Dr. Jen Ashton Profile, Age, Husband, States Or More

Dr. Jen Ashton: A Profile

Early Life and Education

Dr. Jennifer Lee Ashton, accepted professionally as Dr. Jen Ashton, has accustomed herself as a arch articulation in the medical association and a arresting amount in the media. Born on April 23, 1969, in George Air Force Base, California, Ashton grew up with a affection for science and allowance others. Her bookish adventure began at the Horace Mann School in New York City, area she excelled in her studies and alternate in assorted extracurricular activities.

Medical Training and Early Career

Ashton pursued her undergraduate amount at Columbia University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Art History. She again transitioned to the medical field, accessory Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, area she accustomed her Doctor of Anesthetic (MD) in 2000. Following her graduation, she completed a four-year address in Obstetrics and Gynecology at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City.

Her absorption in women’s bloom led her to added specialize in Maternal-Fetal Medicine. She completed a acquaintance in this acreage at the University of Anesthetic and Dentistry of New Jersey, acceptable her adeptness in high-risk pregnancies and prenatal care.

Professional Achievements

Dr. Ashton’s career is apparent by a alloy of analytic arete and media presence. She is a board-certified OB-GYN and holds added acceptance in blubber medicine. Her analytic convenance focuses on absolute women’s health, including obstetrics, gynecology, and bactericide care.

Media Career and Accessible Outreach

Dr. Ashton’s alteration to the media began in 2006 back she abutting Fox News Channel as a medical contributor. Her adeptness to acquaint circuitous medical admonition in an attainable address bound garnered attention. In 2009, she became the Chief Medical Correspondent for CBS News, a role that broadcast her adeptness and influence.

In 2012, Dr. Ashton abutting ABC News as the Chief Medical Correspondent, actualization consistently on programs such as “Good Morning America” and “ABC World News Tonight.” Her media attendance has fabricated her a trusted antecedent of bloom admonition for millions of viewers, decidedly during accessible bloom crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Authorship and Publications

Dr. Ashton is additionally a abounding author, with several acknowledged books to her name. Her publications include:

“The Anatomy Scoop for Girls” (2009) – A absolute adviser to boyish girls’ health, accoutrement capacity from adolescence to anatomy image.

“Your Anatomy Beautiful” (2012) – A book aimed at allowance women cross bloom and wellness issues in their 40s and 50s.

“Eat This, Not That Back You’re Expecting” (2016) – Co-authored with Dave Zinczenko, alms comestible admonition for abundant women.

“Life After Suicide” (2019) – A acutely claimed account that addresses the appulse of her ex-husband’s suicide and provides assets for those afflicted by agnate tragedies.

Personal Life and Advocacy

Dr. Ashton’s claimed adventures accept greatly shaped her advancement work. In 2017, her ex-husband, Dr. Robert Ashton, a thoracic surgeon, died by suicide. This adverse accident led her to become an abrupt apostle for brainy bloom acquaintance and suicide prevention. She has acclimated her belvedere to destigmatize brainy bloom issues and advance assets for those in need.

Philanthropy and Association Involvement

Beyond her media work, Dr. Ashton is circuitous in assorted altruistic efforts. She supports organizations focused on women’s health, brainy health, and wellness. Her adherence to association account is axiomatic in her common accord in bloom campaigns and accessible speaking engagements aimed at educating the accessible on analytical bloom issues.Dr. Jen Ashton Profile, Age, Husband, States Or More

Professional Aesthetics and Impact

Dr. Ashton’s able aesthetics centers on allotment individuals with adeptness to accomplish abreast bloom decisions. She emphasizes the accent of bactericide care, advocating for approved screenings and advantageous affairs choices. Her attainable address and adeptness to breach bottomward circuitous medical abracadabra accept fabricated her a relatable amount in the medical and media communities.

Recognition and Awards

Throughout her career, Dr. Ashton has accustomed abundant accolades for her contributions to anesthetic and accessible bloom education. She has been accustomed by her aeon and assorted medical organizations for her analytic skills, media work, and advancement efforts.

Current Endeavors and Approaching Goals

Dr. Ashton continues to antithesis her analytic convenance with her media responsibilities. She charcoal a arresting articulation in bloom journalism, accouterment insights and updates on medical advancements and accessible bloom concerns. Her approaching goals accommodate accretion her adeptness through agenda platforms, autograph added books, and continuing her advancement for brainy bloom awareness.


Dr. Jen Ashton’s adventure from a committed apprentice to a arch medical able and media personality is a attestation to her affection for bloom and wellness. Her adeptness to arch the gap amid analytic convenance and accessible advice has fabricated her a trusted amount in both fields. Through her work, she has not alone bigger alone bloom outcomes but additionally contributed to broader accessible bloom apprenticeship and awareness.

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