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2023 Anupam Mittal Biography, Net worth, Early Life, Career, Family

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Anupam Mittal is a acclaimed entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist accepted for his contributions to the Indian start-up ecosystem. As the architect and CEO of, one of the world’s better and best accustomed betrothed websites, Anupam Mittal has fabricated a cogent appulse on the online matchmaking industry and has become a arresting amount in the business world. In this blog, we will burrow into the activity and achievements of Anupam Mittal, including his aboriginal life, career, family, net worth, and altruistic endeavors.

Anupam Mittal  : Early Activity and Education

Anupam Mittal was built-in on October 23, 1974, in Mumbai, India. He grew up in a common ancestors with a able ambitious spirit. From a adolescent age, Anupam showed a agog absorption in technology and computers, which eventually led him to accompany a Bachelor’s amount in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, one of the best celebrated engineering institutes in India. Anupam’s apprenticeship at IIT Delhi provided him with a solid foundation in technology and laid the background for his approaching ambitious ventures.

Anupam Mittal : Career and Ambitious Journey

After commutual his apprenticeship at IIT Delhi, Anupam Mittal started his career as a software engineer. He acquired acquaintance alive with assorted technology companies afore venturing into entrepreneurship. In 1997, at the age of 23, Anupam founded his aboriginal start-up, India’s aboriginal amusing networking website alleged “”, which was focused on online matchmaking. However, due to bound internet assimilation in India at that time, the adventure did not booty off as expected, and Anupam absitively to shut it down.

Undeterred by the setback, Anupam Mittal went on to begin in 1999, which eventually became his best accustomed venture. is an online betrothed website that connects individuals gluttonous alliance partners. Anupam’s eyes was to advantage the adeptness of technology to agitate the acceptable matchmaking action and accomplish it added efficient, convenient, and attainable to a added audience. bound acquired acceptance and became a avant-garde in the online matchmaking industry in India. The belvedere offered a convenient interface, avant-garde chase options, and a able-bodied aloofness policy, which resonated with users and helped it allure millions of associates from beyond the world. Today, has over 4 actor success belief and has facilitated endless marriages, authoritative it one of the best trusted and accustomed betrothed websites globally.

Building on the success of, Anupam Mittal broadcast his ambitious endeavors and founded several added companies in the technology and internet space. Some of his added ventures accommodate, a absolute acreage portal; Mauj Mobile, a adaptable agreeable and casework company; and Mobango, a adaptable app store. Anupam’s ambitious adventure has been apparent by his adeptness to analyze bazaar gaps, actualize avant-garde solutions, and body accustomed businesses that accept fabricated a cogent appulse in their corresponding industries.

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Anupam Mittal : Net Account and Achievements

Anupam Mittal’s ambitious success has resulted in abundant banking gains, and he is advised one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in India. As of 2023, his estimated net account is over USD 300 million. His flagship venture,, has become a ascendant amateur in the online matchmaking industry, and its success has been accustomed with abundant awards and accolades over the years.

Anupam’s achievements as an administrator accept additionally been broadly accustomed in the business world. He has been featured on assorted lists of accustomed entrepreneurs and business leaders, including Forbes’ account of “India’s Best Powerful Digital Influencers” and Fortune India’s “40 Under 40” list. Anupam has additionally been a sought

after apostle at celebrated conferences and events, area he shares his insights and adventures as an entrepreneur, alarming and affective ambitious entrepreneurs.

Anupam Mittal ; Family and Claimed Life

Anupam Mittal Comes from a close ancestors that has been admiring of his ambitious journey. He was built-in into a business-oriented family, which absolute in him a able assignment belief and ambitious spirit from an aboriginal age. Anupam’s parents encouraged his affection for technology and accurate him in advancing his ambitious dreams. Despite his active agenda as an entrepreneur, Anupam strives to advance a antithesis amid his able and claimed life, and he ethics spending affection time with his family.

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Anupam Mittal : Philanthropic Endeavors

Apart from his success in the business world, Anupam Mittal is additionally accepted for his altruistic efforts. He believes in giving aback to association and has been actively complex in assorted accommodating and amusing initiatives. Anupam is amorous about apprenticeship and has accurate abundant educational causes aimed at accouterment affection apprenticeship to underprivileged children. He has additionally been complex in initiatives accompanying to healthcare, environment, and women empowerment.

Anupam has accustomed the Anupam Mittal Foundation, which focuses on active absolute amusing change through education, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The foundation has accurate assorted educational programs, including scholarships for admirable acceptance and initiatives to advance accomplishment development and abstruse training. Anupam’s altruistic endeavors reflect his charge to authoritative a aberration in association and accidental to the advancement of communities.


Anupam Mittal’s ambitious adventure is a attestation to his determination, innovation, and administration skills. From starting his aboriginal adventure at a adolescent age to founding and added accustomed companies, Anupam has fabricated a cogent appulse in the online matchmaking and technology industries. His vision, passion, and adamantine assignment accept led to the success of his ventures, and he has become a arresting amount in the Indian business landscape.

Beyond his ambitious achievements, Anupam is additionally accepted for his altruistic efforts, acknowledging assorted amusing causes and giving aback to society. He serves as an afflatus to ambitious entrepreneurs, showcasing how determination, innovation, and backbone can advance to success.

In conclusion, Anupam Mittal’s adventures is a adventure of ambitious success, innovation, and philanthropy. His aboriginal life, career, family, net worth, and altruistic endeavors all accord to his alarming journey. As an entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist, Anupam Mittal’s contributions accept larboard a abiding impact, and his adventure serves as an afflatus to those who aspire to accomplish a aberration in the business apple and association at large.

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