Click Your Trends For Social Media News Today Recipes Delicious Chilli Paneer Recipe ( स्वादिष्ट चिली पनीर रेसिपी)

Delicious Chilli Paneer Recipe ( स्वादिष्ट चिली पनीर रेसिपी)

Delicious Chilli Paneer Recipe ( स्वादिष्ट चिली पनीर रेसिपी) post thumbnail image

 1.Delicious Chilli Paneer Recipe


Chilli Paneer is a accepted Indo-Chinese basin that combines the advantage of paneer (cottage cheese) with a ambrosial and aged sauce. This basin is a absolute alloy of textures and flavors, authoritative it a admired amid vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. In this 3500-word recipe, we’ll adviser you through the accomplish to adapt restaurant-quality chilli paneer at home.

1. Capacity

For the Chilli Paneer dish, you’ll charge the afterward ingredients:

For the Paneer Marinade:

  • 250g paneer (cottage cheese)
  • 2 tbsp cornflour
  • 1 tbsp advantageous abrade (maida)
  • 1/2 tsp red chili powder
  • 1/4 tsp atramentous pepper
  • Salt to taste
  • Water for the batter

For the Sauce:

  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1-inch ginger, minced
  • 2-3 blooming chilies, slit
  • 1 onion, cautiously chopped
  • 1 alarm pepper, cautiously chopped
  • 2 tbsp bounce onion greens, chopped
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp red chili sauce
  • 1 tbsp amazon ketchup
  • 1 tsp vinegar
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp atramentous pepper
  • Salt to taste

2. Preparing the Paneer

  • Cut the paneer into bite-sized cubes.
  • In a bowl, accomplish a concoction by bond cornflour, advantageous flour, red chili powder, atramentous pepper, salt, and water. The bendability should be blubbery abundant to covering the paneer pieces.
  • Gently covering the paneer cubes in the batter, ensuring they are well-covered.
  • Heat oil in a pan for frying and add the paneer cubes. Fry them until they about-face aureate brown. Abolish and abode them on a cardboard anhydrate to abolish antithesis oil.

3. Preparing the Chilli Paneer Booze

  • In the aforementioned pan, abolish antithesis oil, abrogation about 2 tablespoons.
  • Add minced garlic and ginger. Sauté until they about-face aromatic.
  • Add aperture blooming chilies, chopped onions, and alarm peppers. Sauté until they about-face hardly soft, application their crunch.
  • Now, add soy sauce, red chili sauce, amazon ketchup, vinegar, sugar, atramentous pepper, and salt. Activity well.
  • Let the booze simmer for a few account until it thickens. You can acclimatize the sauce’s bendability by abacus baptize if needed.
  • Taste the booze and acclimatize the condiment according to your preference. It should accept a antithesis of sweet, sour, and ambrosial flavors.

4. Frying the Paneer

  • Just afore serving, reheat the booze and add the absurd paneer cubes. Toss them acclaim to covering with the sauce. Be affable to abstain breaking the paneer pieces.
  • Sprinkle chopped bounce onion greens over the dish, and accord it a final activity to amalgamate all the ingredients.

5. Assembling and Confined

Your adorable bootleg chilli paneer is accessible to serve. To present it beautifully, chase these steps:

  • Transfer the chili paneer to a confined plate.
  • Garnish with added bounce onion greens and some sesame seeds for a beheld appeal.
  • Serve hot with aflame rice or absurd rice. You can additionally serve it as an appetizer.

6. Variations and Tips (300 words)

Chilli paneer is a able dish, and you can adapt it to your taste. Here are some variations and tips:

  • Dry vs. Gravy: Acclimatize the bulk of booze to accomplish it dry or accept added gravy. For a saucier version, access the quantities of soy sauce, chili sauce, and ketchup.
  • Vegetable Chilli Paneer: You can add added vegetables like broccoli, mushrooms, or babyish blah to accomplish it a vegetable chilli paneer.
  • Protein Substitutes: If you’re not a fan of paneer, you can acting it with tofu or alike vegetables like cauliflower or potatoes.
  • Adjust the Aroma Level: Control the aroma akin by capricious the bulk of blooming chilies and red chili sauce.



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Table of Contents

  1. Ingredients
  2. Preparing the Paneer
  3. Preparing the Chilli Paneer Sauce
  4. Frying the Paneer
  5. Assembling and Serving
  6. Variations and Tips
  7. Frequently Asked Questions

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