Badam Burfi.

Step 7: Baker Until Thickened

  • Continue affable and active the admixture until it thickens and leaves the abandon of the pan. It should appear calm as a accumulation and be accessible to handle.

Step 8: Transfer to a Anointed Plate

  • Grease a bowl or tray with ghee and set it aside.
  • Once the admixture alcove the appropriate consistency, anon cascade it assimilate the anointed plate.

Step 9: Shape and Garnish

  • Use a collapsed spatula or the aback of a beanery to advance and abrade the admixture analogously on the plate.
  • If desired, adornment the Badam Burfi with chopped pistachios, acute them acclaim assimilate the surface.

Step 10: Cut into Pieces

  • Allow the Badam Burfi to air-conditioned for some time, and while it’s still warm, cut it into aboveboard or diamond-shaped pieces with a aciculate knife.

Step 11: Serve and Enjoy

  • Once the Badam Burfi has absolutely cooled, anxiously abolish the pieces from the bowl and abundance them in an closed container.

Pro Tips:

  • Use high-quality almonds for the best acidity and texture.
  • Patience is key aback cutting the almonds and affable the amoroso abstract – accomplishing the appropriate bendability is crucial.
  • Homemade ghee is an accomplished best for accurate flavor.
  • The Badam Burfi is best enjoyed fresh, but you can abundance it in an closed alembic for several days.


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